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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Touched- I can second we've's motion that the 4 roses small batch is really good and more consistent. This is my go to Whiskey. __________________________________________________ My Uncle in Law brought some Jack Daniels over for thanksgiving. I hadn't had a sip of Jack in a long time. Tried some straight with a couple drops of water, as I usually take my whiskey. Remembered why I hadn't had Jack in so long, went into the kitchen to get a lemon and my squeeze bottle of simple syrup. Enjoyed a nice thanksgiving sour.
  2. This line sounds like, "I would like to see Arab Muslims step up to the plate and start solving the problem that they have the largest stake in." Not sure why that came to me, but it did. Not certain what it adds to the conversation, but I thought I'd point it out. _________________________________________ Statistically, Black American's are most likely to be shot by other Black Americans, and White American's are most likely to be shot by themselves. The story of gun violence in America is a dual narrative of Poverty and Suicide. There are lots of other shootings and killings, but the Pareto stacks those two up as the biggest elements my quite a bit. But we focus on mass shootings in schools and shopping centers. This is like focusing on plane crashes when talking about transportation deaths. Suicide makes a ###### news story, unless that victim is famous. Street Crime is the same way. But hitting the media purchasers right in the feels, like a school, that's media gold.
  3. I did the best at drafting players that would miss huge amounts of time with injuries. 5 of my top 6. It's almost like I was subconsciously looking for an excuse to be terrible. I demand a golden MRI Machine as a trophy.
  4. Based on some early reports, he sounds more like a lone wolf than a part of an organized group with an agenda. Lived in a shack off the grid in North Carolina, arrested for animal cruelty in 2002, etc. More of a psychopath unibomber type that a zealot-martyr. Again, early reports. His complete lack of presence on social media would make it less likely that he was a psychopath sympathetic to some other groups cause (like the kid who shot up that prayer group earlier this year). Until the results from the inevitable raid on his home are reported, We'll all be just guessing.
  5. At least he surrendered. Maybe we'll get some answers before the State of Colorado puts a needle in his arm.
  6. 40lbs of turkey is significantly heavier than 40lbs of toddler. I can lift my kid all day, totally just hurt my shoulder flipping the birds.
  7. Photoshop in Adobe Creative Cloud is $9.99/mo, If you can't afford that (and I totally understand that $120/yr can be a burden) look at Gimp. It took me a couple of months to learn, but it can do everything a basic user would need out of PS, and it's open source and free.
  8. No timekeeper in the box. Must be at least 15min before.
  9. _________________ [NEW TOPIC] I read an interesting statement today, I'll paraphrase: If Christopher Columbus had arrived in the New World bent a knee and sworn allegiance to the natives. If his three return trips had brought Spanish Slaves west rather than the reverse. If the wealth of the European Royals had been plundered and delivered in homage to the Leaders of the First Nations: 90% of the Native American population would have still been destroyed. Regardless of the intentions of the pioneers and explorers and soldiers who crossed the Atlantic, they would have carried with them stowaway viruses for which the Natives had no defense. This can't forgive the looting the pillaging the murders and the rapes. It can't forgive that portion of the genocide that did come at the point of a sword, but there is no rewrite of history that saves the Native Americans once contact was made. Geography and biology assured their demise. The only solution would have been delaying contact until after the age of vaccines. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but it definitely caught my attention. I do agree. There aren't many private sector unions that are forbidden by law from striking. :)
  10. I think you are moving the goal posts. Efficiency is one thing, but extolling the virtues of publicly traded corporate governance is a bit off base. I will be negotiating a union contract in 14 months. The shareholders of the corporation I work for have very little effect on my day to day workings, and I will receive literally no guidance on what they are looking for (profit, yes, but growth? cash? stability? market value if they want to sell the business?) Your original contention was that public sector unions are bad because the ultimate wallets are not at the table. The commissioner of public works is at the table, he has a budget, set by the town council. He will negotiate within that budget. He will negotiate the contract to allow his department to best meet the needs of the town residents. I will be at the table in february 2014. I will have a OI and Growth target set by the board of directors. I will negotiate within that budget. I will also craft the contract to best enable my firm to meet the needs of my customers.
  11. Shareholders are not at the table for union negotiations either. The delegates of their elected representatives are there. And while those delegates do not have the power to levy taxes, they do have the power to lower dividends. And for at least 40 years, those delegates sold the future (pension obligations) to reward the present (lower wages improving operating income). I don't think the ######/private divide is as wide as you think. EDIT: well, if you miss a letter in the word "public" you get censored.
  12. Go Cowboys!
  13. It's a long stretch, almost exclusively against the West. And the top west teams at that. If we get 12 points over the 17 games, we'll be in great shape.
  14. Remember our deal for Thursday. I'll want photo confirmation of stuffing and mashed potatoes.
  15. Just wait until ISIS starts operations in Chechnya, or vice-versa: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/02/putin-should-unleash-chechen-troops-on-isis-says-regions-president
  16. NATO Member Shoots Down Russian Aircraft. There was a time when missiles would be fueling right now. progress.
  17. I think Bylsma would have taken the time out at that exact moment anyway, to break up the flow, like a basketball coach might. He easily could have told the team, "it's a good goal, I just wanted an extra minute for you guys to get it back together, we're not out of this."
  18. I knew Flacco was going down.
  19. No, you have not, nor has anyone in this conversation. I may have fallen victim to a straw man when I read goering's words as typed by you. Obviously, your point, while reminiscent of a Nazi Leader in Nuremberg, is not congruent with his philosophy. So I change my challenge. If you're willing to engage for a bit, with a promise that we both make the assumption that the other is coming from a position of best intentions, i'd like to walk through Just War Theory, and see if we meet the criteria. My intuition is that we might.
  20. I went to lengths to explain the reasoning behind the thought. The Nazi reference was just bonus points. You sound exactly like his explanation of how democracies can control the will of the people through fear. Your position is hardly out of mainstream, but deserves due dilligence, and I don't think that silencing the liberals is the way to find the best final solution to this problem. (That will be the last one, I promise.)
  21. I think military action will be necessary to ensure the expansion of secular liberal pluralism throughout humanity. I don't think that erring on the side of peace will result in the dire consequences you declare. I think there is room for a voice that says, "violence will not solve violence". I think there is a value in telling our soldiers that there are real human beings over there, not just bands of monsters. I think more Americans will die each year for the next 10 years if we invade Syria, than if we don't.
  22. This is an incredibly dangerous statement to be making. It leaves no room for moderating forces. It leaves no room for a change in course. It leaves little room for pragmatism. It is also a near direct translation of a Hermann Goering quote.
  23. If I can paraphrase this, we need to accept the idea that we are under attack and we need to be brought to understand that pacifism will expose the country to additional danger. Is that what you're saying?
  24. Holy . link?
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