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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. I’m pretty sure my first post was something like “It’s a gamble, but I take that bet” so I don’t think you and I are too far apart on this. But I haven’t really noticed too many people finding it absurd to 2nd-guess the deal? More like “it’s not nearly as absurd as it appears on the surface.” The risk is mitigated early by the cheap 1/3 buyout, and later on by the fact that it’s only $4 million, rather than some huge percentage of the cap. But I think a big part of the reaction is what we saw in the expectations thread: most people who watch the Sabres aren’t projecting Mattias Samuelsson to be a top 4 shutdown defenceman, they believe that is what he is already. And it’s not particularly hard to imagine him at least staying there.
  2. I haven’t run the numbers, but the idea of locking up a second-pairing defenceman from the time he’s 23 until he’s 30 makes as much sense to me as locking up a 1st line forward under the same circumstances. Players matching that description rarely flame out and are always in demand around the league. The idea of paying $4 million for that player is a no-brainer. So the only real question from the Sabres side is whether or not Mattias actually is or will be a $4 million player over the duration of that contract. Do you believe that what we saw last year was real? If so, good contract. *** This is sorta the Tage Thompson deal rationale all over again. If a Cozens deal is cooking as well, it is clear the Sabres have chosen to go all-in early on talent you believe in as a way to get ahead the salary cap. Sort of the same philosophy they have on roster development. I wonder what the analytics team has learned from crunching the numbers.
  3. Here’s another long-term thought: You know Power and Dahlin will likely be pricey. Does this effectively put a drag on salaries for our bottom four over the next few years, then enable us to sign a better 4D in the back half of the deal, because our 3D is relatively cheap?
  4. This is an underrated reason for wanting to keep Jokiharju with Power. Bryson/Joker just seems like a bad idea.
  5. You can't preach what the Sabres have been preaching without putting your money where your mouth is and rewarding the people who exemplify it. Cozens next?
  6. You can't preach what the Sabres have been preaching without putting your money where your mouth is and rewarding the people who exemplify it.
  7. Adams' plan continues to manifest: identifying and locking up the "right" players is clearly part of it. Related — heard interviews recently where both Dahlin and Tuch, unprompted, singled out Mule as a great player people don't know about yet; the players know.
  8. We're sports fans. Ultimately we're going to judge a coach by wins and press conferences. He eventually might prove himself to be not the right coach. But in terms of hockey knowledge, experience, preparation,communication, teaching and leadership — you know, coaching — there is no doubt he's a good coach.
  9. Stunned. Never saw that one coming. Looks like they regard him as highly as we do. It's a gamble, but I take that bet. My god, is that deal going to look good when he is the Ryan McDonough of our contending teams.
  10. Little surprising given he has only coached a year on his current contract. Other than that, like the message it sends. Like the man, like the job he’s done.
  11. Highly unlikely we would have been last year. I’m not sure Hasek could have bridged the necessary 25-point gap. Perhaps we should let this season play out before deciding whether overpaying for a Campbell or a Husso or a Vanecek instead of Comrie was actually a deal-breaker? Intentionally or not, the bold always comes across as disingenuous, like there was obviously a Vezina winning Ryan Miller there for the taking, if only we were willing to pay the price.
  12. Why is it sad if it's the truth?
  13. Power can't regress, unless you define that as he's going to give us less than Butcher or Pysyk or whoever it is he's replacing. not sure what you've seen that sours you on him, so that's an odd one. I expect Skinner to likely regress as well to 50ish points — the track record is there — and I'd be surprised if Okposo doesn't. Thompson is a different story for me, but entirely fair. But you are predicting team-wide regression: you don't think the team is improved elsewhere in the lineup to compensate, even if you;re right about the 3 above?
  14. It’s nowhere near that simple. Let’s say a “good” #6 dman is worth “55 internet points” Let’s say the Sabres rated Bryson “58” over the course of last season and “52” during training camp. Let’s say they ranked Pilut a 55 during camp. It’s no sure thing that when the puck drops Pilut is going to be better. Alternatively, you are going to use your #8 dman over the course of the year. You waive Bryson to play Pilut and all of a sudden that #8 is Chase Priskie, a training camp 49 and a career 44. Is Pilut so much better than Bryson you are going to throw away your depth? Pilut will get his chance.
  15. I think the most likely scenario is that Comrie is adequate but not “good” and the Sabres eventually make the switch in a bid to jumpstart their season and get a real look at what they have in UPL. I also would not be surprised if at least one of these things will happen within the first 2 months to accelerate the process: Anderson gets hurt, UPL is outstanding in Rochester, or Comrie crumbles under the weight of his opportunity. The switch might be good bad or indifferent depending on the circumstances. I just don’t think Comrie will be good enough or UPL bad enough to prevent it from happening. Whether UPL is good enough to hang on to the crease once he gets it is another story. If pressed, I guess I find it easier to picture him as a “starter” than I do Comrie, but not in any substantive way.
  16. Nope, not gonna. I've foreseen it and it's a hill I've decided to die on. 😜
  17. One of the reasons I think Krebs and Mittelstadt are where they are is in order to give the PP another distribution focal point. And I think @LGR4GM would probably agree there are worse things to do than giving Dahlin and Power a big share of the playmaking responsibility. I thought the PP numbers on the back half of the season were interesting: Krebs was 2nd and Mitts 4th in PP points, despite only combining for 1 goal. The other 3 players in the top 5 were Dahlin, VO and Okposo - only 2 of the top 5 were on the current PP1. KO and VO combined for 11 of our 24 PP goals.
  18. I think Krebs has a chance to pass his way to a permanent spot there, or to shoot his way off the spot. I think Okposo is the one who will be replaced eventually, although Skinner is the one who probably should be.
  19. What is really intriguing is that Power and VO are legit PP1 talents on any team, and the guys around them aren't overmatched. Having a viable PP2 - particularly one that loads up the opposite side - is a weapon not many have.
  20. I think it’s inevitable that UPL becomes the starter. The only real questions for me is under what circumstances (injury, poor play by one or both of the others, or his own good play), and whether we are still within striking distance when it happens. I disagree with the notion other teams in the division are in better shape. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Detroit all have as many questions as we do and Florida’s duo is no sure thing either. Now someone will emerge from the pack as better than we think, but I think it’s hard to say who.
  21. I think Krebs Olofsson Cozens showed the kind of chemistry down the stretch that you’d want to keep rolling with. Power is and will be better than fans think. They really are mirror images, aren’t they? Really curious to see how Mitts and Krebs function as set-up men. Could be pivotal to their futures. Hot take: Quinn can better than anyone currently ahead of him in the playmaker, bumper and down-low roles. If either PP stalls, he will be the first one injected.
  22. Not necessarily, but sure. I basically listed all my regular SAbres info stops that aren’t already on the page.
  23. A coach’s lines are never firmly set, but the groups he’s been running with for the past week are going to be a base and will be given a chance to gel. Hino will be subbed in for any injured winger, Krebs shifted for any injured centre. I liked Cozens Krebs Hino as a line last year, I expect Cozens Krebs Peterka to be better this year, once JJ gets settled. Cozens’ growth is going to elevate it on its own and they have the speed to embarrass people. Your perception should change once you realize they are essentially our weakest line and will usually be out there against the opponents weakest players.
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