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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Orwell was a considerable intellect. I have opinions on Rand. I say still in that any situation is always in flux. Red China and Soviet Russia also had forces that were capable of restricting freedom, organized crime for one, rural poverty another. So again, the state is not the ONLY force capable of restricting freedom, and your freedom is not exclusively measured against hinderance by the State.
  2. I'm not sure the 3 fictional characters help make your point, but the last two do cause me to rethink my statement. There is a point in totalitarianism where the state becomes so leviathan-like that it can be the only thing capable of restricting your freedom, because all other power sources have been vanquished. Fortunately, we are no where near that point, there are still plenty of non-government power sources in this country capable of and active in restricting the freedom of the poor, of women, of the working class, of minorities, of the disabled, of the mentally ill, of the gender , of homosexuals, etc. In this country, if the State is the only entity capable of restricting your freedom, you're doing pretty well.
  3. Yes, instead of needing a degree to get to the middle class, now you need a degree to stay out of poverty.
  4. Based on the article, we're no where near that wall. College grads are making double and the disparity is increasing.
  5. Would have been a goal if they'd have won the draw.
  6. The price for my Season Tickets did not increase this year, am I supposed to thank somebody? EDIT: Turns out they have gone up, from $27 to $28. Now I have to figure out why my Brother collected $28/ticket from me for last year...
  7. But that was back when blue was red. Before 1964, and the forcible removal of segregationists from the Democratic Party.
  8. I'm thinking putting Johnson in Downtown Baltimore and Hood in Bowie might solve a couple problems.
  9. I'm sorry, the Federal Government makes you nervous? We'll move Ft. Hood to Iowa and The Johnson Space Center to New York. Does that help ease your worries?
  10. Maryland also has the most per capita millionaires. It's a disaster that the economic opportunity in that state has become so out of balance.
  11. Didn't have a chance to read through everything. Are we arguing about the difference between "if I want to make money" (profit) and raising prices (revenue) yet?
  12. Her announcement was exactly the kind of leadership that this case needed. I hope justice is served exactly as the law and the facts prescribe and not a shade lighter or darker. More importantly, I wonder if the charges here and in Charleston will help drive systemic changes in law and policing in low income urban areas. America may be willing to put her head in the sand as an endless stream of non-violent offenders are imprisoned and too often brutalized by a system so faulty it can provide neither peace nor justice, but I doubt we will sit so idly by as a stream of officers sworn to serve and protect are tried for murder.
  13. Mission Accomplished. God Speed Tank Commander II.
  14. That's what makes it so private and amazing.
  15. That's why I like working in manufacturing. There's always that one bathroom in that one part of the plant that is mostly closed down that no one ever uses.
  16. Only the States are required, congress can be forced to call a convention by application of 2/3rds of the states.
  17. By being tasked to control the communities that are driven by the characteristics of overworked single mothers and inprinsoned fathers, the police are being set up to inevitably wind up in violent situations. By being trained that anyone selling weed on the corner is a menace and every driver is a funding source, the people of the community become dehumanized. Placing armed men in a violent situation with dehumanized enemies will inevitably result in what we are seeing now. These issues are related to the topic at hand because we're not going to get anywhere by simply demanding cops behave better. The entire system needs to change.
  18. This is step one. And this is step two, IMO.
  19. Teen pregnancy rates have dropped dramatically in the last 25 years and the Black teen pregnancy rate is now below where the white teen pregnancy rate was in 1990, and they no longer have the highest rates of teen pregnancy, that title belongs to Hispanic communities. Urban teen pregnancy, particularly in the North East, is measurably not the problem. Teen pregnancy rates are significantly higher in states with abstinence only education laws. The government absolutely is having an impact.
  20. First, there is going to be a black market for everything, always. Second, SNAP purchases are restricted by law, I would suggest that you have fallen victim to propaganda around these programs.
  21. It's not, the fact that the Reagan "Welfare Queen" is not a perceptible problem for our society is a measurable fact. No persons belief has any bearing on the reality. We could cut all welfare tomorrow and it would make things worse, not better.
  22. The anecdotal recounting of rumor and innuendo by your friends is not a reflection of the reality as it is today. The 80's and 90's welfare programs are gone, and it didn't solve the problem. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100975718
  23. Your solution is to eliminate a thing that doesn't exist?
  24. It's so simple!
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