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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/34901/34901-h/34901-h.htm or http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/mill/liberty.pdf Copyright is well expired on this one.
  2. Yay!! Anyone else want in?
  3. Neo, if you agree to read On Liberty, I will agree to allow you to choose my next text in the political/social philosophy realm. We can then discuss them here (maybe a new thread). Philosophy Book Club.
  4. I am, obviously, specifically referring to: When I write unlimited, I mean the list of rights that the people retain is in absolutely no way limited by the constitution. Indeed, the fear that ideas like this would eventually supplant common sense and limit the rights which the people enjoy was keenly debated by the Founders, and this clause was the specific result of that debate. FMLA was absolutely the action of self interested individuals, my objection to the previous statement is not with the words self interested, but rather with the absurd contention that the employers in any way wanted the statute out of their own desire to establish rules around the practice. The employers (by and large) we NOT a part of that self interested group and only capitulated to the standard when forced to by the power of the State. Some gave in when the legislation was passed, others, like Walmart, not until the Judicial Branch threatened them with additional sanction. Many, to this day push the lines of eligibility for the Act in order to minimize or avoid it's affects. To your last question, my answer would be in line with Mill's Harm Theory. You have the right to do anything you want up until you infringe on another person's right to self determination. So no, you cannot kill. But this philosophy is completely extraneous to the constitution (much like the right to fair employment) as the interactions between citizens are hardly mentioned in the Constitution outside of the 13th Amendment.
  5. The Constitution specifically spells out unlimited rights, so your description of "limited" rights, based on the constitution seems odd. The right to not be killed or mugged by a neighbor is not in the constitution, do I have that right? Or is that a benefit? The purpose of my pointing out the vote and opposition be employers is to place that in contrast with your contention that the FMLA was passed out of mutual self interest. It was not. Employers were massively taking advantage of employees, especially new mothers, and the people asked the State to step in and prevent the abuse. Bill Clinton and the Democrats obliged them over the objections of major corporate employers.
  6. The FMLA was passed on a party line vote with the full opposition of most major employers. All of the employers that I have worked for have bemoaned it's existence and actively attempt to deprive eligibility to employees. Lastly, to the bold, the constitution SPECIFICALLY STATES that the rights outlined in the document are not all the rights the people have.
  7. no longer need to disclose their finances.
  8. Well, at least the NFL isn't a non-profit anymore...
  9. Until your starting center goes out with a career ending neck injury.
  10. Mrs. Bottle left for Texas on business this morning. 6 days as a single father. I barely made it through the first 6 hours. Between driving the little Bottles around to their various places, I have no idea how my wife gets any work done. That said, Once we're done with school/work tomorrow, we have a pretty fabulous mens weekend planned!
  11. I think the collateral damage stuff works good to get adults to quit. I think the in your face gross scary stuff is perfect to keep children from starting.
  12. I was down to Getzlaf and Couture for my last pick and went with Logan for reasons similar to your logic. I'm really excited for the selections to be complete so we can start comparing all our rosters based on completely different initial assumptions about our purpose. :ph34r:
  13. It appears that it is the guys who caught punches with their heads for a living that have the highest rates of CTE.
  14. Mrs. Bottle and I ate pizza like 3 times a week for six months when we moved back to Upstate NY. Even in Cincinnati, you're too far south for pizza.
  15. I'm f'n Sold. I'll be fine with babcock, but I'm liking Disco Dan. Nice work Ghost.
  16. so one day, 20 strangers got together and started playing a game. Only, they were all playing by a different set of rules. This will be a fantastic reality gameshow.
  17. I'm up next, but I really need to know if my next player is for a second lineup, or if my next player will be playing next to Johanson. in other words, are freeman and eleven building the same team?
  18. Wait, am I building two different teams?
  19. A former employer of mine offered 2 weeks paid Paternity Leave following the birth or adoption of a child, to be taken at the discretion of the father anytime in the first year. That is the most generous leave for fathers that I have seen in the united states. IMO, the costs of Maternity leave should be paid by the state to avoid a situation where employers have an additional disincentive to hire women of childbearing age.
  20. http://www.gofundme.com/NewEnglandPatriots
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