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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. I’ve never pretended to have inside info. It was just a flip comment about how maybe the Sabres aren’t as worried about formally announcing the deal as we are. And about how entitled we’ve become about knowing about this stuff in real time. Would you be at all surprised to learn that he accepted the offer this morning, and will be flying out tomorrow to formally sign it and join the team, and the PR staff decided to hold off on the announcement until then? It is a day off, the team will be back in Buffalo, and they do have something a little more important going on.
  2. He told the Sabres he was signing at around 9 or 10 this morning, Pacific time. The Sabres just haven't told you yet.
  3. Agree 100 % on the hesitancy to shoot. But if there’s one thing You can’t help but notice about Power is his ability to hang on to the puck and keeping moving into space until a lane opens up for him. He rarely makes a mis-step with the puck on his stick. Id say at least half of the time we’re yelling at him to shoot as the “best” option, he’s decided that it’s not a “good” option and he’s going to wait a little longer to try and make a better option materialize. Part of the reason he rejects the shot is his lack of faith in his shot and part of it is him not seeing the net-front presence needed for tips, rebounds or deflections. He’s always looking for the best play rather than a great play, or a simple play; it’s the beauty of his game.
  4. Didn’t someone clarify earlier that given his status as a 4th-year player, he doesn’t need to play to burn a year, all he has to do is sign?
  5. Jost is a useful bottom-sixer: he works hard, is versatile and reasonably responsible, and has more skill than most bottom-sixers. I wonder if he is strong enough in any specialty areas to keep around once Quinn, Krebs and Peterka fully come in to their own? He’s kind of a Jack of all trades, master of none. Given the high skill level they Sabres have up front, and pushing from the farm, they may prefer a more one-dimensional player with grit, or faceoff or PK, or shutdown ability on the 4th line. He seems to have lost his spot on the PK. His versatility makes him a perfect fit to me as next year’s 13th forward, but he could go the way of Hinostroza. I’d offer him a one-year deal for no more than he makes now, or 2 years at a pay cut, and see what happens. I like him, and he seems like a good guy, just not real sure he will have a role beyond next year.
  6. Rookie Krebs pictured himself as an offensive playmaker and played that way. 2nd-year Krebs bought into the argument that if he wanted to be an important part of this team he would have to contribute in other ways. 3rd and 4th year Krebs will show whether he can grow one or both elements of his game at the NHL level and contribute more than he does now. Like most players, we’ll have a good idea what he is after 200-300 games.
  7. Rookie Rasmus Dahlin 5-on-5: 59.6% Corsi, 57.4% OZ starts, 21 points, -13, ES ice time 18:09 Rookie Owen Power 5-on-5: 52.2% Corsi, 56.3% OZ starts, 24 points, +11, ES ice time 20:42
  8. Sabres record scoring 3 or less without Levi: 5/27/2 Sabres record scoring 3 or less with Levi: 2/1/0
  9. That's what I was thinking with "offers"
  10. He met with them yesterday, an offer (more likely offers) were made, he gets a night to sleep on it and will make a decision today. Not unusual for someone considering a new job. Not sure how any defenceman watching last night would not have seen a world of opportunity hockey-wise. Maybe life-wise there are other considerations to weigh.
  11. Because he is 4 years removed from his draft year. Not a rule by any means, but most players that make it, make the jump 3-5 years after being picked. I sometimes wonder if the same people who thought Mitts was bust because he hadn't established himself 4 years after being drafted are also saying there is no way Johnson can be ready for the NHL 4 years after being drafted.
  12. Actually, it was me, the same person who started this thread. I had been reading a lot of Mittelstadt bashing in various threads at the time and wanted to have a discussion as to see what the board in general thought about the topic. Probably shouldn't be (because the internet) but I remain surprised by how many people interpreted a thread that asked a question as a thread that stated Casey was bad.
  13. Adams told the season ticket holders (hope I'm remembering our insiders correctly) that Johnson will be an NHL player and that the ball is in his court and he has a decision to make, I assume he will make it eventually.
  14. Why do you ignore the fact that the games played situation is due to the player being healthy scratched? The bold corrects the error and compares apples to apples in their first pro seasons If you want to say "the Krueger effect" handwaves Casey's struggles in year 2, I say fair comment. If you want to say the stats prove Casey was "vastly superior" over their NHL starts, I'm not seeing it in the numbers, and I didn't see it watching them play either.
  15. You talking about the same Casey Mittelstadt who went from 25 points in his first season to 9 and a demotion to the minor leagues in his 2nd? Krebs points per game may have dropped from his 1st season to his 2nd, but his game has not. His actual points, his +/- and his fancystats improved this year while his role, position and responsibilities got a lot tougher. He’s a better, more trustworthy hockey player than he was a year ago. I don’t have a strong opinion as to which player will have a better career; certainly Casey has hit a stage over the past 40 games that Peyton is yet to approach and may never will, so Casey is in the lead. But the idea that Mitts was a vastly superior player at the same stage is odd to me. It’s certainly not something that is proven out by a better point per game rate. They were/are both talented young hockey players finding their way, seeing some bumps and trying to carve out a role. I see nothing to suggest Krebs can’t make similar progress over his 2nd 120 NHL games as to what Mittelstadt did in his.
  16. You must be very selective in your definition of this. How do you define “pressure to perform” and “wilted”? Seems weird to me. Are you saying the only games they had pressure are the ones they lost in mid-March? And that when they lost a tight game in that stretch, like the back-to-back 3-2 Stuart Skinner goalied and Fasching kick-in games, that they wilted? I do think the team wilted at times during that stretch - most notably the Dallas and Philly games. I think they also lost a few heartbreakers and got undone by some horrendous goaltending. But they also had games like when they went into Washington and hosted the Islanders in January while hunting them down in the playoff race and won nailbiters. Or how about sweeping the Florida trip then coming home and kicking Washington’s ass one fine February weekend? The Sabres were bottom 5 in the league In late November. You going to tell me the 40 games they used to climb back into the playoff picture they had no pressure, or they wilted? You going to tell me the past 8 games they had no pressure, or they wilted? Harsh.
  17. I think statistically they were in pretty similar places at the same juncture of their careers. I think eye-test wise Mitts was creating more offensively in his D4 season, but that’s largely because of how Donnie used him post-Ralph compared to how he uses Krebs right now. I also think eye-test wise Krebs is far more advanced as a puckhound and in his defensive reads than Mitts was two years ago. And I look at how far Mitts has come since in those areas. SDS kinda used Krebs role between Girgs and KO to dismiss Krebs, when the fact of the matter is that it’s a plus. Krebs is getting 15 minutes a night in a primarily defensive role. My take on Krebs is that his game is coming along nicely and I won’t be surprised to see him become a pace-pushing, 2-way, middle-6 forward. Kinda like we’ve seen from Mitts.
  18. Because there is no chance he can be better than Boosh or Stillman?
  19. On a more serious note and because this is the Mitts thread: Krebs D+4 season 8/17/25, D+4 career 131 GP 15/33/48 Mitts D+4 season 10/12/22, D+4 career 155 GP 27/34/61
  20. Short answer is yes. Whatever VO’s flaws, finishers always have value.
  21. Your swift and enduring antipathy for Krebs is one of the more unexpected quirks of this board.
  22. Looking increasingly likely the Sabres will be picking 13th pre-lottery. Theoretically, they could still drop to 9th, but 1 win in our last 4 guarantees no higher than 12th and we’d have to lose the other 3 and Ottawa would have to win both of theirs for us to finish 12th. In the other direction, if we win out and everyone we’re chasing loses, we could pick as low as 19th. But we are 3 points back of Nashville for the 14th slot and 5 or 6 back of the others, so movement in that direction is not likely either.
  23. I’m mostly with you on the AHL issue, but I feel you’re missing a crucial element here: the AHL isn’t crucial to development, but reps are beneficial to growth, particularly game reps. Players minds and bodies mature when they are tested through competition far more than just through time. Playing first line minutes against the highest level of competition they’ve ever faced in games that matter is more beneficial than working out in the gym or watching from the stands.
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