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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. IMO that would be a really good general election. I don't think kasich can win enough in NH, IA, SC, and NV to have a decent campaign still going in March, but stranger things have happenned.
  2. possibly both, definitely the latter.
  3. I think there is a public utility in having a public record of marriage contracts. Even if all the policing is removed.
  4. Think of them like a specialized notary public, just like any other contract registered with the state.
  5. The "license" is essentially just the paperwork you need to "register" the marriage after the wedding has taken place. There are no (longer any) requirements other than being of legal age consent to the contract and not already married to another person. You really should be able to download the "license" fill it out, have it notarized or in some other way made official, and then file it with the state. Similar to a real estate transaction. There is no need for a clerk other than to receive the completed paperwork and put it in the public record.
  6. This is, essentially, how it works today. Basically what the clerk in KY is doing is refusing to register the marriages. the "marriage without a license" in Weaveland sounds a lot like common law marriage.
  7. this from the guy literally projected to lose every single game this year.
  8. they do look similar...
  9. all you gotta do is drop the 's' from https://
  10. I can see the concern over the more fantastical of the biblical stories. I've studied the eastern religions more in depth (Hinduism and Zoroastrianism) so I'm more familiar with them, less so with the Egyptian example. Krishna's primary message was to fulfill your duty, your specific Dharma. Krishna's message was not revolutionary, but rather reinforced the caste system around him. His message preserved the social order, in fact, his messages were mostly about keeping the world running smoothly, without disruption.
  11. Drunkard, I see and accept the similarities and appropriations of tradition that were incorporated into Christianity as the religion spread and was assimilated by different cultures. Derision of the old testament stories is ok as well, my faith has not accepted the Old Testament as a literal historical document for more than a millennium, Catholic scientists were on the cutting edge of cosmology, genetics, and even evolution. Where I think the debate is valuable is around the radically unique teachings of Jesus, from the beatitudes to forgiveness, Jesus was presenting a philosophy that was completely at odds with elements of both eastern and western culture. His ministry was to radically change social order and the relationships between people and the relationship between people and god. In this way, he was significantly different at the very core of his message than the others that you compare him to.
  12. It's seems to be endemic to the current TBN Sports department.
  13. That would be the literal translation of the first word of the constitution. (if you add in "who own land")
  14. Jesus sets up the primacy of Peter and His Church. There is only one church, and right now a guy named Francis sits in Peter's throne. Did Jesus mean to create all the other factions of christianity? and from whom do they get their authority if Jesus specifically granted the authority to Peter and his church?
  15. I like this point, but I think we also need to consider that addressing the current effects of that history is part of equality. There are huge parts of the economy that a segregated piece of the population was completely prohibited from. The People of the United States chose to separate a group and intentionally hold them down. The effects of something like that last for generations, and I think the People of the United States have an obligation to address those effects.
  16. I apologize for the snide remark.
  17. Your ability to 'not be there' and then speak for the majority of blacks over the age of 50 is inspiring.
  18. You guys are cute when your wrong together.
  19. They're up every day. The media gives them the publicity they deserve.
  20. To the first part, I don't want to dismiss the similarities, I just want to recognize the difference. Jesus's humanity plays a huge role in his message. Humanity is much more than just "human stuff happening to him." To the second part: Times change, humans advance, Jesus's fulfillment of the Mosaic Law is a prime example of God the Father parenting and teaching his children. (please note, I'm not evangelizing you to believe in God, I'm just presenting a counterargument to the dismissal of his existence. Your mileage may vary.)
  21. ah, my hypothesis only applies to minority - Law Enforcement interactions.
  22. WAs there a law enforcement connection in that tragedy. I honestly have not been following as closely as I would have liked.
  23. young padawan, you must unlearn what you have learned.
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