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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. I expect Gus to center the "third line", I also expect him to get the most minutes when we play teams that have really strong top lines.
  2. What if we labelled all vaccines "may cause fatal immune reaction"? It would be true. And it would create a problem.
  3. People who want labeling to segregate GMO food are low information. There is no science backing them up and countless peer reviewed and repeatable studies showing that they pose no danger, provide a benefit, and are essentially identical to traditional bred crops in terms of health and environmental safety.
  4. You watch your mouth. Everything is a penis. That's why penis clears the filter and ###### gets censored.
  5. That's for dropping Alfred Blue last week, Liger! Made all the difference for me :-D
  6. This is a technical challenge that can be overcome.
  7. Well put. I would suggest that this finding should be enough to take the next scheduled lander and completely re-purpose it's science mission. Find the water, collect the water, test the water. There are so many questions a single analysis of this water could answer, and so many more that it could raise. Mars 2020 is our next rover launch, The Russians are launching ExoMars in 2018. I say we make it a race.
  8. Liquid water currently on mars. Send people, send them immediately.
  9. Ink is having a monster start to this bills game!
  10. My brother had no idea any of this had happened until i was at dinner with him last night. I think the pope is providing great news interference.
  11. I have had Pope Francis's words in my mind for 3 days. We'll see how long they stay there, but I think he is calling me (us?) to challenge that condition. Economics subservient to people. A system set up to serve all of the individuals, not the other way around.
  12. trough urinals!!
  13. I would suggest the following rhetorical change: It's an economic condition you accept.
  14. I think Boehner's resignation reduces the chances of a government shutdown. He's no longer beholden to his party, and is much more likely to work with centrists to get bipartisan funding bills passed. With the utter collapse of GOP support in the Senate for shutting down to defund PP, this cleans up the last hurdle in the house. I expect CRs on the presidents desk by lunchtime on wednesday.
  15. By forced I mean we can find no other way to satisfy market demands. Additional labor is last resort.
  16. And yet you continue to suffer us with grace.
  17. Yes, jobs are bad, cost, to be avoided unless absolutely forced. If we could make all of the things in a single room with a single guy pushing a single button, everyone in manufacturing would be unemployed.
  18. now I want the penis thing to happen so bad it hurts.
  19. hadn't considered it but omg amazing btw, even with my adds, the team still only has a 20% chance of making the playoffs.
  20. Richard Sherman, Joe Thomas, Marshal Yanda
  21. Did Pope Francis convince Boehner that he could not continue to stand for the things the GOP stands for? His comments indicate that the Pope's words were a crystallizing moment for him, and is emotions yesterday would indicate the same.
  22. So the implication is that if the evidence was tampered with, it was done so prior to the lab tests. If the nurses initials can be authenticated, it would indicate that this is the bag turned over to Hamburg police. I would assume that the next step would be authenticating the nurses initials on the bag eccps currently has in their possession. If the nurse's initials on the bag left at the mothers house cannot be authenticated either way, it would leave open the potential that this bag is a forgery. Meanwhile we await the NYSP or FBI investigation. This is straight out of a TV script.
  23. Does Hot Sauce not include butter?
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