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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Not calling him McDavid is anti-Semitic.
  2. I'm no lawiologist, but I'm pretty sure the DNA would be admissible, presented as a defense that it wasn't pat in the room. Then the insinuation of promiscuity is left to the jury (and almost assured).
  3. 25 more hours. How awesome is it to be looking forward to the next game!!!
  4. In America this would justify a wholesale invasion of Sri Lanka.
  5. I just keep watching the greatest single threat to our winning Stanley Cups for the next 15 years break is collarbone on repeat. Does that count as game film?
  6. Yeah! Screw User Input! :P (i kid, i kid, you be you.)
  7. Being on the ice is a bigger threat to the long term health of every hockey player than being in the press box. This injury will likely extend the useful life of McDavid's brain. #IStandWithPA
  8. It appears he has taken a lot of blow s.
  9. I agree with the thrust of the non-bolded statements. To the bolded, the measure is of sexual assaults "reported to police" To compile the numbers for unreported crimes, the Justice Department does statistical surveys, and then compares them to police records. I'm sure there is some noise in the data, but in general that some fraction, less than half, of all rapes are reported to police is probably a reasonable assumption.
  10. Milk prices are regulated. Electric Grids are largely private. Cereal Crops are publicly insured. If the customers want ATMs, banks will offer them, they did it for free for decades.
  11. Regulated the same as Electric Delivery Fees or Road Tolls.
  12. Electronic financial transactions are critical national infrastructure (must be accessed in order to participate at even the most basic level of society, like roads, bridges, water, electric grid, etc.) and should be regulated as such.
  13. First college football playoff standings are out. 7-1 Notre Dame is ranked 5th, ahead of 8 undefeated teams.
  14. The case is predicated on the idea that Lucas creates deep plot lines and stories. He doesn't. Ever. It's not that kind of movie. Han shot first.
  15. Can't wait for the new episodes.
  16. I'm really excited about how insufferable I'm going to become if ND keeps winning between now and thanksgiving.
  17. Clearly you've never had a sufficient amount of beer.
  18. As long as people see as an "evil" the building of a coalition that is not purely adherent to your own personal desires and positions. nothing will change.
  19. The Sabres are 5-5 in their last 10. This has not happened since 12/27/2014. They lost their next 14 games.
  20. dEnnis and I have a great matchup going into MNF.
  21. So I just received a really interesting letter from my employer the other day. The letter was announcing the 2.4% increase in my healthcare premiums for next year. The letter also announced that my plan was "grandfathered in" by the ACA, and that while it did not meet all the requirements of the law, the law allowed for us to keep the plan. They did have to make some adjustments, as certain requirements were required, even for "grandfathered" plans (no lifetime cap, no denial for pre-existing condition, etc.). I talked with the VP of HR, and she basically said that a lot of companies used those changes as a chance to drop plans and increase cost sharing. Healthcare in general in Upstate NY is low cost, so my employer didn't see a need to be jerks about it. I know a lot of people lost their coverage as employers decided how to deal with the new requirements, but it was heartening to learn that the law did, in fact, contain language to allow people too keep their plans as long as their employer didn't suck. ___________________________________________________ tl;dr: The ACA did have a mechanism for people to keep their old plans. I work for a great company.
  22. Cinnamon Toast Crunch makes a nice one too.
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