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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. This for sure. Even if we finish with only 80 points somebody will do a split of pre and post Eichel and show that if only Eichel had played all 82 games we would have finished at X number of points which would have been an improvement of Y percent. I think it was on another board but it reminds me of the theoretical points that Tim Connolly was always on pace to score while he was out with injury years ago. He'd have a good stretch of 10 games or something, go out with an injury and his 82 game pace was usually up in the MVP levels of conversation. I think he had more theoretical points than actual ones, which is a bummer because he was crazy talented and fun to watch when he was healthy.
  2. That's right, just let the guilt of your white privilege shower over you. You can yell at me, it's completely ok because I'm white too so I probably deserve it.
  3. Maybe we should trade O'Reilly for a stud defenseman. Then our fearless leader would have no choice but to play Reinhart, right? Or he'll just piss us off even more and put Ennis or Foligno at center.
  4. Never! You take your white guilt and bathe in it. Bathe in it I say!
  5. That's awesome. I actually just applied to be on some new horror themed game show that he's supposed to be hosting. I doubt I'll be selected since they are probably looking for aspiring models and actors and that's definitely not me, but we'll see how it goes.
  6. Awesome avatar, man. Bruce Campbell is the f'n man! I hope Ash vs Evil Dead goes on forever.
  7. Kids grow up so fast don't they? Our little playoff drought will be an adult this year, probably around mid to late November. Maybe earlier if they let Taylor go without an upgrade. At least our new coach was able to impress our owners with his impressive wrestling background and his belief in virgin births, turning water into wine, and talking snakes. That's all that really matters, at least until they demand massive subsidies from the city, county, and state to build a fancy new stadium downtown that will sit empty 357 days a year.
  8. Good for you and good luck. Personally I wouldn't worry about stepping down on the nicotine strength though. The one I use currently is 4.0% nicotine by volume which is 40 mg/ml. Rather than smoking the same amount and stepping down on nicotine levels you'd probably be better off keeping the same level of nicotine in your e-cigarette and just using it less. That should give you the added benefit of saving you a few bucks as well, provided whatever brand you use charges the same price regardless of nicotine levels.
  9. Despite my sarcasm I really did agree with your earlier post. Last night's come from behind win has definitely bought him some breathing room. Unfortunately for us those types of games are too few and far between for it to help the organization really improve but it sure will give him more rope to hang himself with.
  10. Yep. 81 points in 82 games last year and now we're sitting pretty at 54 points in only 53 games. That's a projection of 83 or even 84 points if they can keep up this break neck pace. Now that's what I call progress. At this rate we'll be sniffing the playoffs when Okposo and O'Reilly are out of their primes, Kane is gone, and Eichel and Reinhart are making too much money to field quality depth in other areas of the team.
  11. Exactly. That's why it's so hard to win in the NFL.
  12. Yep. We can go ahead and kiss next season good bye already. Looks like we wasted the entire ELC's of Eichel and Reinhart already.
  13. I think you may have some seriously unrealistic expectations. You want to see us get rid of Bogosian, Gorges, Falk, and Fedun and ensure that every replacement is an upgrade all in one offseason? How is he supposed to upgrade 4/6 of the defense in one offseason when we are already close to the cap? I think upgrades for 1 or 2 spots is about the best we can hope for unless you're willing to gut the forward ranks and trade at least 2 of Eichel, Reinhart, O'Reilly, Okposo, and Kane because selling off Tyler Ennis, Matt Moulson, or Marcus Foligno isn't going to net you anyone better than Bogosian and that's only if you're lucky. Maybe if he re-signs Kulikov and/or Franson it will push Falk and Fedun back into being injury call ups from Rochester but it's unlikely we're gonna get the big shake up you're requesting.
  14. I don't buy this for a second. I highly doubt EVERY TEAM in the league recorded the practices and walk throughs of their opponents, deflated footballs after they had been checked by the officials, or tampered with the head sets of the opposing team whenever they're at home. And that's the stuff they've either been caught doing or gotten rat out for doing. We have no idea what others things they are doing that either haven't been discovered or has already been swept under the rug by the league.
  15. Following them on this board has been more fun than actually watching the team most nights over the last few years. Very few games (like last night) have proven to be the exception not the rule.
  16. Terry, Kim, and Russ most likely. I really doubt Murray has the ability to make a move like that without their approval. I imagine some GM's have the authority to do so and others get to make the decision but have to let the owner know first just to keep them in the loop rather than having to ask permission.
  17. Except he's not calling the shots in our flat management structure where nobody has a monopoly on hockey knowledge. If you really think Murray has the authority to shitcan DB and hire CJ without Terry and Russ signing off I'd say you're mistaken.
  18. My older brother was constantly telling me to watch this show. I was personally boycotting it due in part to the Boston accents and because I blame this show for ruining the final season of Dexter, but I eventually watched all 4 seasons over about a month. It's a decent show and it does pick up the pace somewhat but if you didn't like the first episode at all you're probably not going to like the show.
  19. Or he could die of AIDS or ass cancer tomorrow. I'll continue to hope for that.
  20. We should take him, although I'd take just about anyone over DB at this point. 81 points in 82 games last year. 52 points in 52 games so far this year. Not exactly what I'd call progress. Plus I hate his face and his "system".
  21. Well that bum Ryan O'Reilly has zero 30 goal seasons and two 20 goal seasons in 7+ NHL seasons as well. Plus he makes 2 million more.
  22. The system is rigged I tell ya. Time to drawn the swamp that is NFL Headquarters.
  23. Maybe he nets one of those Gaustad type scenarios where we trade a team Gionta and a 3rd or 4th and we get a 1st in return.
  24. I've only seen bits and pieces of Seth Myers on SNL, never his show, but it sounds like that was a good decision on my part. Conan was always my favorite although I'll probably boycott his show for a week or two so I don't have to listen to him ball washing the Patriots*.
  25. It's his inner masshole coming out.
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