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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. This is why the elimination of his contract concerns me.
  2. I'm uncomfortable with the contract completely coming off the cap. Too easy.
  3. Hey, I got 3/4 of the conference finals teams right. Rinne got the second most votes for Vezina. The wild miss on Nolans terribocity notwithstanding, that's a pretty solid list of predictions there.
  4. the $800k from 2019-2022 would be a bigger problem if our AHL club wasn't an hour away. With that money, 5 years from now, you're talking about your healthy scratch depth, not your regular players.
  5. Scalia also Godwin-ed the SCOTUS. He refered to today's decision as a "Judicial Putsch " I F'n Love this guy. I think I want to marry him.
  6. Justice Scalia dissents on the age old principle that expanding marriage is a bad idea because marriage is a great inhibitor of freedom.
  7. "interpretive jiggery-pokery" ~ Antonin Scalia heart emoticon (Further discussion on this topic belongs in another thread, but Scalia is up there with Twain as far as American Authors are concerned.)
  8. Naw, that's just a shin guard.
  9. It will increase multinational corporate performance and profits by reducing financial trade barriers and allowing for easier access to low cost resources be they materials or labor. It will boost the ability of small to medium US manufacturers to export. Larger firms already would have subsidiaries in Asia which overcome these barriers, so it's probably not a huge access boost for them. It will inevitably lead to the loss of american jobs in some arenas as work is moved to low cost signatories like viet nam and malaysia. This is what happened with NAFTA and there is little reason to believe it will be different here. There is a push by the Democrats to include tag-along legislation to help mitigate the impact of these events for working class families. <editorial begins here> I think this needs to be a "get the best deal you can" situation because I feel that free international trade is inevitable from a government standpoint. Until consumers change their demand habits and start driving wage and environment improvements through their purchasing behaviors, there is no effective way to conquer the problem of low labor standards in foreign nations. Setting up government barriers in the trade arena does more to delay progress than anything else, and should be avoided.
  10. In September of 1962, President Lincoln defined the civil war and singularly tied it to a single institution, slavery. No one can change that. The rebellion was to defend that institution and that institution alone, even Robert E Lee, who disliked Slavery greatly, admitted that that the war was fought to perpetuate the institution of Slavery.
  11. Had to wait for the ice to melt at my family's favorite lake in the Adirondacks, if you know what I mean. :)
  12. I'm going to a memorial service tomorrow for my Uncle, who passed away in November. This weekend will by my 5 cousins' first father's day without their dad. It's pretty much putting a rain cloud on the whole weekend. #wrongthread
  13. It's starting to in Europe. Our excuse for being more "actively" racist has always been that we are the least homogeneous democracy on earth. The Europeans are catching up, and I expect they will start exhibiting many of our characteristics. What they will never catch up on is our systemic history of racism. We have a 25 generation head start on it.
  14. And we, as in white america, have an awful lot of power to go along with that hate. It's a dangerous mix.
  15. I've never been able to get behind a shandy, but every summer I end up trying a new one, to see if someone can make it work. Maybe this summer I'll try shocktop's.
  16. The Hockey-Style recovery of the Swede with the bloody noggin last night won me over. I'll be catching as much as I can of this tournament.
  17. Thanks Blue. Really Good Stuff. The Quality of Analysis on this board has taken a great leap forward in the past 6 weeks (Starting with Ghost's Exposition on DDB, I think) It's good to have Hockey again.
  18. Really? I never would have considered this a determining factor at all for a position I was hiring for. Is the standard different between industries?
  19. Should have put this post under Schadenfreude Saturdays
  20. I have a new house, which happens to have a second full sized fridge. This second fridge is currently empty, and thus woefully lacking a fullness of beer. I will be headed out on a run this evening to stock it. Recommendations are welcome. I'll be going to My Buddy Joe's in Canandaigua, their selection lands somewhere between Wegman's and BotW, so keep that in mind.
  21. Thank you for the clarification. This part from the wikipedia page: Describes almost perfectly the Catholic view of Jesus's eternal existance as the Word vs. his mortal life here on earth.
  22. The data suggests that it is an influence with most cops most of the time. The problem is structural, the individual incidents are nearly irrelevant. Sometimes left handed batters get hits off left handed pitchers. The right handed pinch hitter is still the better choice to get the walk off hit against Aroldis Chapman. I agree that every situation needs to be measured on it's own merits, but racism is often a measure of comparative treatment against a hypothetically similar situation with white principals rather than black. Measuring against the hypothetical can become impossible, so we need to look to alternate methods of measurement, like aggregated statistics and scientific studies.
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