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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. we're talking about marginal changes, not the existence or non-existence when we refer to tax code. Neither of us are proposing a fully command economy, correct?
  2. get some podcasts to binge listen
  3. naw, the "half" was an expression of my personal impression of the split in reactions.
  4. Eventually that investment will create economic growth and the benefits will trickle down to you.
  5. Stagnant for you, the bank is investing it on behalf of their investors.
  6. Partial Truth. Demand can create Capital. Capital cannot create demand. And some demand increases can often create jobs with no additional capital.
  7. :) Together we'll be unstoppable!!!
  8. Capital doesn't create jobs, consumption does.
  9. let's just remove my words "half the people" and lob a "somewhere between 30-60% of the people" so we don't have to debate this trivial part of my point.
  10. I will contend that they are incompatible.
  11. I think it might be a little inappropriate to use the word "progressive" to describe this type of tax, as that word already has a meaning in tax vernacular, and it is the opposite of this tax.
  12. The half that feels it necessary to bring up scenarios that (a) accept that this event did occur, but it was somehow her fault or (b) insinuate that the accuser is lying because other, completely unrelated accuser, lied.
  14. Biblical Tax Code.
  15. He would be the most competent president on that stage right now. He's wrong on a TON of issues, but he's not crazy wrong.
  16. Egypt has been a key ally in protecting Israel since the 1967 War, probably the most important.
  17. Best relationship with Israel.
  18. I'm pretty sure the traffic crashed the video service.
  19. This is the ONLY crime where half the people immediately jump to creating scenarios where it is the Victim's fault. The Misogyny is palpable. When someone has their car stolen, we don't jump to "they may have left their keys in the car and a note that says 'free ride'" When someone is hit by a drunk driver, we don't jump to "they probably jumped out into traffic" When someone is mugged, we don't jump to "I'll bet they just gave the guy the money, and then wanted it back afterwards." I will thought police the out of misogyny, intentional or not, conscious or subconscious, because I love women and I'm absolutely sick and tired of so many men having such contempt for them.
  20. There is nothing.... NOTHING... about this allegation to indicate that it is fabricated. There is nothing about this allegation to indicate that it is fabricated. NOTHING. Every single piece of speculation that the allegation is not credible does a disservice to the accuser and adds nothing to society, nor this discussion. NOTHING. Every piece of speculation that the allegation is not credible is an insensitive, unnecessary and inappropriate additional attack on a woman who may have just been raped, and adds nothing to society or this discussion. PLEASE STOP.
  21. I'll go with Milk Jug of Fortitude
  22. Running an NFL Franchise that Doesn't Suck by Whisky B. Emotion
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