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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Missed the game. How did our last 4 years worth of first round picks do?
  2. depends on the body count in the next 4-8 years
  3. Booker Warren Castro Gillibrand Cuomo and O'malley is still just a puppy (he's 52)
  4. Just pointing out the absurdity of the comparison. A sword will never be as lethal as a gun, that's why soldiers carry guns now, instead of swords.
  5. 1 dead. 2 Injured. Definitely the exact same result it would have been if he had a gun. Of course she has, she the prohibitive favorite. The money goes to the winners, and they don't care who.
  6. Biden, pacing through an empty church, arguing with God about his personal tragedies: "You get Hoynes"
  7. I like the imaginary pint of beer that the lady in pink is holding.
  8. This is me at the end of one of my 6-month cycles between haircuts.
  9. I'd love to know what people think I look like. Every morning I look in the mirror and am startled by the stranger looking back at me.
  10. ted podcast too
  11. amazing. absolutely amazing ending. My mom went to MSU, she texted me saying, "this is what it feels like to be on the other side of the Music City Miracle!"
  12. Inkman:Grumpy Cat Batman:Bruce Wayne
  13. Whatever happened to Disco Dan? It can be our memorial to GoDd
  14. we need a better abbreviation than DB
  15. I think the guy who fills that role on a champion is more than a "nice player". He's gotta be the third best center on the team. Super Bonus Points if he can slide up in the event of an injury to ROR or Jack. I'd also like to point out that these were his first regular season games since his injury.
  16. Could he fill this role on a champion in the future?
  17. I promise there will be more Whiskey next time.
  18. I am a Millenial. I voted for Al Gore.
  19. While his mom was subbing in his second grade class...
  20. One of my wife's clients had a product launch today. 8 minutes after the launch, Hackers took over her site and replaced everything with their quaint little logo. Took me 1 hour to eliminate the vulnerability, clear the malicious code, and reset the site. My complaint is that her hosting company's support team told her that the site was unrecoverable. That there were no backups and all was lost. Her site has 5 years worth of content on it. This news must have absolutely crushed her, and it was completely wrong. These guys should know better.
  21. Stay Classy Toronto.
  23. for we've: http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/14/europe/uk-ebola-nurse/index.html
  24. Registering does not help them win. Voting for the one democrat who probably most aligns with you on Gun Rights would give you an opportunity to shape this country into the america you want. Your choice to make a stand silences you.
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