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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. Everything is more complex and nuanced than you think. Yes, I'm talking to you.
  2. According to CNN: I'm not discounting the possibility that he had some internal struggle with his sexuality. If I combine this with the fact that he was abusive to his first wife. It is possible that he had rage issues, became a zealot, and focused his efforts on the Sin of Homosexuality, which has been at the forefront of American Media for the past year, since obergefell v. hodges.
  3. He's only got 7 months left. And I'm not sure I'm optimistic that any politician has presented a solution that will actually work.
  4. I think it made a huge difference, in my subconscious at least, that the Tsarnaevs where white and didn't have Arab names. I don't love that that was the case for me, but I suspect it was similar for a large chunk of the American Populace. As for the LGBT community point, I think you're dead on. Organization makes a world of difference.
  5. We'll see. It mostly depends on my ability to have less than 26 hours worth of to do each day.
  6. This is a really strange statement in America, but I can't say that it's wrong. It's strange to think that a largely marginalized group will have a better chance at effecting change, than Suburban White Parents, but for some reason it seems accurate. It is possible that we are more likely to change because we can't identify with the perpetrator, than when we could identify with the victims. We're better at fearing the "other".
  7. There is an acceptance of the status quo. That's what we did after the massacre of 20 children at Sandy Hook. This feels like it's going to be different, but I can't put my finger on why that is. Is it because that happened right after the election, and this one happened right before the campaigning season starts?
  8. I got a dog. His name is O'Ryan. He is majestic AF.
  9. "5 friends have marked as safe during the shooting in Orlando" This is the notification on my phone that I woke up to yesterday morning. Easily one of the most surreal moments I've experienced. I'm still not sure how I feel about this, or what I/we are supposed to do. I guess I came here for help, reading through this place has a strange way of helping me resolve things like that. Regarding France: Opération Chammal There was armed security at the club.
  10. I'm funding 100% of my retirement plus some percentage of the retirements of everyone who got a pension that is still on my company's books. This year, for instance, we will need to make a multi-million dollar payment into the pension to keep it fully funded. Our pension was frozen a decade ago, but everyone just keeps living so long.
  11. My parents have done some research that proves this hypothesis to be invalid.
  12. Thanks! Just three follow-up questions: Is there a general feel for how the team is doing/ where they are headed? Is Liger really gone? Does 11 making poor food choices really make a top 10 list?
  13. You know what *would be* awesome? If someone(s) could create a thread and offer a summary of the awesome things the board has discussed over the past 2+ months so that a half empty bottle would get refilled.
  14. Appreciate the hot stove, or get out of the kitchen.
  15. Source Link?
  16. Is Canisius High School the Crusadors?
  17. Are you talking about Tim McVeigh or the Unibomber?
  18. Finland is not ending their universal healthcare program. "Benefits" is a British term for Welfare and Unemployment. The Market Theory for what would happen in this case is that some people would indeed just stop working, which would reduce the labor pool, and thus drive up real wages, which would then generate more tax money. I can provide some examples later.
  19. Video nsfw: http://www.maxim.com/entertainment/sports/article/bills-fans-stadium-sex-2015-12
  20. Drunkard- Two things: First, A Christian Nation wouldn't replace the BoR with Leviticus. Mosaic Law (The Commandments and Leviticus) was fulfilled by Christ. A Christian Nation would instead be governed by a call to perform "works of mercy", we would be a nation that would "turn the other cheek", Americans would "love their enemies". All of this, as laid out in the Sermon on the Mount, is probably the most clear, direct, and forceful language that Jesus used when instructing his followers on how to act. He specifically says that the old law is fulfilled, and lays down these things as the new Law. It's all obviously been corrupted by a couple millennia of kings and wealth using the Church as their tool for subjugation, but the message is laid out in plain language, on documents dated from the first generation after Jesus's life. Second, Jesus's words aside, I would encourage you to try empathy with the "other side". The human mind is an absolutely amazing thing, but it's got some pretty simple drivers. We are social creatures. Our brains instinctively create a sense of tribe. As a survival mechanism, this works as a shortcut to quickly identify threats. The modern result of this function is that we often misidentify threats prematurely. Unfortunately, this prevents us from accepting potentially useful inputs and information because once a source is IDed as "other" our ability to trust it falls so low that we don't even listen. If we begin our arguments from a point of degradation and belittling, we run the risk of have ourselves immediately identified as "other" by the potential recipients. We preemptively eliminate our chances of having our ideas assimilated into the other person's internal sense of "tribe". If we start our arguments not from our turf, but from the realm of the "other" we stand a better chance of moving things. There is a psychological underpinning to the partisanship and stalemate we see today. We've split the country into strong identity "tribes" and no one hears what the other one is saying. Breaking this will require that we give up some of the outward themes of our tribe, in order to learn and appreciate the "other". it's why liberals are so deeply sickened when they see an Open-Carry rally in Texas, and why conservatives don't listen when they see a Black Lives Matter rally on TV. Their instincts tell them that this is "Other" and not to be trusted. When I see a bunch of people with long guns threateningly rally, my stomach turns and I think "crazy people". I need to over come that instinct as ask myself (and more importantly them) why they hold that identification, and what is motivating them to this action. I'm not trying to argue that all people have legitimate and wonderful reasons to hold the positions they hold, lots of positions are held purely out of fear and/or greed. My point is only that if I don't make an effort to understand those reasons, I'm not going to help change peoples beliefs. If we all do this, nothing changes. During the Triangle Shirtwaist Strikes of the early progressive era, Anne Morgan (Daughter of JP) took up the cause of the nascent labor union. She was very valuable to the strikers, not simply because she provided a high profile, but because she could readily identify with the "tribe" from the other side. When hard-line socialists began infiltrating the meetings, Morgan fought back against them, noting particularly that their appeal to emotionalism would derail the movement. This act kept the strikers focused on the things they were working for, rather than allowing an "us vs them" identity war to begin.
  21. You all need to watch your mouths. Dr. Quinn is a saint.
  22. Guaranteed Minimum Income is a really interesting idea. Finland also has Universal Single Payer Health Insurance. So being a Finn would pretty much mean your basic needs would be met, assuming it doesn't completely destroy the economy. I'm excited to see some of these smaller countries take a swing at it so we have some real empirical data. To put this in perspective, a similar program in the US would cost about $3 Trillion per year.
  23. http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/05/us/miami-beach-police-shooting/
  24. Thanks for the clarification.
  25. Sure it can. One's faith can remain strong, while one's emotions are hurt by a world that appears to be rejecting or hostile or both. Belittling people is never needed. It's never productive for humanity. I do it. I wish I didn't. I'll work to do it less.
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