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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. teachers.
  2. Syria is busy right now, can i have her call you back later? seriously, i see nothing new from istanbul to islamabad. same ###### for the last 40 years. when someone moves against the saudis i'll wory. untill then its a bunch of tinker toy armies that would take less than a week to disperse should the need arise. please note: i'm talking disperse 1991 HW style, not occupy 2003 W style.
  3. oh! they do that every 2-3 years. they're due.
  4. You have to let them grieve. It's all part of the process.
  5. Agreed (kind of), but they are not government employees, and they can't be "fired". Congressmen and senators don't actually get security "clearances". They get access based solely on being elected. Secondly, there is no clearance higher than "top secret", once that has been reached, it's all on an as needed basis, even for the president.
  6. It's not the pillow talk, and it's not just some "pretty young lass" this woman was specifically around Patreaus to get information for her book. Her starting point was compromising.
  7. This. If it's a congressman or a senator or a governor, I don't care. But if it's a top secret clearance government employee from any department, they gots to go.
  8. first, i'm not saying its not "working", i am just pointing out that we spend about 60% more per person on healthcare than they do. as such, our capacity is higher, hence shorter lead times. If we paid less, even in our current system, docs would have to see more patients to make the same money, our wait would be longer. Population could solve the issue. If half of all canadians commit suicide when the season is canceled, wait times would surely go down. ;)
  9. If we set up a Canadian-type system, but continued to spend 60% more per capita on healthcare, there is no reason to think we wouldn't have significantly better results than they do. This is why I've always proposed nationalizing health insurance, not the doctors and hospitals. The sad part is, in our country, some one without the means to "pay through the a## for private insurance", would be dead from your cancer. They'd be dead because they are left completely outside "the system".
  10. Whoever he is, he's being an idiot for not making it public. A financial idiot. If he had an injury prior to the lockout that should have put him on IR, he should be receiving his full salary right now. So, (A) this guys agent is not interested in making money, or (B) the extent of the injury is being exaggerated. Only one of those conclusions is more likely than the owners agreeing to extend the existing CBA, as is, for the next 10 years.
  11. Rep. King from NY will get the GOP in line for this. he represents one of the most fertile fundraising districts in the country. one that was hit hard by Sandy. tax rules for 2012 are set. We'll get those forms just fine.
  12. my guess? a totally separate resolution (like the ones that funded iraq)
  13. There are only $109B in cuts for next year. The $1.2T is over the 10 year period.
  14. We're all so interconnected right now that this line of thinking matters less and less. Sure, the gulf coast requires an inordinate amount of FEMA money, and so does "Tornado Alley". At the same time, we like to eat and drive cars, so we need people to live in these disaster prone areas. I don't mind paying to rebuild the places where the corn and wheat and oysters and oil come from. I like being able to get those things.
  15. an $18B one time payment is irrelevant nothingness compared to the FC (can we agree on this abbreviation?) negotiations. I expect they get what they ask for.
  16. In that case, you are indeed "all over the map" :)
  17. Well, I'm guessing you live near DC, so Georgetown makes sense. I'm not sure of your age, but if you formed your sports allegiances between 1990 and 1995, The Blue Jays, Braves, Huskers, and Seminoles make perfect sense. As for the bills and Sabres, I'll guess your like everyone else here, we secretly hate ourselves and want to bring as much misery as possible into our lives.
  18. mostly just wanted to give you a hard time. That just seemed like an appropriately ridiculous accusation. :) Notre Dame is Notre Dame, not simply because of the millions that love her, Notre Dame is also Notre Dame because of the millions that hate her.
  19. If you want to see a thread get derailed faster than injecting religion into a politics thread... Keep spouting this ignorant non-sense! ;) Sincerely, LPF, ND '05
  20. All season, all the undefeated teams have been ranked by the human polls in the order of their preseason rankings. So the order for the undefeated teams is based not on anything they've done this year, but on what the coaches and writers thought about them before the season started.
  21. Looks like, once all the votes are counted, Gov. Romney will finish with...wait for it...47% of the popular vote!!! :w00t:
  22. i am talking about the underlying fundementals. all the worlds needs are not being met, let alone the wants. there is still plenty of demand for the economy to go meet. the problem is, those computer programs and manufacturing robots have replaced much of the workforce as it is currently trained. the automation still can't meet demand. people might not be able to find the exact job thy want, but they'll be able to find a good job.
  23. I think this is an incorrect view of the economy, and amounts to economic surrender. The wolds consumption needs are not nearly being met. We should be able to create work for every willing worker.
  24. It's starting to look like once all the votes are counted, President Obama will win the popular vote with more votes and a larger margin of victory than Bush did in 2004. Also, Romney may garner fewer total votes than McCain did in 2008. I thought those were interesting factoids.
  25. It was never written in these languages, no scholarly person would write in such non-sense vernacular in the first 3 centuries. They were written in Greek. There really is no debate here. How can a person who believes that our existence and salvation is rooted in a certain doctrine (any faith) be debated. XC's use of the Apostle Paul is appropriate. Paul was not writing to debate, he was writing to evangelize. I have no problem with evangelization. Go ahead and try to convince as many people as possible to believe your religious doctrines. That's awesome. But it can't be a debate. There is nothing to debate there. I read what XC writes, but I find no reason to respond, not because I devalue his input, but because his position does not call for debate, only reflection. I
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