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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. There is no way I can My Santa can afford this, and thus, you have ruined Christmas for me. :(
  2. I ran my first full marathon on Sunday. I did not pace properly, and wound up setting a personal record for the half marathon on the first 13.1 miles. That made the second half tough as my legs looked up at me around mile 14 and said, "Dude, you ######-ed up!" 4 days later and I still can't walk down stairs.
  3. Who do they think they are? The Habs?
  4. Mine is a picture of me with Pommer's face superimposed on top.
  5. Don't mean to be a downer, but if #2 is conflicting with #1, you may be incompatible.
  6. most likely maintenance, the plane was very old.
  7. Merriman 15th meanest in NFL as rated by the players
  8. Of course it's pilot error, Russian authorities would never blame their sub-par Russian aircraft for the crash. The wheel brakes! Absolutely not a possibility. If they were applied prior to thrust, there would be skid marks all along the runway. If they were applied while the plane was going 75 knots, everybody in the plane would be shot forward like hitting a brick wall on the highway. To be fair, the FAA does the same thing, they tend to lean toward the cause that is most convenient to the aviation industry. And Pilot error is easy, because in that case the culprit is usually deceased.
  9. Are you at Goddard?
  10. What field?
  11. We, the 99% (of Sabres Fans not in Perpetual Vegetative States), would like to complain about waiting 6 days for a game.
  12. Then I will see you again at trade deadline time.
  13. I have missed you for 54 days, 10 hours, and 48 minutes. Somehow, I knew you were there. But I'm glad you found your voice again.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwNWviK5z0Q
  15. Best Friday EVER.
  16. There are terms that I occasionally forget exist, and then I'm reminded of them, and it makes me smile.
  17. First, apologies, I could not resist. I tried, but i failed. It is completely possible to reconcile the fact of evolution with a belief in the Christian creation story. John Paul II and Pope Benedict are firm believers in evolution. And not some watered down version. The official doctrine is that all life on earth evolved from the same organism starting 3.5 - 4 Billion years ago. That this evolution was intended and guided by a god that exists outside of our temporal existence is the only added piece. They, along with myself, do not understand the insistence on the proposed antithetical relationship between evolution and creation. ... ... . Yay Hockey!
  18. I think that was the intention, get the focus back on the ice before the season starts.
  19. It's just like High Sticking. Doesn't matter if it was intentional or not it's still a penalty. That's what they mean by reckless. You are responsible for ensuring that it doesn't happen. Can you imagine if High Sticking required intent?
  20. I went to Yo Gabba Gabba Live: Time to Dance with my 3-year-old on Tuesday, and it was awesome. During one of the intermissions, a band called I Fight Dragons played. They play all the standard pop-rock instruments (Bass, Guitar, Drums) but their keyboard player also plays a Guitar Hero Guitar hooked up to a computer made of old Nintendo sound cards set up like a synthesizer. On top of that awesomeness, the lead guitar player also did a solo completely on a vintage Super Nintendo controller hooked up to a similar box. F'N FANTASTIC.
  21. http://youtu.be/VEJ8lpCQbyw Yup, that's right, I just suggested Queen.
  22. I get all of the things you've listed here. I work for one of the 5 largest companies in the world. It's not size, it's the attitude of the company, but I wholly agree, happiness is critical.
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