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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. He's endorsing him because he is "one of the greatest prime ministers ever."
  2. Plague Ridden Rats, the Brad Marchand of animal look-alikes.
  3. 30 - RC, The Matt Ellis of Cola.
  4. They're all afraid you're going to eat their babies.
  5. The Secret Service is definitely going to up that visit.
  6. Definitely needed Payton to score more than 5 points...
  7. First time since 1986 an American League team has hit 2 Grand Slams in the same inning. I'm glad I stayed up :-D
  8. I guess I was specifically addressing your use of the words "can ever produce" In the next decade or so, we will be able to do it.
  9. The article refernces that the US will reach the breakeven point some time between 2020 and 2035 depending on the price of oil.
  10. All of your tight ends are terrible.
  11. JJ~ First, Thanks for the clarification on biodiesel as opposed to diesel. That makes much more sense. Next, thanks for all the information on the engine differences. I'm not really a car expert, interesting stuff. false: http://on.ft.com/1as6nFh but most US oil spills are spills of oil on land or extracted from US based oceanic rigs. So import isn't really the issue with spills.
  12. You shut your mouth.
  13. Diesel takes carbon trapped beneath the earth in liquid form and releases it to the atmosphere. There is no way it can be better. Ethanol's biggest problem is that farmers use a lot of natural gas and diesel fuel to grow it and transport it. But the carbon in the ethanol itself was already in the atmosphere (that's where the corn got it from) so the net effect on atmospheric carbon is zero. If we could grow and transport the corn without using fossil fuels, it would be completely carbon neutral.
  14. What if he knew Kelly would do exactly what Kelly did? What if he had been spying for 20 years when he finally got caught?
  15. absolutely, but the grievance changes the calculus. Then the fact that the complaint appears to be outwardly prejudiced just makes it fun.
  16. She doesn't have the stomach for it. She's already softening her position, asking simply that her name be removed from the licenses for gay marriages. Then she would allow her deputies to issue them.
  17. To blot out a bit of the comparison to the Clerk in KY, Ms. Davis was offered an accommodation by the judge. All she had to do was allow her deputies to issue the licenses. Ms. Davis refused the accommodation. It's not enough that she doesn't violate her 'religious views'; no one else in her county shall violate her 'religious views' either.
  18. Looks like she started work 3 years ago for ExpressJet, converted 2 years ago, and just this past june found out that her faith prohibited the serving of Alcohol. The Airline said that was fine as long as the other flight attendant was willing to accommodate all passenger requests for alcohol. This past August another flight attendant filed a complaint against this woman, claiming that she wasn't fulfilling all of her duties. Here's where it gets outstanding: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/05/travel/muslim-flight-attendant-feat/
  19. Everyone in Philadelphia in 1787 could count to nine.
  20. It's all fallen apart. In two weeks from contention for the wildcard to contention for the basement. :(
  21. The article posted supports my contention. The Great Compromise, was, in fact, about slavery.
  22. Proportional Representation would be great. Our current system was essentially set up to protect Slavery. The Senate was built to give the less populated South more power.
  23. 2012 and 2004 were the only recent years where a northerner won in NH.
  24. You get the same BS from the south (SC) the Midwest (IA) and the West (NV)
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