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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Elegant description, Neo. We also chose to off-shore when we unilaterally decided that workplace fatalities were unacceptable. We off-shored when we decided that labor for less than a fair days wage is too close to slavery for our liking. We sent jobs away when we decided that we should all pitch in to keep our fellow americans from dying on the streets from infection or injury.
  2. "There's only one man running for president who I want to win. I will refuse to do simple things to help ensure that outcome. 'Murica."
  3. Just make sure you register as a Democrat so you can vote for him in april!
  4. I'd rather build new rivalries against western conference teams that take turns challenging us in the finals.
  5. I stand (sit) corrected.
  6. Utley was never forced out at the bag. The only call would be the interference on him. One out. The suspension is the correct call.
  7. Payton is a Zombie Shell of the QB he once was. I should have checked for decay before I drafted him. Gronk having a middling day and Seattle forgetting to throw to the huge TE they traded for this summer really did me in.
  8. If Brady to throws 3 tds, all to gronk and 5 interceptions, I should be just fine. Oh, and It would help if Optimus Prime showed up in Detroit and took care of Megatron.
  9. And this is exactly why Noah didn't have any room for the Ligers. At the time the movie came out, there were still 10 cities unofficially in contention for the two new NL spots, the finalists were cut to 6 in 1990. There was never a time that there were 4 finalists. It was an educated guess, but they nailed it. Especially considering the team wasn't referred to as "Miami" until 2012.
  10. I laughed hard. Well played.
  11. This is the most amazing typo in the history of ever.
  12. Jays gotta stop complaining about the strike zone.
  13. The fact that a Miami team even exists now was a pretty good prediction 1989.
  14. good stuff
  15. Coke is only prohibited in competition, so as long as he quit for a week or so ahead, he would have been fine.
  16. Also of note: a single stud pitcher basically won the world series last year.
  17. I think this is the first year that a stud pitcher will win the AL Wildcard game.
  18. He was just excited that he has the whole offseason free to sell coke to the Capitals.
  19. I'm going to tell myself that the O's destroyed what resolve the Yankees had left by their domination of them with home field still on the line this weekend.
  20. Did you answer "Yes, My NFL Team is a Garbage Fire."?
  21. What do you think the ice is made out of? Why do you think they're in such a hurry to scoop it up during the commercial breaks? What did you think was causing the drastic rise in "Hockey Related Revenue"? Why did you think the NHLPA was so interested in the "Player's Share"? None of this is a surprise.
  22. Dopamine is literally the only thing that can make anyone happy.
  23. Getting away from all those swords would indeed give you a chance to clear your throat.
  24. because Milwaukee wasn't for sale at the time.
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