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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. We've got a religion thread too! this place is one stop shopping!
  2. Elite level. They are exceptionally good at co-opting the racism, misogyny, and greed of the masses to convert their economic and financial power into votes.
  3. Ah, schooled by the Jesuits, no wonder you're so confused! ;)
  4. It doesn't really matter, opposition to individual welfare is not actually based on the idea that redistribution of resources through government is a bad. Everyone wants some kind of redistribution. It's not based on worry about creating dependency. The powerful people who drive the anti-welfare train are big on creating dependency, it's the entire model of the current dominant economic system. Opposition to individual welfare is simply another arm of greed. It's expensive, like schools, and healthcare. The people who fund the propagation of the anti-welfare message in this country are the people who control all the resources, and they want fewer resources diverted away from themselves.
  5. It's all welfare, and it's not all bad. , the entire budget of NASA is welfare for Nerds.
  6. I would like to join JJ in the request to remove post merging, unless there is some systems advantage to it. I would prefer to be able to grab a single post to respond to, than to have to delete the extraneous lines when I hit the quote button. not a major issue, and I don't want to add to your load if it's a big reconfig job. Just want to voice my concurrence.
  7. can we skip Taro again? I'm not in a hurry, but I really like how upset it made him the last time.
  8. Damn it, I read through t5 pages of crap to try and find Ghost's happiness stroke and i get nothing.
  9. weave, your sig under that picture is amazingness.
  10. #WhiskeysPicks (this is here for me to do some easy searching later) Johanson - Couture - Girgensons - O'Reilly Letang - Ellis - Leddy - Kronwall Pominville - Vanek
  11. Tom Wahl's root beer float made with Abbott's frozen custard. God Bless America.
  12. I introduce my oldest son to games that we can play together. Initially it was a lot of the wii stuff, since his hands were too small for most current gen controllers. recently, we've been playing a lot of Minecraft, since that game can move at whatever pace you choose. When they we're very young, I'd play NHL 11 and just hand them a controller that didn't have any batteries in it, they didn't know the difference and loved hanging out with dad. My wife and our oldest have recently started playing through the Harry Potter Lego series. This is exceptionally awesome to me because my wife has never been a gamer, but they read the books together so I guess this was a logical next step. 25 years ago, it was my dad you introduced me to video games on the Atari. I think it's mostly making the decision to play WITH the little ones, rather than having them watch you play. Make them a part of it (even if it's just a dead controller).
  13. A Swedish Hockey Player is spending the off season with other Swedes involved in hockey?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?
  14. Is Angry Taro Angry Eleven's brother?
  15. Glory always seems to make it into my dvd player this weekend.
  16. Thanks!! I know you academics hold a great deal of importance in proper citation. I'm not expecting royalties, but when you publish, I better be in the footnotes.
  17. The two party system in America essentially functions as a pre-election coalition process bringing together multiple sub-parties. That's how we've ended up with the party that championed segregation becoming the party that champions affirmative action in the course of 20 years. The segregationists didn't change, they we're just brought into a different super-party coalition. That's an extreme example, but it happens with the moderate groups in the middle all the time. I think the biggest difference is that it results in general elections that are driven by turnout rather than choices and the elections where people do have choices (primaries) don't get the turnout because they don't feel as important. I think this is a bad thing.
  18. Can't risk it. Jason Pominville
  19. Get ye to cgpgrey YouTube.
  20. Because people who aren't crazy tend to also want to actually effect legitimate change. Tragically, our system is designed such that it is functionally impossible to effect legitimate change outside of the two party system. Winner take all elections create two party systems. We have winner take all elections.
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