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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. There is some interesting research that says that something like 80% of them would, indeed, be alive. The efficacy of firearms in suicide is significantly higher that other methods, like 90% vs 10% or something like that.
  2. I had to take a break last night, because I had some people I needed to worry about. I'm thrilled to report that all of my friends, former coworkers, and acquaintances are accounted for. A few of my thoughts reading through this thread. - I agree that our withdrawal allowed for the creation of ISIS in the vacuum we created when we first invaded. Both events had to occur to allow the creation of this terrible force. I think we should put significant boots on the ground to create a security environment where we can spend hundreds of billions of dollars rebuilding water plants, schools, and theaters. The soldiers won't solve the problem, they never have, but they are necessary to implement the parts that will. - A friend pushed back on me last night because I was so outward with my solidarity with Paris, while remaining essentially silent on other casualties in terrorist attacks around the world. At first I was angry. At the time I was overcome with emotions of grief for my favorite city, and fear for my friends. Reflecting on it this morning, I understand that it is wrong of me to silence the part of my humanity that grieves today when I hear about the deaths of people who are poor and foreign to me. I hope to do better in this arena. - The refugees being pointed at as a cause of this worries me. If we do not offer hospitality to these people, we will send them back into the arms of our enemies. There will always be a risk in welcoming masses fleeing violence, whether it's Syria or El Salvador, but it appears to me the risk of not providing comfort and a future is far greater. - I'm becoming less concerned with the past transgressions (WWI, Colonialism, Oil, etc.) that may have contributed to the creation of this problem. I'm more concerned, I think, about what we can do to confront the immediate threat and prevent the future recruitment of what would otherwise be farmers and soccer players and entrepreneurs and doctors. I think this links back to my first bullet where an international military intervention with the express mission of creating a security environment where we can build schools and infrastructure and art. We can't kill this problem with bullets, we may be able to kill it with books and farms and factories and music. We'll need a lot of soldiers to protect those things.
  3. This is my connection as well. It's a city and a people you can't truly appreciate until you live with them. Once you do, you will love them forever.
  4. I hope they get this under control quickly with as little additional death as possible. I also hope they capture a few of the perpetrators alive so we don't have to write our own conclusions. I have a close personal connection to Paris. My heart is broken.
  5. Another sweet caffeine hack I've learned is in the late afternoon, when I get to that circadian low where I feel like I could totally fall asleep. If I have a bunch of stuff to get done that evening, I make a coffee, cool it down with milk or ice, and just chug it. I then immediately lie down for a 20 minute nap. When I wake up, I'm like superman. Marathons give out 2 kinds of calorie gel at the feeding stations, one of them has caffeine. My coach referred to it as the legal PED.
  6. I work in a factory, so my work day starts at 6. I've figured out that no matter what time I go to bed, if I set my alarm for 4:30, and keep a caffeine pill and glass of water next to my bed, I can down the caffeine and water at 4:30, fall back asleep, and then spring out of bed at 4:50 when alarm #2 goes off.
  7. Wins by Buffalo and either Chicago or Vancouver and we are 1 point out of the playoffs through 16 games.
  8. This is a cool look at different methods for the electoral vote: http://www.270towin.com/alternative-electoral-college-allocation-methods/
  9. I think this is a catch-22. If there were better ways to score from 15' out, their would be fewer bodies crashing the nets.
  10. Not to mention Bettman, Campbell, and Quintal.
  11. So we are exactly where the best Sabres Team of the last 15 years was through 15 games. me like.
  12. Even you spending a steamy night with Hillary?
  13. Old Data, he's really turned it around this year.
  14. My fam and I once went on a road trip through this history. From Whitefish Bay to the Maritime Sailors Cathedral. It was a great trip. Swam in all 5 great lakes over the course of 3 days.
  15. Fancy Stats says Weber has the best Corsi and Fenwick on the team.
  16. in the biblical sense
  17. They got $100,000 in the past hour.
  18. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mst3k/bringbackmst3k
  19. Does not answer question, but here's a random slide show: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2006/04/01/sports/baseball/20060402_box_slideshow_1.html
  20. We play all of our games against Dallas, St. Louis, and Nashville over the course of 11 days at the end of the month. Weird.
  21. paywall content is typically frowned upon. Summaries are ok.
  22. Way to forget to put your kicker in, Whiskey. Bold Move.
  23. That he was pushed or not was not reviewable. The review was essentially for show.
  24. Don't get me wrong, I love it because it helps the Irish, but Sparty got royally boned yesterday.
  25. Implement The Toonie Rule?
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