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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. Not sure why Montreal would be a more attractive situation
  2. It wasn’t to my mind, at least not in the way you’ve broken it down, but this is a great explanation of your thought process and a good reminder to me that not everyone frames their concept of line-up building the same way. Thank you.
  3. So minutes on the PK are less meaningful, or shouldn’t count as part of a player’s value?
  4. I find this strange. What better measure do we have of how useful a coach feels a player is than the amount he utilizes him?
  5. Neither can I. There seems to be a lot of people reading things into my posts that I didn't mean to suggest, so I guess that's on me for not communicating clearly enough. To clarify, I think Olofsson is behind Okposo in the ice-time pecking order, but is perfectly capable of playing well enough to pass him, even if Okposo maintains his current level of play. I think that is true of many Sabres. Therefore, I see Okposo as a signpost player: the more players who surpass him this season, the better the season will be.
  6. You think Olofsson is clearly established in the lineup pecking order as a top 6 player ahead of Okposo and is in no danger of losing that slot, regardless of whether he has another stretch like he did in the middle of last season? If so, I guess we disagree.
  7. Three-point night and praise as one of the better players in Czechia's upset of the US yesterday. Seth Appert was on with Marty and Duffer this week and dropped offhand that Kulich might be an option for the Amerks this year. So we know it is under consideration.
  8. Objectively, the Sabres goaltending could get ugly.
  9. That's what you took from my post about Kyle Okposo, that I think Victor Olofsson is a kid? I don't and he's obviously not. Olofsson has played less than 200 NHL games and I think he's still got things to prove, including that he's clearly a better hockey player than Okposo, who he trailed by a 1:24 minutes a game in ice time last year.
  10. Haven’t been watching, but it looks like Rosen is leading Swedish forwards in goals and +/- and has 4 points in 5 games, 1 behind the leaders? Ahead of Lekkerimaki and Ohgren? Are the stats misleading?
  11. I don't see Kyle duplicating last year's numbers at 34. But I don't expect much of a drop-off in his 5-on-5 play. He will play hard and will play smart and he will find a way to be effective. Some people see the need to add a veteran who the kids will have to leap over in order to earn their place. I see Okposo as that guy. To me, he opens the season as the #4 forward behind Skinner, Thompson and Tuch. Girgensons or Hinostroza are the stick: They're here to make sure Krebs, Cozens, Quinn, Peterka, Asplund, Olofsson and Mittelstadt play hard or they sit. Okposo is the carrot. He is here to make sure they play well. You want PP time? Outplay Kyle. PK time? Outplay Kyle. 15 minutes a game? Outplay Kyle. Crunch time ice time? You guessed it. If enough of them measure up, we'll have a good team.
  12. Does it? What is “enough?” Are you going to tell me Kane, Toews, Sharp, Byfuglien, Seabrook, Keith, Ladd, Bolland and Hjalmarsson’s development was crushed because Robert Lang, Brent Sopel Marty Lapointe and Yanic Perreault were all they had to lean on in 2008? https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0000352008.html The Hawks got 88 points that year. A case could be made that the Sabres are at a very similar point in their development, if the kids are actually good. Kevyn Adams should have some insight, he was that team’s Riley Sheahan. Good environments matter, but not as much as good players. And the environment here is good. Let’s see how good the players are. (I actually agree with the idea we could use another, I just disagree that we require it.)
  13. To put it another way, good players develop on ***** teams all the time. Look at Seider and Raymond, just up the street.
  14. Absolutely. If you follow the thread back to the original post I responded to, it was that Quinn Peterka and Krebs should be in the minors because having too many rookies hurts development. My point - it doesn’t have to - still stands.
  15. None of this, in and of itself is faulty logic. To me, it’s pretty simple: name him captain fully intending to keep him at the deadline and re-sign him in the summer, or you sign him to a 1-year extension now. I don’t think Kyle fits the mercenary playing for himself not the team role. You know what you have, and his commitment to your program. You how his value to the rebuild is greater than the return at the deadline. The issue of him wearing the C only arises when his legs fail him. Like every captain before him, you cross that bridge when it comes.
  16. Don’t know that there’s much of it on Sabrespace, but there was definitely some post-free agency. And overall, league-wide, there is a definite perception that the vast majority of non-playoff teams in the east got better while the Sabres did not because they added names people recognize. I’m more responding to (and disagreeing with) that than any kind of all-or-nothing on the Adams plan.
  17. I’d love to have added Copp. But the question was which group would you rather have? To my mind, there’s little doubt the Sabres group is better moving forward and under the cap. It’s possible it may even be better this year. I’d be surprised if Quinn is better than Copp, but: Husso and Comrie have virtually the same resume. Lyubushkin is Chairot without the contract. It’s just a question of when Peterka (20) passes Perron (34) in virtually the same role. And Power is probably better than Maatta already. I don’t buy the idea the Sabres are standing still while everyone else around them is getting better.
  18. This team had Kordic, Roy, Lemieux, Richer, McPhee, Chelios, Skrudland, Kurvers, Svoboda, Lalor, Maley and Dahlin as 1st and 2nd year players. Won the Stanley Cup. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0000451986.html
  19. All three of those players are dominant, point-per-game AHLers already. I strongly disagree they are better off getting 18 minutes a night feasting on Nico Daws, Chase DeLeo and Tyler Wotherspoon, than they would be getting 14 against Killorn, Sergachev and Vasilevskiy. Challenging them is how you make them better.
  20. I find it strange that some people seem to think the Sabres still need to add because they haven't added any well-established vets. They are adding Power, Quinn, Peterka, Comrie and Lyubushkin. Given the choice, would you have really preferred Chairot, Copp, Perron, Husso, and Maatta?
  21. After 2 years of mildly disappointing play, a scary, life-altering injury, and 2 subsequent years where Ralph Krueger tried to use him as the NHL’s most overpaid 4th-line grinder, Kyle Okposo finally emerged in the 6th season of a 7-year contract as a key member of a reasonably likeable Buffalo Sabres team. Not only did the man teammates called “Dad” become an articulate ambassador for the beginnings of the reforging of a renewed connection with a jaded Buffalo fanbase, and a clear leader for the most unified dressing room the Sabres had shown in years, he also reignited his offence with his best numbers in six years. Skating in all situations for an average of 16:47 a night, Okposo finished 29th among all NHL right wings in points, and 24th in goals. https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=93992 As the franchise drops hints he might be on the verge of being named captain, Okposo enters the last year of his contract facing questions about whether he can repeat his renaissance on and off the ice and be a glue guy for a team on the rise. What do you expect from him this year? (Last year’s takes here):
  22. What it means is a lot of teams were as excited about getting their Gaucher or their Pickering as the Sabres were about Kulich. More evidence of how its silly to get upset when a team goes off the board from the consensus list. Nobody knows who the best player available is. Everyone is basing their choice through different criteria, different information and different filters.
  23. I had no idea there was symbolism there beyond what appeared to me as run-of-the-mill “salute”. Symbols are indeed powerful. Up here, Canada Day was interesting this summer after two consecutive years of low-key or non-celebration. One would think people would have been embracing an opportunity to fly the maple leaf. Instead, I heard reluctance from several people. During the pandemic, the most common place to see a flag flying was off the back of a truck belonging to a horn-honking, often obnoxious person disrupting people’s commutes to oppose pandemic-related mandates. People who normally may have been flying the flag, did not want to be confused with that movement.
  24. This is what I always thought gets missed in all those “size” debates that break out from time to time. Range is a thing, and reach can be a very effective tool in creating that.
  25. I still like the concept of a Quinn Peterka Krebs line, but when I watched in the AHL, I didn’t think there were enough pucks to go around; they all like to carry it, they all like to go get it. Peterka Quinn was good and Peterka Krebs was solid, but I think they need an off-puck thinker as the third. Krebs and Olofsson, or Krebs and Thompson with a structure guy, that might work. The Krebs/Briere thing doesn’t work for me because Peyton is rarely thinking shoot, while Danny attacked the net like a shark. Savoie is more the Briere type. (Savoie/Krebs might be something to look forward to).
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