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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. Good Instigators OT episode with Peca where he talks Amerks. Was interesting to listen to hear the difference hearing him talk about Peterka/Krebs/Quinn (loves them and clearly expects long NHL careers) and Ruotsalainen (loves him and hopes he can adapt his game enough to be an NHL 4th liner) He’s another one who gives us reason to believe Rousek might be a dark horse to emerge next year.
  2. But there are those of us who view the Amerks first as a factory for building Sabres and we want that factory to have plenty of raw material to work with.
  3. I would trade up for Nemec or Gauthier, but probably not at the price that will be demanded.
  4. It absolutely does. If you simply add 3 Folignos to get to the floor, you have 15 forwards, one of which has to go to minors because of roster limits. You can’t send down the more expensive Foligno in favour of a Quinn because you would drop below the floor again. There is a workaround though. You could acquire a dead money IR contract to get you over the floor. If that contract is big enough, you could send down or waive or trade whoever you want and not have to worry about that move dropping you under the floor. That’s the biggest irony of this frustrating thread; People are saying the Sabres got Bishop so they don’t have to pay some more veterans. Getting him actually means they can.
  5. Did we know Andrew Copp played for Donnie on the USNDP team in 11/12 (Along with Hayden and Butcher?) No idea of the relationship, just thought it interesting given Don’s high degree of influence on last summer’s acquisitions. If we do any shopping at the big boy’s table, Copp’s physicality and 2-way play put him at the front of my list.
  6. I don’t want to give off a vibe that I know a ton about these guys, but from my superficial knowledge, I’m not a huge fan of Wheeler’s mock. Lekkerimaki seems like legit value at 9, but this team has invested high picks in Rosen, Poltapov, Kisakov, Quinn and Peterka in the past two years, and Skinner is going to be around for a while. There are going to be other players on the same tier who better fit. Nazar at 16 I like. good fit and value. He’s another mid-size forward with offence, but he can play centre. He seems to be more versatile than Lekkerimaki and can develop in multiple roles. He also seems a good match to the Sabres type. I have serious reservations about Firkus’ size and he seems like terrible fit given other players likely to be there, and especially with the other guys he projects us to take.
  7. Know very little about him, other than he was having a good year. Didn’t realize he was that big. Is he also known for his speed, or am I confusing that with Rousek and Konecny? Looks like we could have some prospects in Rochester after all.
  8. Scott Wheeler's new mock, based on what his hearing in the scouting community and what he knows about team tendencies. 9. Buffalo Sabres: Jonathan Lekkerimaki, RW, Djurgårdens IF My rank: No. 9 Of the trio of 5-foot-9/10 forwards projected to go in the No. 5-10 range, Lekkerimaki feels like the most likely to be selected third even after his star grew following his brilliant U18 worlds performance. The Sabres should take whichever remains at No. 9 and while I suspect they’re more likely to take the potential centre in Savoie* if he’s here (they’ve got plenty of talented wingers in their pool), I think they’re more likely to pounce on Lekkerimaki as the best player available (BPA) play, hoping that they can get one of the next-best centres (like a Frank Nazar or a Conor Geekie) with their next selection at No. 16. (*He had Savoie going a pick earlier to Detroit) 16. Buffalo Sabres (from Vegas): Frank Nazar, C, U.S. NTDP My rank: No. 11 If the Sabres take a winger at No. 9, look to them to take a centre here. I’ve gone with Nazar, who is not as beloved in the private sphere as he is publicly, but offers speed and playmaking that the Sabres can afford to wait for if he takes two or three years in college. This is also the range where centres Jiri Kulich and Noah Ostlund will start to creep toward the top of boards so they’d make sense here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sabres, with their strong pool and multiple high picks, took a swing on Lambert or Yurov here either (though Yurov is strictly a winger so the likelihood that they take him drops if they take a winger with the first pick). 28. Buffalo Sabres (from Florida): Jagger Firkus, RW, Moose Jaw Warriors My rank: No. 34 I didn’t think when I began this exercise, that I’d have the Sabres taking three forwards. I think it’s more likely they take two forwards and one defenceman. But with the way things played out here and the number of teams that I suspect will be eager to take defencemen, I actually really like the way things broke for the Sabres in this exercise. Lekkerimaki, Nazar and Firkus would be a substantial injection of skill into the organization; drafting all three would make for a potentially huge day for the organization’s future. Teams will tell you they try not to be influenced in their decision-making by the number of picks that they have, but the truth is that the first two do allow the Sabres to really go after a high-upside kid here and there may not be a bigger one left than the diminutive but uber-talented Firkus.
  9. I don't think he has that power. No NTC listed on capfriendly.
  10. That’s perfectly valid. One Foligno isn’t enough to get you over the floor. Multiple Folignos can, but if you pick up multiple guys like Foligno to be roster regulars, that means guys like Peterka or Quinn will be sitting out. You can’t have both. There are only so many roster spots available. Right now, the Sabres have 12 forwards and 5 defencemen who should be in the NHL. Personally, I would much rather watch JJ Peterka than a guy like Nick Foligno.
  11. One would think Quick should quietly be available given his pending UFA status, the Kings cap and development situation, and the fact they signed Petersen to a 3-year deal. Quick for the rights to Portillo?
  12. Gibson is not the “top 10 goalie worth multiple picks and prospects” that some make him out to be. And he is not the washed-up overpaid piece of excrement others seem to think. He’s a high-risk, high-reward, jaded 28-year-old talent who needs a fresh start. I have more faith in his talent than virtually all the other goalies on the market. The issue is his contract and his motivation. Personally, I’d rather pay him 6.4 for 5 years than Jack Campbell or Ville Husso $5 million over the same term. They key on Gibson is finding the sweet spot on the acquisition price. For me, something like Portillo and a 2nd seems to be ballpark.
  13. Your point on tiers is certainly correct. I see 4 viable UFA starters: Fleury, Husso, Campbell and Kuemper, with Holtby and maybe DeSmith as fallbacks. Your point on trades is partly right: but Allen, Varlamov, Murray, Georgiev and Talbot are currently backups and wouldn't send their teams in search of a new starter. I just see Colorado as the only team on there that both needs a real starter and is willing to pay big bucks for one (and they may just decide to platoon somebody with Francouz). Maybe New Jersey? Buffalo isn't going to give term. Chicago is going to be bad and should just sign a stopgap. Do Edmonton and Toronto really see any of the UFA options as the solution they need to shell out big bucks for? Plus they are so tight against the cap they probably are going to have to make trades instead.
  14. UFAs of note: Fleury, Kuemper, Griess, Jones, Holtby, Campbell, Halak, Desmith, Lankinen, Husso Others who may be available: Matt Murray, John Gibson, Simeon Varlamov, Alexander Georgiev, Robin Lehner, Peter Mrazek, Ilya Samsonov. Maybe Cam Talbot, and Jake Allen depending on what happens with Fleury and Price? Who are the teams shopping for starting goalies? Definitely Buffalo, Chicago, New Jersey, Toronto, Edmonton, Colorado. Probably some other teams might be looking for upgrades or shakeups, which will increase demand, but also displace some current starters. Colorado will get their pick, but Edmonton and Toronto don't have much cap space and the other 3 won't be the most desirable destinations for some. I guess I don't see it as much of a seller's market as you do. Of course we've all seen GMs make bad decisions.
  15. Evolving Hockey is usually very good at this stuff, but I'm with you; I just don't see it. Mostly it's just because they haven't earned it. But also from a supply and demand aspect: I know desperate teams tend to find ways to create space, but who are the teams that both want and have the cap space for a $6 million goalie? Colorado? New Jersey? Then you add the additional lens of thinking one of the available goalies is that guy?
  16. The Copp contract is the only one listed that isn’t an overpay. I can live with the Fleury, Husso and Subban deals because of term, our needs, and the market. Subban is probably available for cheaper. No interest in the other deals.
  17. Not really the point. It was supposed to be an illustration of how Bishop’s contract might become useful given the holes in the Sabres roster and how they might fill them. Fill in some other name for $3.5 after Campbell rejects them then. Most observers seem to expect Campbell to get $5 million X 5 years. I think giving a career backup an AAV that puts him in the top dozen goalies in the league is risky, despite his good numbers over the past 2 years. I think giving a 30 year old goalie who has played more than 31 games just once in his career and never won a playoff series a 5-year contract is foolish. i think there’s a chance Adams will overpay on salary if his scouts and his analytics department believe last year’s Campbell is for real. I strongly doubt he gives him term.
  18. Here’s another way of looking at this: If they fill out the roster by signing Olofsson for 6, Subban for 4, Hinostroza for 2 and Campbell for 5, they don’t need this to get over the floor. But if they sign Olofsson for 4.5, Subban for 3, Hinostroza for 1 and Campbell for 3.5, they would.
  19. I think there’s a nuance here that can’t be overlooked: what the current Sabres are trying to build. A band of brothers who care, who fully embrace each other and the community, who leave everything they have out on the ice. It’s what gets us excited about Cozens and Krebs; it’s why we instantly fell for Tuch. No one epitomizes that better than Ryan Miller did. Celebrating who he was and how he handled himself in the presence of this new chapter can’t be anything other than a good thing.
  20. At what point was that? I struggle to see a window where Orr, Lafleur or Gretzky wasnt ahead of him. Then add Esposito, Dionne, Trottier, Bossy, Clarke, Potvin… Even with my 10-year-old favourite player of all-time glasses on, I don’t see it. Not familiar with the SI story, but I bet it’s context is only a moment, one that probably correlates quite well to Miller’s Olympic season.
  21. Glad the Rangers are out. Hope the torch is passed. Respect the ***** out of Tampa's effort and ability, but they carry themselves like dirty, entitled scumbags. Also, 5 years ago Colorado was dead last in the NHL, coming off one of the worst seasons of all time. Hope.
  22. Here’s an interesting exercise, hardly scientific, but I can use this shorthand and everyone on here and probably around the league knows what I’m talking about. “The French Connection-era Sabres” ”The Scotty Bowman-era Sabres” ”The Lafontaine/Mogilny-era Sabres” ”The Hasek-era Sabres” ”The Ryan Miller-era Sabres” “The Tank-era Sabres” People would get the Briere/Drury era Sabres, but you’re really talking about 2 years. Or the May/Ray/Barnaby era Sabres, where the namesake players weren’t good. Or the Eichel-era Sabres, which we’d all rather forget.
  23. I don’t expect PK Subban to be the same player he was in 2015. I also don’t expect him to the same person as a 33-year-old depth defenceman as he was at 25 chasing Norris trophies in the white hot spotlight of Montreal. I do think he seems like a good human being who’s lived through experiences that should make him an invaluable mentor to Power and Dahlin and our other young D. And I do think he’s still a good enough player to give us 18 minutes a night in a 4/5 role, an upgrade to Pysyk who costs us nothing but money. If PK is who I think he is, I can see a lot of sense to this move.
  24. It might not have seemed like it, but I wasn’t actually disagreeing with you. You’re spot on about meh. Some are reading way too much into this deal. It doesn’t mean our goal is to cheap out or that we were desperate to reach the floor. This is spending $700,000 to gain a 7th round pick and some cap flexibility. What I mean by “insurance policy” is that it’s not “the plan”, it’s a contingency. It’s the equivalent of signing Brandon Davidson: nice to have if needed I guess, but not something you are planning to bank on.
  25. Perreault in his prime was generally acknowledged around the league as one of the best forwards in the game, maybe not the best, but certainly in the conversation - a franchise centre. Miller in his prime was generally acknowledged around the league as one of the best stoppers in the game, maybe not the best, but certainly in the conversation - a franchise goalie. Perreault was captain, but was a bit of reluctant leader, he more or less had it foisted on him due to talent and tenure. As a goalie, Miller could never be captain, but was clearly a leader, probably the leader post-Drury/Briere. Perreault leads all skaters in games played. Miller leads all goalies in games played. Perreault was dutiful out in the community and carried himself properly, but never was a vocal “torch carrier” or community service icon for the Sabres. Miller spearheaded notable charity efforts in Buffalo and speaks glowingly of it at every opportunity. Perreault requested a trade but never got traded. Miller literally cried when he got traded. Each was the centrepiece of some of the very best Sabre teams of all-time but fell short of the ultimate prize. Each shined and was a source of pride to Buffalo in international competition. You may be on to something here Weave. Moreso than many would like to admit.
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