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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Would you rather have a promising defenseman from a good high scoring team or a promising defenseman from a bad low scoring team? How much has WHO Erik and Tyler play with affected their numbers? How much does playing on a GOOD PP unit affect their comparative numbers? I'd rather have Myers (signed) over Karlsson (About to rape Ottawa's Cap for all it's worth) Karlsson is good, He's not $7M+ good, and I expect him to get right around that.
  2. Like bragging about a big bonus at a funeral.
  3. Penner is the ugly girl Lowe took home from the bar when he realized he couldn't nail Vanek. I don't want any part of that.
  4. http://youtu.be/ZUG9qYTJMsI
  5. Could it be that he was the only one with top talent, he developed well under Ruff, and would have continued his growth in Buffalo had OSP shelled out the cash? No one got to continue to develop in Buffalo for 8 years. If the got good, they we're priced out of town. Before 2003, can you really say Ruff had a single prospect in the mold you define?
  6. Everything, it's proof he did.
  7. Indeed, the Bruins are the worst thing that has happened to the discourse on how to build a hockey team since Anaheim, when everyone paid attention to the fighting majors and ignored the pair of Norris trophy winners that were on the ice all but 15 minutes a night. 6 minutes a night. (i just looked it up)
  8. I hate it when you have legitimately unarguable objective inputs to your the Sabres are doomed theories. I prefer when you're making statements based on your subjective impressions of people and their work.
  9. I used to work 7 days a week. My new job is for real Monday through Friday. Real weekends are F'N Fantastic.
  10. Would the changes in roster and health have an impact on the potentials for movement? Or do teams tend to move in the same definitions throughout the season regardless of who is in the line-up?
  11. You've sync-ed up?
  12. Finally, you're talking some sense. Everything in this post is 100% spot on.
  13. This Roster: Vanek-Hodgson-Pominville Leino-Ennis-25-Goal-Winger Gerbe-Roy-Stafford Kaleta-Goose-Foligno/McCormick Current Defensive Group Would be a 250+ GF team if everyone just plays an average season*. I think that's a good way to look at it, because some guys will have down seasons, and some career years. 250+ has kind of been the magic number for post lock-out Champions. There are some wildcards there: Who is that 25 goal scorer we can pick up in trade/FA? Ennis, Gerbe, and possible Leino's averages are based on a very small sample size and could be much higher (or much lower) Can the D maintain it's scoring touch? Would Goose resign at a reasonable price, or do we need to find a new 10-goal defensive center? Obviously if 2010/2012 Ryan Miller plays the team could be a top contender, if 2011 Ryan Miller plays, its a outside contender. *Goal averages are based on all seasons other than rookie years for all non-rookie players, no adjustments for injuries have been made.
  14. When could this have happened, they were on the way to the airport when the trades were announced?
  15. I love what the cap has done for hockey. I love the eveb playing field. I would prefer the cap be dropped and owners allowed to spend as much as they want.
  16. !I think you are missing a couple of items in your analysis, but i think you are dead right in your assessment of the psycho-social behavior of the fans parting with Kassian. What we gave up was a very good player with great player potential. In all markets, things of value, like a top center prospect, come at a cost. People need to give the Zack Attacks a rest. Now to your analysis of the team's progress. I disagree with your ranking of the top three needs. I put leadership change first, centers a close second, and toughness third. I will grant that toughness was not addressed yesterday. But it has been addressed in the past 12 months. That's exactly what butler for Regehr was. Do we need more, absolutely, but it has been identified and the process of addressing it has begun. Leadership change is huge. I put the leadership core 12 months ago as Connolly, Roy, Vanek, Pommer, Goose, and Miller. Fully a third of that group is gone, the hardest working, and probably least naturally talented of the group was made captain. I think the remaining 4 are taking notice that not winning is no longer acceptable as long as you make the revenue numbers. If roy is moved in the next 12 months half tour "core" will have moved on in two years or less. I'd say that qualifies as addressing it. And as far as centers are concerned. I hope we're not done, but i think this was the first step. Yes we still need a few tough wingers, but you know you have to give to get. Don't over value the Lucic types. The 3 cup teams before Boston won by being rediculously talentes. Detroit has exactly zero centers over 6'. Though is good, but it's not the end all of a hockey team. (Typing this on my phone, so i apologize for any typos)
  17. If he's on the Roster in the playoffs, they got what they wanted. If not...
  18. Oh playoffs! where he averaged 6 minutes of ice time! I see how you got to 20!
  19. Nice. I can't believe every single NHL stat reporting website completely missed 12 games that Cody played. They all have him listed as 8 games for the 10-11 season.
  20. 49 now.
  21. Could Lindy's propensity to shuffle lines be a result of our lake of centers? I don't remember the lines moving that much in 05-07 when we had a glut of centermen.
  22. I inferred it. Largely from the, "If I want to make money, I'll Drill another gas well." I very well could be wrong. But if I had billions, and owned the Sabres as a really rich fan, these would be my orders to the GM.
  23. My contention is that the orders from Pegula last off season were, "It's OK to take risks, but avoid NMCs, I'm OK with a $100M payroll, you just need to be able to move the less effective contracts to Rochester."
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