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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. I agree that he deserves some credit, but Hank's post got under my skin, especially given that I got warned (and pointed) by nFreeman for my comments regarding McSoulcollector and his faith based decision making. I don't imagine Hank will suffer the same fate. Funny how that works. Kind of like how it was open season to criticize every decision made by Obama for years and then the Orange one gets elected and it's magically time to shut down political discussion. The wrestler certainly did way better than I expected though. Good for him. If he can win us a Super Bowl, I might even be willing to take down my shrine to Lord Mittelstadt and replace it with one to him. Everyone get your prayer beads ready.
  2. And ###### you very much too, buddy. McDermott is still an idiot for benching Taylor against the Chargers but the Bills will be in the playoffs for the first time since I was 19 years old so hats offs to them getting in. He owes Andy Dalton and Tyler Boyd his paycheck for saving his bacon. Special thanks to Tyrod Taylor, who despite being severely unappreciated by this fan base, managed to put together a very solid season and helping to end the playoff drought that has lasted since the Clinton Administration.
  3. That's why he's Lord Mittelstadt. He can do it all. https://www.tsn.ca/world-juniors/statistics
  4. I think Kane nets us a first and a b prospect.
  5. In an homage to Kenny Powers, I'd go with handsome white jesus. Usually I call him Lord Middlestadt though.
  6. All goalies let in soft goals from time to time. Ryan Miller was practically worshipped in Buffalo and he let in soft goals all the time. The difference is that this team didn't have problems scoring for most of Miller's career in Buffalo so that soft goals he let in were brushed aside because the team still won more often than not. If this team was scoring more and winning games you wouldn't see nearly as much whining and complaining about Lehner. I still don't want to pay him $5+ million over a long term contract and he definitely needs to improve in shootouts but there are a dozen bigger issues with this team over his play.
  7. Looks like this is the free game for the NHL.tv app as well. So it's completely free and I still don't know if I want to watch it. Maybe Pegula should open his wallet and start paying fans to watch.
  8. Ok, we can blame the IIHF then. They are horrible people. We just can't let their stink get on Brandon. He's infallible, which is why he continuously gets promoted even though things have never really improved under his watch.
  9. I hope if Lehner is traded before the trade deadline that they bring in another goalie so they can keep Ullmark in Rochester this season. If Botterill really wants to focus on building the farm then there's no way he can just steal the Amerks starting goalie while they are battling for playoff positioning. Leave him there for the season and what will hopefully turn out to be multiple rounds of playoffs.
  10. I think you mean he'll be the guy that makes Eichel an afterthought. Eichel won't be expendable at that point, he'll be needed to carry Casey's gear and wash his car. Lord Mittelstadt will carry Buffalo on his back (along with the weight of the universe) and single handedly help us to overcome the rigged system and because Buffalo mantra. So it has been written and passed down through the ages.
  11. Yeah, it can't be the fault of marketing. Russ Brandon is the marketing God. He single handedly kept the Bills in Buffalo with his regionalization efforts between Rochester and Southern Ontario. The guy could sell bubble gum in a lock jaw ward. There must be some other explanation.
  12. More demand than supply sounds good to me. I hope we're able to set the market and fetch a high price for Kane. I'd rather get an A rated prospect who will be ready for Rochester/Buffalo next season than a first and a B prospect but we'll see how it goes.
  13. Yeah, it's in the mid 20's down here in eastern NC. I'll take this over Wednesday's weather though which was mid 30's with rain. I was hoping for some snow so they'd either close the base or give us a 2 or 3 hour delay to the day but I don't think it's happening. This place is a ghost town with half the staff using vacation time and not coming in anyway.
  14. I have no issues with what Lehner said or what Pegula said. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Just look to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to see what screaming your head off about the system being rigged can get you.
  15. I can't wait to see DeVry University take out ITT Technical Institute. They're serious about success you know.
  16. It's definitely not. It's also not the fans' fault that their head coach and offensive coordinators are complete morons. But hey, at least the fans are engaged.
  17. I can't speak for NS, but I don't think Jeep has the same stigma. The Mercedes brand carries an upper crusty vibe to it for people named Prescott where Jeep has a pseudo wanna be manly vibe for white collar office weenies who want to pretend to be outdoorsmen.
  18. So, did you end up finishing season 2? If so, how was it? Season 3 starts airing on Feb 25th on Starz, but it probably won't be available for streaming on Netflix until summertime.
  19. Not a problem. As a member of the dwindling middle class/expanding base of poor depending on how they define it, I'm all in favor of some class warfare. They may have the money and power but there's way more of us then there will ever be of them.
  20. Chet and Muffy are so posh/vogue/snooty that even their son Dylan's toy car had to have the Mercedes brand on it. NS, if the kid leaves his car in your yard (you know he will) you should key it with a love note that says something like "we are the 99%" or some nonsense. Let those blue bloods know even though they control all the wealth and power that screwing with them usually doesn't cost anything.
  21. Good on Pegula. I give him and many of his choices a lot of grief but publicly stating to the press that you're sick of smelling is one I definitely agree with. In the end they lost by 3 touchdowns anyway though.
  22. Hell yeah, man. Enjoy. Season 2 is great. Lee Majors (the 6 million dollar man) is perfectly casted to play Ash's Dad and they even bring back his sister Cheryl from the original movie.
  23. I thought the first episode was absolutely perfect but I'm glad you stuck with it so far. Was episode 4 the one at the Brujo's place or was it the one at the diner? Both are great but I'm just curious which one you considered the masterpiece. I'm thinking 4 was at the Brujo's with the Eligoss demon they first summoned at the book store though.
  24. Until he learns how to stop a shoot out goal I wouldn't sign him to a deal longer than 3 years at the most. If he wants $5 million I wouldn't offer him more than 2 years.
  25. It's all in how you phrase it or look at it. It's a 32.25% increase in goals per game using your figures (since I'm not bothering to look it up again, so I'll trust your math). His PPG this season is up over 46% over his career average ((0.91-0.62)/(0.62)). I really like Kane and I'd like to have him back next season, but not if he expects to get paid like a nearly PPG player, because he's not likely to be one based on his career so far, particularly since his numbers should start to decline as he approaches his 30's anyway.
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