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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. We all know it was the sacrilegious avatar. Lord Casey doesn't need to do a pull up. He can simply raise the elevation of whatever part of earth he happens to be standing on enough to put his chin over the bar. To even have the gall to ask him to perform the task like some mortal is insulting.
  2. Jeffismagic got banned? That's a shame. I enjoyed seeing his avatar of our lord and savior (pbuh) deciding not to make the earth rise up until his chin was over the bar. I wish I could have read all the discussion that led to it but I've been visiting the boards less when I'm at home so I'll have more to read once I get back to work the next day.
  3. I haven't shaved in over a year. I'm starting to look like Brent Burns, although I do at least have all my teeth. I like this idea. It effectively eliminate the egregious cherry picking while still keeping the game from getting stopped 20+ times for ticky tack offside calls. Win/Win.
  4. Different strokes for different folks. I've really enjoyed the show. The whole Nazi vs Jew struggle over many decades between one of the main heroes (the pawnbroker Abraham Setrakian) and one of the main villains (former Nazi and vampire Eichorst), the CDC stuff at the very beginning before the outbreak, the back and forth chess game as the humans and the strigoi/vampires attempted different ways to defeat each other, and the nuclear winter/apocalypse aspect. Plus, like I said earlier it was great seeing a vampire show where the vampires looked like actual monsters instead of sparkly teens or runway models like those Twilight movies or True Blood. It was never my favorite show by any stretch (I could probably name 20 I like better with no difficulty), but it kept me entertained for 4 seasons and I'm sorry to see it go.
  5. I was happy it was a show about vampires that looked like monsters instead of fashion models with fangs.
  6. Casey Mittelstadt is not pleased. This type of blasphemy of omitting the holy one will not be tolerated. Now go to the corner and say 10 hail Caseys or he's gonna make you do it anyway, only you'll be kneeling on piles of uncooked rice.
  7. Just wait until he has Casey Mittelstadt at his disposal. At that point even a single loss will be unacceptable. So it is written, so it shall be done.
  8. Sweet! Wait, he wasn't laughing when he said it, was he?
  9. Does anyone here watch the Strain? Really good vampire/apocalypse type show on FX that is down to the series finale next week (after 4 seasons). It's a shame it's ending after only 4 seasons, but I guess that's better than jumping the shark and running too long.
  10. Can he talk without using his hands? That's the best test I'm aware of. Tie his hands behind his back and see if he becomes a mute.
  11. I'm basing it more off the 21 games he played for us under Nolan after the trade in 2015. If Housley can get Bogosian back to that level, I'll be happy.
  12. Fake news! God loves Buffalo sports. That's why he's blessed us with all those championships .......er never mind. I mean God loves us now because we hired a soul harvester. He's saving us all those souls to appease God and because of that we've curried his favor. In reality, I'm ok with him thanking his imaginary friend, but if he doesn't blame him when we lose I'm going to bring it up on his behalf. It's only fair.
  13. I don't really see the benefit to this. It's not like Gorges is well versed in Housley's system or anything. Sure, he's a veteran, but so are Scandella and Bogosian, plus even though they are relatively young, Beaulieu, McCabe, and Ristolainen aren't exactly rookies and they should pretty much all have the same (minimal) exposure to Housley's system by opening day. Maybe if Gorges is a quick study and some of the other guys struggle to pick up the nuances I could see it, but outside of that, I believe he'll ice his 6 best defensemen. At least, I hope he does.
  14. This is a great point. I want to see our talent up and down the lineup. I'd rather not be exclusively top heavy (except maybe on the power play). I don't want half the game to be hinging on protecting half the roster all together at the same time and hoping they can just hold on and not screw up until we can get the top guys back out there. I think we'll be an actual contender once every line has is a threat to score. That's why I want to see Reinhart centering the 3rd line with someone like Kane on his wing.
  15. This may have been the best post I've ever read on this board. Until this one. Nicely done. In fact I'm cracking a beer right now in the name of scientific research. Looks more like the Flyers to me. The girl proves nothing though. Sure, she's hot but he's young, fit, talented, already a millionaire, and already to be one 80 times over. The goofy hair and acne is easy enough to look past given his other redeeming qualities.
  16. It's all good. We all have our vices. Sometimes I drink in the morning.
  17. It was gnarly for sure. It still holds up well too. I burned it when it first came out on dvd and the last time I watched it was maybe a year ago and it was still good. Several actors from the Walking Dead are also in it (Carol, Dale, and Andrea for sure, maybe some others, but I think that's it).
  18. So now we not only have to pretend that Eichel is as good as McDavid but we also need to pretend he's the most handsomest boy in the world too? I can't keep up. What's next? Pretending McDermott was a good hire?! Pretending that gingers have souls? We probably need a list of delusions that fans need to read before posting on the board. Next somebody is gonna say something crazy like Casey Mittelstadt didn't create the universe in 6 days. Absolute blasphemy.
  19. The Mist movie from 10 years ago was also pretty damn awesome, although I never read the book. I've watched Season 1 of the show on FX/SciFi or whatever channel it was on. Pretty good so far but not as good as the movie although part of what I love so much about the movie was how it ended and since the show isn't over it's pretty much impossible to measure up at this point.
  20. Consider it an act of charity. Once that bum Eichel is shamed into retirement he's going to need something to do with all that time on his hands and since Mittelstadt (pbuh - am I doing that right, NS?) will already be busy defeating ISIS and North Korea, brokering peace in the Middle East, curing AIDS, plus hand weaving Donald Trump a new hair piece, all while playing hockey like he's the love child of Gretzky and Gordie Howe, he can show Eichel enough compassion to allow him to shine his shoes and serve him breakfast in bed.
  21. If he scores less than 80 we should just force him to retire and make him Mittelstadt's butler.
  22. I just hope he can be productive at the AHL level and not look out of place if/when he gets called up to play in Buffalo.
  23. I believe you have to be out of high school for at least 3 years to be eligible for the NFL draft. For most people that means you're around 21 years of age. So underclassmen are eligible but they don't allow 18 year olds fresh out of high school. The youngest I remember was Amobe Okoye (sp?). He was a 20 year old who immigrated from Africa but he started college at year and was already a 4 year graduate by age 20.
  24. I agree. I'd love to see him center the 3rd line with a good winger like Kane and see what he can do. This is the last year of his ELC and we need to see what we have in him while we're still dealing with dead weight on the roster (Gorges, Moulson) and we're not expected to seriously contend for the Cup. In 2-3 years once most of the anchors have been cleared (Gorges, Moulson, Pominville, possibly Bogosian) and our Lord and Savior Casey Mittelstadt is making Eichel an afterthought we need to know what we have in the rest of the supporting cast.
  25. I think he'll be more productive than Ennis and Foligno combined for less money than they earn combined, so it's a net gain for us.
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