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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. I am curious as to what his reasons actually are. Im skeptical it’s either of the above: those are factors for veteran free agents, not prospects who will be almost certainly be doing a lengthy apprenticeship in the minors. It’s hard to say what any team will be like in those areas when he gets his opportunity. Most decisions of this nature come down to money, opportunity, work environment and or family/lifestyle issues. I think opportunity could very much play into things: this organization has 2 others in the “heir apparent” role. It might make sense to find an organization with a gaping hole in the depth chart under “potential starter 20-25”. The Sabres and the city of Buffalo have certainly improved their reputation, but they haven’t erased all stigma. I could be wrong, but Portillo strikes me as someone who is coming from a position of privilege. Money in terms of salary shouldn’t be an issue - all ELCs are the same - but I’m curious as to whether there are business opportunities off the ice that play into it. We know he’s an MBA student already involved in his own venture. Maybe he wants to be in a place better situated to chase his post-hockey career. He might see a better fit for himself in a place like Toronto - clearer path to the NHL crease, “world-class” city, prestigious franchise, plenty of off-ice business opportunities. I don’t have a clue, really. Guess we will learn when he makes his decision.
  2. Canuck fans love Boudreau and hate Aquilini, the owner. It’s less about Bruce’s job performance and more about his personality and how badly the team has been managed for a decade. Lots of frustration over the team’s unwillingness to blow things up entirely.
  3. Did anyone else catch Adams on GR yesterday? He didn’t come right out and say Portillo wasn’t signing, but he might has well have. I mean it’s no surprise, but it was the most transparent that I’ve ever heard him on that subject. Said they believe he’s a legitimate NHL prospect and pretty much acknowledged he’s had trade discussions with other teams. On the flip side, it’s also pretty clear he expects to sign Levi as soon as his college season is done.
  4. Completely agree with this. The only thing that might have changed are people’s expectations.
  5. Here’s something that’s easy to overlook with Casey: Despite the fact he is now 24 and has been in the organization for 6 years, he’s played just 316 games at a level above high school hockey. All but 77 of them were in the NHL. Dylan Cozens, by comparison, has played 392. JJ Peterka, at 20, has played 198. Mitts was a 1-man show in high school who never really had to learn how to play a team game until he arrived in the NHL. Jason Botterill certainly didn’t do him any favours putting a woefully unprepared kid into the show and asking him to play 2C. Properly handled, he would have played 2 years of college, 2 in Rochester, and would be partway through his 3rd NHL season right now. He certainly seems to be a Holzinger/Plante level player at this point and I suspect that’s what he will always be. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if he’s one of those guys who suddenly punches 20 points above his level one year in the right circumstances, well past the time when anyone expects it.
  6. Did they assign him to Rochester? I never saw that they did. Pretty sure they’ve mutually decided he should sit tight until they see what can be worked out and that both parties are working together on this. He’s not going to agree to a termination until he knows he’s got a place to land. Rochester only becomes an option if he can’t find one.
  7. Agreed. I think given they are icing 4 rookies on a regular basis, and 16 players with less than 270 NHL games played, the immaturity is understandable. The way they are going to mature, to get better, is to play.
  8. Aesthetics + post-draft hype + "the Sabres need more grit" mean some people will never be happy with MItts as a 3rd line player, IMO. What is more interesting to me is whether he can change the minds of those who a month ago said the perceived him to be "1 flashy outing followed by 5 games of nothing" I think most unbiased observers would agree he has been playing pretty well lately. He has points in 9 of his past 18 games for 14 total. Over that period he sports a 54% Corsi and is -1. All but one of his points are at even strength. When does that stop being a good stretch and start to become who he is?
  9. Just reading the thread for the first time. Since nobody else seemed to notice during the game: fantastic 60-minute (and 12 second effort) by the Sabres. They came hard and didn't let up despite a lot of frustration. They fought through the clutch-and-grab of a big physical shutdown team. They came from behind. They dominated territorially and beat a team they have to beat in the playoff race. Highly entertaining hockey. Extremely high level of compete. Fitting result. They've done it before this year. They might do it again. i like this group.
  10. Can anyone recall anyone from coaching or management questioning Eichel in this fashion ever during his Buffalo stint?
  11. Sabres score only 3, still win? Hmm… If UPL finishes the year 25/12/4 is everyone crossing “starting goalie” off the summer shopping list? He’s pacing that way. Ryan Miller makes me proud to be a Sabre fan.
  12. Relative to the standard set by looking at what numbers have been retired around the NHL, it is a bar he clears with ease. The Sabres are hardly unusual. https://hockeyquestion.com/what-hockey-numbers-are-retired-nhl/#St_Louis_Blues_Retired_Numbers This discussion should not be in this thread.
  13. It’s simply about baggage preventing one from enjoying things that should be enjoyed. There’s a whole continuum of experience and I respect everyone’s right to choose what makes them happy along that arc. Choosing to be unhappy with a 14-3 season because your team isn’t beating teams decisively enough is a wasted opportunity in my opinion.
  14. My point was more "be careful what you wish for."
  15. Like Kyle Okposo and Josh Gorges?
  16. Sabres will be criticized for the response, no matter what it is. It was a decade ago people, and has nothing to do with the success or lack thereof of the current team, no matter how much you want it to.
  17. Don’t disagree with your point that they need to be better in those situations. It should be said that the Hawks had 10 3rd period shots despite score effects and both goals were wrist shots from the blue line. They didn’t give up a ton. Nine times out of 10 they win that game despite the way playing exactly the same way. The issue is leaving the door open for that 10 per cent chance when they could have closed it.
  18. Good news. I suspected his contract would deter the teams that could have used him. Wonder if he will actually be sent down. I bet Adams will let him have some say in what happens next, in order to “do right” by the player.
  19. This will continue for some sources even after the team is successful. I would say the presence of Dahlin and Thompson and more offensive talent on the ice, and the approach of Granato and Adams off it has already moved it away from that perception in the eyes of many players and agents.
  20. Not telling you or anyone how to be a fan, and apologies if it was taken that way. We all make decisions on how we wish to interpret the data we receive. I find people’s tendency to move the goalposts away from things that can be interpreted as positive to be frustrating.
  21. I have been a Sabres fan since the mid-70s and a Bills fan since the early '80s. I have been surrounded by Vancouver Canuck fans for most of my life. The Buffalo experience is not as unique as many living it think it is.
  22. Kinda goes against the point of sport in my opinion: the games are entertaining because they aren't predictable. The fun should be fuelled by the tension, the joy by the victory. 14 and 3 should make people happy The fact that it doesn't for so many has had me reconsidering the amount of time I spend around here.
  23. I thought my post was very clearly in the context of this season.
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