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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. You may be more powerful than you believe. Your control may extend beyond what you can currently imagine. There is always something better, but more importantly, there is always something next. We don't get to stand still, time and the universe are weird like that. What you had 20 years ago wasn't good, what came next was a load better. There is no reason what comes next can't be even better. You've got pieces you love, keep them with you. You got pieces you'd like changed. Do the work (I'd say freeman's Rx is a good start, IMO). You are more powerful than you believe.
  2. I would like to do a fantasy keeper league, but I drafted for 2 teams, not one, so I'm a little center-heavy.
  3. TB, thank you for continuing my theme of selecting players with similar names.
  4. I'm on board with Disco Dan. If we hire him, I'll send you my seat numbers and you can get a seat next to us. If you had a prospect accept an offer verbally, only to find out the day they were supposed to sign that they took an offer elsewhere, you'd judge that person as shady. At least I would, I know I would because it's happened to me.
  5. I'll be out for the rest of the day. When my pick comes up, I'll take the best available defenseman as determined by TBPhD.
  6. jeez. $550M on $14B+ in profits. They fined them 2 weeks pay. The NFL was more harsh for deflating footballs.
  7. As a STH, I am excited with the investments being made in the team and still think I am receiving exceptional value for my $$. I prefer Terry taking $1.50 from me only to turn around and put $1.65 into the team vastly over OSP taking $1.00 from me, putting $0.90 in the team and pocketing the extra dime. If the stories about the most recent investment in world class coaching are accurate, I believe this continues that paradigm.
  8. We're confusing profit and revenue again. Profit is not mentioned in the CBA and the players don't care about it because their pay is based off revenue.
  9. What if Babcock never actually said "no thanks" to the sabres? What if that story is faulty? I'm not seeing it widely reported.
  10. It's too easy to blame the union leadership for exercising their fiduciary responsibility to maximize the compensation of their members. It's the management and boards of directors that also signed off on these contracts that had a responsibility to keep the companies solvent.
  11. I'm running out of players named Ryan.
  12. https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/mike-babcock-in-contract-talks-with-buffalo-sabres--report-204606011.html
  13. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
  14. In the passenger seat, or the knocked out in the back? Full disclosure, I'm ok with either.
  15. You know, as a Notre Dame Football fan, you think I'd be able to keep Fake Linebacker Girlfriends and Horrible Mistreated Porpoises straight!
  16. Chz has the credibility of a long-haul trucker black-fishing a hornets nest of sports fan boys.
  17. Oil will go back to 70 by then and the economy to the North will pick back up. THE CANADIAN DOLLAR WILL BE FINE!!
  18. No one on this site that has 10k posts has any credibility.
  19. Ha! Do you really think Pommer is making it to 83?
  20. I probably wouldn't have take 4 centers first if I was drafting 1 team.
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