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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. You sir, are an anti-Chlamydia Bigot.
  2. Snow?? Is that you?
  3. Yes Yes Yes Yes
  4. Can his plaque be next to Jim Kelley's in the Hall of Fame? Please.
  5. That's it right there, I appreciate that you make me question what I'm seeing. I need that, badly. But you can't agree that they believe in their vision and then two sentences later question whether he actually believes in it. He outright admitted that the team needs to be tougher. He made moves to address that concern both in personnel (Ott) and training (S.E.A.L.s). It is a conspiracy to think he does not believe these things to be right, but is rather colluding with the coach to put together a team that meets the demands of the owner and will win sufficient games to keep their continued employment safe.
  6. Sorry, I agree with your assessment of the word "conspiracy" here. I rarely use it, in my post, I intended it for it's literal meaning, that there is a motivation behind closed doors and plan of action that is different and more far reaching than what is portrayed in the public eye. I look at DR/LR and i see two guys with a vision that they believe in, taking the honest steps they deem prudent to achieve that vision. I did not intend for it to replace the word think. My point is go ahead and disagree with their vision, but I find it hard to accept that they have some ulterior motive.
  7. But, much like the "white collar corporate weenies", what you see is tainted by who you are. And I think you add a tinge of conspiracy to your conclusions that is not supported by anything but weak circumstantial evidence. I trust nix and gailey, but I also trust Ruff and Regier. I think the real question is whether either pair has the skill, not the character, to build a champion.
  8. I'm not trying to be condescending. I hope I'm not coming off that way. I'm trying to get you to go look at the actual evidence (the interviews) and see that your impression of what miller is doing is different from what is actually happening. you're basing our argument on 2 falsehoods. one, that he is a locker room cancer, and two, that he is not an elite goalie. both are incorrect. the first, i think, can be resolved by you listening to a handful of post game interviews on sabres.com. the second is more difficult, but it's irrelevant until we crack the first.
  9. That you don't trust them does not make them untrustworthy. And that you trust what Ralphy is doing on One Bills Drive doesn't make him trustworthy, either. I just don't get how you can listen to Darcy and Lindy over the last 15 years and not accept that they actually do believe what they are saying. They aren't lying to you about their intentions.
  10. You have made this up in your head. The actual interviews show a very different story from what you are saying.
  11. Throw me 5 quotes from 5 different games where Miller threw his team under the bus. Locker Room Cancers don't get voted MVP by the players, Every analyst in the NHL can't possible be wrong about him at the same time. Miller is an elite goalie who had 2 absolutely terrible stretches in the the last 2 seasons following one of the best seasons a goalie has had in the last 10 years. If he has another stretch like that this year, I'm downgrading him, but for now, I'd rather have him on the team than not.
  12. His complete lack of understanding of how to use advanced statistics forced me to turn off the radio yesterday. Schopp's refusal to recognize the fact that nearly all the NHL GMs have come to the same conclusion irritates me to no end. He has been trending downward for a while now, maybe just stick to collectibles.
  13. Gets a pass? as far as I remember he was the only player last season to be directly called out by the owner as "playing worse than one of his daughters."
  14. Now you're just being crazy.
  15. Look at Miller's splits, his terrible streak was timed with the same horrible play/Massive injury attrition that you're forgiving Enroth for. Outside of that, he was lights out.
  16. I think it's a new way to form lines in the new NHL. Get a Banger with a shooter and a set-up man. The Muscle takes the attention and opens up space for the set-up and shooter. I like it, but I think we can do better than Tropp in that role.
  17. Boom....Boom...Boom....Boom... Sabres Brass suck and the 6-10 bills are headed in the right direction... Boom...Boom...Boom...Boom... Sabres signed the #1 Defensive FA (Ehrhoff)...They are doing it wrong... Bills singed the #1 Defensive FA (Williams)... They are headed to the light... Boom...Boom...Boom...Boom... If When Williams misses 5 games with injury and the Bills miss the playoffs, will you cut them slack? I think you will. Sorry about the snarky format...you got my BP up...Well done sir.
  18. The fact that she has all the requisite female parts and no significant, noticeable disfigurements isn't enough?
  19. First off, Ott does get points, you can count on him for probably 25-35, factoring in the "new team slide" although I think his style is less likely to be affected by that. Cody Hodgson will score more points than Goose, probably 10-15 more. So now we're back to about even with last years team. No one had a "career year" so I imagine there won't be any players that will significantly fall off. Vanek, Leino, and a full year from Ennis will likely add 30-40 pts. Add Foligno in for a full season, and he might be good for 30 pts (17 more than last year) The roster got tougher. Goose, Roy, and Boyes are replaced by Hodgson, Foligno, and Ott. Which group do you think will score more next season? It's not like we're trying to improve a worst-in-the-league scoring, we were right at the middle. Only need to add 13 more goals to finish top 10. We have a positional problem I'd like to remedy, Defense for Offense would be a nice trade, but I don't get the Chicken Little Eleven.
  20. By choosing to get Steamrolled by a d-bag bruin winger, he singlehandedly derailed the entire 11-12 season.
  21. I agree, but if 38-year-old hips weren't so fragile, they would have had Super Mario, who, up to that point, was still scoring at better than a point per game. Not exactly the same position we were in.
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