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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Leino to ROC frees up $4.5M Pommer is the only forward who's salary can't be PegulaDumped
  2. I've been using, "The Legend of Zack Kassian"
  3. Wasn't the "bust" tag mostly due to the back problems that seem to be resolved now?
  4. Does anyone know if there has been progress on a new CBA?
  5. The Short-Handed Line ...they'll basically be playing with 2 forwards :)
  6. So it would be a push if neither develop? Or is Kassian better right now?
  7. If both players have an even chance of developing to their potential, Game Theory says we have the best chance of winning this trade: If Both fully develop, we win because we have a True #1 Center, and those are more valuable than power forwards, even Lucic. If Cody Develops and Zack does not, obviously we win If neither develop, we win because without any further development, Cody is already a decent third line center, Zack is just a fourth line body. And of course, the third option is that Zack develops in the Neely-Lucic style and Cody is stuck on the third line as a placeholder center. In this case we lose. We'll all know by 2015!
  8. 90-60-40-20-50, When you're looking at your lines (1-2-3-4-D) use those numbers for the number of goals that each line and the defense need to contribute if the Sabres are going to score like a Stanley Cup contender. Vanek-Roy-Pommer have averaged 84 goals per season combined looking at all seasons after their rookie years. And that is NOT compensating for injury time. So the question is can Leino-Hodgson-Staff score 60? Can Gerbe-Ennis-Kaleta score 40?
  9. I think that's why the field is so lucrative. I have no idea why this stuff makes sense to me and not someone else, but i do count my blessings.
  10. You only plan on working though on 5-7 year economic cycle? In today's dollars and today's market, an engineering degree is an even better choice than it was 10 years ago. Our unemployment rate is less than half the national average and we're one of the only middle class jobs that have seen real income growth over the past decade.
  11. Depends on the degree. Mine, yes.
  12. My family hit the same fear when I got into Notre Dame (granted this was 10 years ago). My advice to anyone is to make the university tell you that you can't go there because you aren't rich enough/poor enough. After you get the aid offer, call up the financial aid office, and explain to them exactly what you think you can afford. It worked for us.
  13. I read The Road shortly after my first son was born. This book has a completely different and more significant meaning to a new Father than anyone else. The Post-apocalyptic setting strips away everything except the Father-Son relationship and McCarthy does an amazing job of revealing the raw strength and emotion of that bond. I would recommend the book to anyone, but especially fathers of young boys.
  14. If i may make a suggestion, read the entire text at least once without any clarifying input. Just get the words into your brain one time before adding the 2-4 millennia of commentary that have both distilled and affected the meaning of the text. At Notre Dame, all students were required to take 2 classes in theology and 2 in philosophy (that was probably the biggest reason I chose the school) My THEO 101 prof e-mailed the class a month before the semester started and instructed us to read the entire text, whichever translation we wanted before class started. Needless to say, it was summer and I was pissed at the homework. But once class started it was incredible the discussion that resulted from having 25 different interpretations of 25 different readings of the exact same text.
  15. Best business book ever written.
  16. Heading to the game tonight. First home game I've attended in 3 or 4 years. I don't care how bad they were last night or all season. Going to FNC for a game is F'N Fantastic.
  17. Done. Thanks for lookin' out for me :)
  18. I used to have hobbies, then I got kids instead. It was a pretty good upgrade, but as they get older, I imagine I'll get back into Rocketry (Estes rockets are for sissies), Street Hockey, and Video Games (I am rather nerdily excited about the upcoming release of Diablo III). Also, now that I am back in NY, I'd like to be more involved in civics/local politics.
  19. How many times as a child did you punch yourself in the balls?
  20. I move home tomorrow, in time for the NBC broadcast of the MSG Feed. F'N Fantastic.
  21. Comparing Turkish or Bosnian or Armenian or any coffee from that part of the world to typical western roast and brew is apples and oranges. Like comparing Parmesan Cheese to Chocolate Ice Cream, the only thing that's the same is the main ingredient.
  22. fixed
  23. I must spend 3 more days in ohio. Painting and cleaning and cleaning and painting. Getting a house ready for market blows.
  24. I'm back! Been busy getting a new job... in WNY! I start in 2 weeks. :D I will be sad to leave bourbon country, but liquor travels well, and there is no place like home.
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