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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Hard copies available for Play Station, Play Station Portable, and Nintendo DS. Available for Download from the Wii Marketplace.
  2. Going from 4 weeks of vacation at my previous job to 2 weeks here (on balance I am very happy with my new job, this is my only complaint) I haven't worked the wednesday before thanksgiving ever in my entire life. When I pulled into the parking lot this morning, I found out that no one else works the wednesday before thanksgiving either.
  3. I am currently playing XIII, and I am enjoying it more than i thought I would given the reviews. It is very linear, but I think that allows the story to remain more engaging. You MUST get a copy of IV and play it through. It is, in my opinion, the best combination of story/gameplay in the series.
  4. Have you played all the Final Fantasy games? Especially (prepare for roman numeral onslaught) IV, VI, VII, IX, and X?
  5. Interesting college football scenario: If Georgia Tech loses to Georgia this weekend, Georgia is favored by 13 at home, Tech will play Florida St in the ACC championship game with only 2 possible bowl outcomes. If they Beat Florida State, they will head to the BCS Orange Bowl, if they lose, they will be completely ineligible for a bowl game. Pretty steep drop from conference champion, to losing season.
  6. I'm pretty sure that this holiday is the one specifically created to celebrate the fact that our country makes way more food than we could ever need. Now I understand why you seem like such a sage old man.
  7. If there is no NHL Hockey this year, I don't see how the NHL will justify stopping it's revenue streams for 2-3 weeks in 2014. Ending the lockout soon is critical to keeping Sochi on the table.
  8. One of the sides, likely the owners, will file a motion in court to declare an impasse and allow the teams to ignore the union's existence altogether.
  9. Those are google ads, so they'll be different for everyone depending on their interests and search history. I'm not sure what this says about you. :w00t:
  10. Israel must let the EU build the palestinian economy. start with improved agriculture, then small parts manufacturing for the EU big guys like Airbus, Seimens, Volvo, and VW. Do this and we can see peace in one generation. Japan, Germany, and China all show that peace can be bought with prosperity.
  11. Three (3) coaches voted teams with a loss ahead of the Irish.
  12. i am specifically refering to the cowardly act of attacking and then withdrawing to hid among the civilian population. this was pioneered by the continental army. i bet we can find an entry in a british soldiers diary with a near exact complaint to yours from post 4607. they burned british civilian offices and slaughtered entire native tribes for forming alliances with the british. they did not slaughter the people who were ethnically the same as them. no one ever does.
  13. These tactics were employed, almost exactly, by george washington. from a military perspective, hamas resembles some elements of the continental army. don't get me wrong, from an ethical perspective, they are trash.
  14. There's a reason "The Troubles" ended in the 90s : https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=d5bncppjof8f9_&met_y=ny_gdp_mktp_cd&idim=country:IRL&dl=en&hl=en&q=ireland%20gdp#!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=ny_gdp_mktp_cd&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=region&idim=country:IRL&ifdim=region&tstart=-287953200000&tend=1195189200000&hl=en_US&dl=en&ind=falsec
  15. The only answer, IMO, is to build up Gaza's economy enough that the people there stop Hamas because they're tired of their stuff getting blown up. As it stands now, for the average Palestinian in Gaza, their lives are the only thing they have left to lose. This is why there is so much less violence from the more economicly developed west bank.
  16. We all need something to disagree about while DR/LR are in hiding!
  17. disengage soldier! DISENGAGE!!
  18. not really.
  19. She may or may not be carrying the Eiffel Tower.
  20. It's Carmen San Diego in disguise!
  21. Even in the article what he's saying doesn't make any sense. He's complaining about a $5000 health insurance cost, when the penalty for not having insurance would be $2000. I'm guessing he's not dumb, so he's just exaggerating for the story. Presumably the cost to offer full time employees insurance is less than the cost of the penalty ($2000) or the employers would obviously choose the penalties. a Full time employee works about 2000 hours a year, so the cost is basically a raise of less than $1/hour for all full time employees. Lets say the average Denny's has 35 full time employees (they don't), as suggested in the article, that is a cost increase of $70,000. On the average Denny's sales of $1.7M per location the 5% surcharge will generate $85,000. So this guy gets to pocket an extra $15,000 per location x 45 locations = $675,000! Good for him! In reality, He only has 950 employees that don't already have health insurance (21 per location) so with his 5% surcharge he'll end up pocketing about $1.9M, and, by adding a 5% surcharge ($0.45 on the average denny's bill of $9) he'll actually be able to provide health insurance to almost 1,000 Florida residents who didn't have it before!
  22. Anyone who watched a weather report two weeks ago?
  23. This is brilliant. I know, right? Landscapers are the worst. Seriously though: January February March April May June September October November December (I count 10)
  24. This is an outstanding post. You are dead on. Many docs, particularly OB/GYNs face a very tough road just to break even. Tort reform will be a critical piece. Better public funding of med school for hose who wish to pursue a career as a doctor would also help immensely. But taking on these two issues also means taking on the Trial Attorney (tort) and Banking (student loans) lobbies. it certainly won't be an easy road. In addition, i propose blowing up the FDA and starting from scratch. Clearly some regulation is needed in medicine (especially after malpractice claims are capped under potential tort reform) probably a lot of regulation. But those regulations need to be written by doctors, not phamaceutical company and insurance CEOs.
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