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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Why wait 4 years, Let's put them on snowmobiles and do it in Socchi!
  2. They could use the names of all 5 swimming disciplines: Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, and Individual Medley
  3. This could be entertaining...
  4. no they don't. I'm not sure about field hockey, but even stick checking is against the rules in women's lacrosse.
  5. Best British Sentence of the Day :)
  6. The guy/gal who put the South Korean Flag on the Jumbotron for the N. Korean team is my new hero.
  7. The television ratings and gate receipts tell the story.
  8. Just found out yesterday that LittllePommerFan#3 will be another boy :D Now to figure out how I'm going to pay for food when the three boys are all teenagers...
  9. What I struggle with is this: It is precisely the scope of the economic activity tied to the football program that allowed this travesty to occur. I went to a University who's football program makes Penn State look like a Pop Warner team in Batavia. They have no conference to oversee them. They have they're own TV deal, so they have endless streams of money. They have their own agreements with bowls and the BCS. They have stadiums and cities around the country, from Yankee Stadium and NYC to Soldier Field and Chicago, bending over backwards with bids to host their one "neutral site" game each year. The city they live in would no longer exist were it not for the tourism generated by the school and the team. They are an undeniably strong force, but what holds them back from being a force for evil? I can't come up with an answer to that question. Recently, a lack of concern for the safety of their student managers resulted in the death of a 20 year old film student. They did all the right things in looking forward, and trying to prevent that type of accident from occurring anywhere else in the future, but they did nothing to look inward and try and identify whether it was their priorities that allowed that tragedy to occur. The Cult of College Football, to which most Americans belong, is the problem. If an answer to the problems hurts affiliated people, can they really be considered completely innocent?
  10. :blink:
  11. Seems like that is the size of the entire endowment, not cash on hand. It's about 10% of the total instructional budget for all PSU campuses combined. That is a significant penalty. It's equivalent to losing about 23% of the appropriation from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
  12. no, rather than having the allowable 85 scholarship players, PSU will only have 65 scholarship players on their roster.
  13. Best I can tell this guy has no connection to Penn St. He's fishing for work.
  14. http://www.nhl.com/s...12/TV020229.HTM Be sure. :)
  15. This is not accurate. Adam was still on the top line for the Boston Game. Everything after that was injuries and freefall.
  16. I would counter with: No one was scoring. We give Regier crap to not doing anything when the team was in free fall. Lindy did the only thing with-in his power to shake up the forwards who were playing terribly. If we were scoring at better than 3 goals a game, I imagine he doesn't change things up as much.
  17. Took a second...well played sir.
  18. Cliff Benson is the president. Also, interestingly, there is not a single woman on the board of directors.
  19. Shell had nothing to do with it. http://www.upi.com/blog/2012/07/17/Shell-Lets-Go-campaign-a-brilliant-elaborate-hoax-UPDATED/5651342541859/
  20. very cool (wish it was a group other than GP)
  21. Things that are awesome: fake ad contests by Greenpeace.
  22. Lack of institutional control, willful violators, egregious misconduct all three carry the potential for the Death Penalty, all three apply here.
  23. You want him to Pronger?
  24. Dude sticks his basically bare hand out to block a shot on the PK. That is tough. Stupid. But tough. He's just not durable enough to make up for his low level self preservation instinct. I'm convinced Pat wouldn't move out of the way of a train if it was headed toward the net.
  25. I am indeed kidding.
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