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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. TONIGHT, at The Pit...
  2. But the violent crime rate actually increased in the first full year of stand your ground, from 702.2 to 705.8. And if you take out forced sexual assault (least likely to be affected by SYG), it gets even worse. The rate increased for the first 2 consecutive years from 634 in 2005 to 642 in 2006 and then 645 in 2007 before finally recovering in 2008. As of 2014, the murder rate in Florida (5.03 per 100,000) was still higher than it was in the last year pre-SYG (4.92 per 100,000). I just don't think the data on that page support your contention.
  3. Full Disclosure: I looked up the exact date. It went into effect in October of 2005, and then 2006 saw a 28% increase in the murder rate in a single year. While I'm almost certain that there were other, more significant, factors at play, that's a pretty huge jump in murder. Most firearms deaths kill the user.
  4. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this image.
  5. If they were to look at us now, they would be seeing Mohammad's reign over the Arabs.
  6. They don't. Chicago's firearm homicide rate is lower than Idaho's. in fact, from an urban standpoint the highest rates are in cities in Michigan, Louisiana, Alabama and Virginia.
  8. The drop in the early 90s also correlates well with a significant drop in gun related fatalities. Accidental, suicide, and homicide all decreasing at the same time.
  9. Household gun ownership is staying about flat.
  10. Gun deaths have remained flat since the drop after the end of the Crack Epidemic and continue to hover around the same number with a slight drift downward.
  11. In terms of regrets after sex granted with non-inebriated affirmative consent, always. In terms of unwanted sexual assault, never.
  12. Gun deaths vs % of households with guns is exceptionally well correlated within a given year. There are obviously other factors at play (like the crack epidemic in the late 80s/90s) but controlling for a given year, states with a higher % guns owners have a higher % gun fatalities. Data both by State, and by Country supports this correlation.
  13. Well, the first debate is in 2 weeks, unless they're going to have 200 participants, you need some way to pare it down.
  14. I love that the rsvp is shadymccoyprivateevent@gmail.com
  15. It's a check into your purchasing background. it's a background check that looks for different things. It's a background check. I think I'm going to accept Deluca's point as reasonable analogy. Your mileage may very. Edit: or "vary".
  16. http://www.in.gov/pla/3267.htm Jeeze.... background check... permanent records... It's like Brady for Cold Medicine...
  17. This sinus headache is killing me. Both options will relieve the pressure...
  18. Is the sudafed analogy dismissible hyperbole?
  19. The main laws restricting the sale are federal (2006 patriot act renewal). Some states have stricter laws (Mississippi and Oregon require prescription). It's not as much of a hyperbole as you would like to believe.
  20. Took 15 minutes to run the check in Cincinnati. That is a terrible 15 minutes when you have a massive sinus headache.
  21. In Ohio, you absolutely do. No hyperbole at all.
  22. With the wildcards, it's really moot.
  23. Silly IKP, engineers don't have feelings.
  24. Engineering research. That's funny.
  25. But you're putting that restriction on yourself, right? Also, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the second part of my post, given that you have some CJ background.
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