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Everything posted by LastPommerFan
That's what I thought. Seems irrational.
There is an important voice missing from this conversation right now. And that voice is also missing or minimal in nearly every legislative debate about the issue across the country. And that is the problem.
Economic modernization and steady sustainable growth Peace and Patience before War Protection of Women's reproductive health Protection for people with Pre-existing conditions who have lost their health coverage Advancement of gay rights Funding of Planned Parenthood But most importantly, Joe Biden's hilariousness
it is a 54% increase in rate, GDP grew at 2% compared to 1.3% in Q2. phew.
I really hope that's an increase in GDP growth rate, and not GDP. If GDP went up 54%, we're in the middle of Zimbabwe style hyperinflation.
The Cartels would never let the Mexican government move the border further north. They gotta mule them drugs far enough as it is.
I was in texas for the first time ever last week. I noticed one thing that i believe i had never seen in my years of traveling this country. In houston, there were many buildings with flying the texas flag out front without an american flag and others with the amercian flag flying lower than the texas flag. it doesnt bother me, but i took it as a good indication that there is a state pride in texas that is far far stronger than any other state.
Hayek was the founder of the Austrian School of economic thought, and largely a proponent of libertarianism. The Austrian School holds that unemployment (which he agrees with Keynes is a result of unconsumed goods) is a result not of a lack of demand, but that low interest rates fooled bankers into making the wrong investments. Basically, investors are tricked into investing into the wrong things because the money is so cheap. It not that the demand is too low, it's that the production isn't meeting the right demand. The theory is currently rejected by most mainstream economists, but it should be pointed out that economists are a fickle bunch.
Sizzle, I'm not interested in a flame war. I said what i felt i needed to say. I think each of our presences here will speak for themselves. Carry on. To the rest of the board, If I come across as Chris Matthews or Saul Alinsky here, I'm doing a terrible job of communicating my viewpoint, If that is the case, I apologize.
Does it bother you so much that a black liberal with a Muslim name was overwhelmingly elected president 4 years ago that you have to use his middle name, which he intentionally doesn't use to avoid the exact not-so-subtle racism that you are invoking here? I don't engage in much heated talk here, but your posts so far have done nothing to advance any conversation other than to provide AM Radio talking points to an otherwise productive discussion. Your use of the term "your boy" is also nothing short of veiled racism. No doubt you're bright, and believe in things different than I do, but come on man, up your game. And I will note that I have publicly admonished other liberals in this thread for invoking the image of the racist right unnecessarily. You seem to be attempting to prove me wrong. You do the conservative cause a great disservice. This program was started under the bush administration. They overwhelmingly go to rural citizens, not exactly The Presidents base. I am. But only so i keep getting the mailers. I won't be committing voter fraud. I did not have a permanent address until after the October 12th deadline, so I will be disenfranchised for this election.
During the next attack of any kind around the world, google "claims responsibility" You will find dozens of groups claiming responsibility for every attack. And there is physical evidence, along with hundreds of travel and bank transactions.
Is eddie murphy dead again yet?
no no, that's not what I was trying to say. I'm saying she went on the shows, and effed up what she was supposed to say crossing the protests elsewhere in the middle east with this one. I don't think she delivered the message she intended to deliver. Which is pretty crappy, you know, if you're supposed to be a diplomat. But every message out of Carney up to and after that sunday was monolithic. and he's the only guy who officially gets to speak for the white house. I just don't see a cover up if Carney keeps saying wait and see, wait and see.
Honestly, I think that's where the bumbling comes in. All the statements up to that point were cautious. wait and see, we don't know yet. In addition, there was this other separate issue in egypt and elsewhere. She goes on the sunday shows and crosses up the two. If I were the president, I'd ban her from talk shows.
Like this: "It's too early for us to make that judgment. I think -- I know that this is being investigated, and we're working with the Libyan government to investigate the incident. So I would not want to speculate on that at this time." Jay Carney 9/12/12
I don't see a cover up, I see bumbling confusion. we heard a different story from every official who spoke for a week. If this was an attempt at a cover up, it was a terrible attempt. Bumbling confusion is still a cause for concern.
Everyone knows political candidates are allowed to roll back previously held statements and restate exactly the opposite.
Bill O'Reilly summed it up well in his debate with Jon Stewart. I'm paraphrasing, "The problem with the media is capitalism, there's a lot of money to be made in trolling."
I suppose you'll also claim that as the excuse for how you didn't know that the Tomahawk Lagoon lies on the eastern edge of the New Zealand city of Dunedin.
On the other hand, I find these guys entertaining and actually informative:
Ribs suck, My wife carried our first son very high, so high that eventually he grew and broke 2 of her ribs. Needless to say, that made labor rather interesting (read: horrifically cruel). Turns out a spinal block at the small of your back does not numb your rib cage.
I assumed it was intentional.