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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Bruce has said in past interviews that you always want to leave the audience wanting more, and then don't give it to them. I'm just happy they decided to make it a tv show instead of another movie. The first 3 movies ran about 4.5 hours in total and with them basically doing ten 30 minute episodes each season runs about 5 hours so you get more opportunities for dialog, more action, more gore, more one liners, etc. With 3 seasons already on the books that's the equivalent of about 10 movies. I can't wait for Season 3 to air. Only 3 1/2 weeks left.
  2. Not at all. I'm completely vindicated by the fact that momentum doesn't carry over a 6 month offseason, especially when you have to factor in all the changes that happen from season to season. New coaches, new schemes, roster turnover, and all of that time off make it impossible. People want to see wins and I don't blame them. Wins are more entertaining to watch and it's fun to see the team you root for to win games. To justify that the wins are needed to build momentum for the next season is complete hogwash though. I want to see wins too, just not useless wins on the back end of a crummy season. They are out of the playoff race so there's much less pressure. I'd rather see them win when the games matter. Some heroic run to 9th/10th doesn't erase the fact that they were a complete bottom feeder through the first 45 games or so.
  3. The soundtrack is great and it remains throughout both seasons. I don't know a single person who was a fan of the movies who hasn't enjoyed the show. Blood, gore, cheesy one liners, and general awesomeness. Bruce Campbell at his finest.
  4. May Day would be a good choice. I would love for there to be a call of him commenting on one of Rob Ray's fights as well. I remember one where Ray just unloaded on someone and RJ made a comment about Ray getting 5 minutes for throwing and the other guy getting 5 minutes just for catching but I can't remember when or who it was against.
  5. My guess: 1. Top shelf where Momma hides the cookies 2. Someone call a cop! 3. These guys are good, scary good 4. Lalalalalalalalalala Fontaine! 5. He scooooooooooooooooooores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I think that was it. Honestly, I don't even know how long ago it was, all the geography talk just made me remember it and gave me a chuckle. I was just happy you still had it saved.
  7. This sounds like a challenge and I pray to Lord and Savior Casey Mittelstadt (PBUH) that the braintrust of Brandon, Beane, and McDermott don't take you up on it. There are any number of possibilities for them to make boneheaded decisions. They could back the brinks truck up to overpay for Cousins and throw us into cap hell They could cut Taylor without replacing him They could replace Taylor with someone worse They could reach in the draft for some quarterback who sucks I'm sure there are plenty of other things they could do as well, but those are just off the top of my head.
  8. Yep. 4 days off and they look like a completely different team. Yet some people tried to argue that momentum was going to carry over 6 months.
  9. Yeah, he also decided that Dennison would make a good OC and playcaller. I'm gonna miss those runs up the gut by Tolbert on 3rd and long, along with all those behind the line of scrimmage passes to Charles Clay.
  10. I'd agree with this. It always amazes me how the south is home to so many super patriots while also being the only part of the country to actually commit treason on a large scale.
  11. Are you using the map you made for Eleven from however long ago? I remember it having dragons, Russia, and Canada rounding out the NY State map (outside of the city limits of Buffalo of course).
  12. The dirty talk is the best part of geriatric porn. That's right baby, I'm gonna fill you like a prescription. Then I'm gonna ride you like a bus to Atlantic City. Oh wait ..... I'm about to ....... uh .... Bingo!
  13. It's kind of similar to the term upstate New York. Someone in Watertown (for example) probably doesn't consider a town like Ithaca (another example) to be upstate New York. I was born in Cobleskill though and we've always said we are from Upstate, NY, although that might be just because most people hear New York and automatically assume NYC so upstate is really just a modifer (like central or western) to differentiate from NYC.
  14. The south is kind of a relative term. Richmond was the southern capital during the Confederacy but I've heard people in southern Viriginia claim that Richmond and all parts north of Richmond were considered the North to them. Then you talk to some yocal from Alabama or Georgia and they consider people in North Carolina and Virginia to be Yankees for sure. It's all a matter of perspective. The Mason Dixon line puts Marlyland, DC, and Virginia all in the south, but I see Maryland and Pennsylvania as more Northern states than Southern ones.
  15. I haven't been in a few years now, but I assume so. North Carolina is home to all the RJ Reynolds brands of tobacco (Wistons, Camels, Salem, Pall Mall, Doral, etc.) so I imagine they won't want to ostracize us folks with black lungs.
  16. Same here, although that's easier to swing when you only go to 1 or 2 games a year (like I used to when I'd go to Raleigh to see the Sabres). My preference is the back row in the 100's section because it's easy to see the entire sheet of ice and it's quick access to the beer lines, the pisser, and the concourse when I need to go outside and grab a smoke.
  17. You're right. I shouldn't judge who they choose to love. Whatever a man, another man, his sister, and a midget do to a donkey is their business.
  18. I'm sure all the Raleigh Chet and Muffy types who shelled out extra for the higher priced seats will be thrilled to now be sitting with all the sister fisters who only paid for nosebleeds. Score one for the working class though.
  19. Because he's not ready to be our next GM yet.
  20. I'm with you, man. I draft Zadina over everyone in this draft except for Dahlin. I just hope we get a chance to draft him. Outside of winning one of the 3 lottery spots or finishing dead last and him falling to us at #4 I don't think he'll be available though.
  21. Good luck with that. Vegas paid $500 million for privilege of the rules as they were set. Seattle is paying $650 million so I'd bet my bottom dollar the rules will either be the same or even more favorable to them.
  22. He would have taken MacKinnon in 2013. He just didn't both to pump the tires on MacKinnon or Drouin because the Sabres had no chance to draft either guy, which is why he chose to pump up Fucale instead.
  23. Don't do it. Let him exist in his conservative bubble. I've worked for bosses like that in the past and nothing good comes from challenging their views on non-work related items. If you let your political feelings be known you'll start to question every eval, every report, and every answer you get from him and start wondering if he's giving you bad reviews or just saying no because he disagrees with your personal opinions. It's not worth it.
  24. It's on the Top Shelf dvd. The best one I heard was back around 06 when Pominville was on a tear and he mentioned that they were gonna have to open up another planned parenthood center in Buffalo because the population was exploding in Pominville. Another favorite is the always fun someone call a cop because (our goalie) just robbed (whomever).
  25. Just sell a little piece of your soul and get in his good graces. Say stuff like regular cops are heroes and not to be questioned, but Federal cops are deep state liberals that shouldn't be trusted. Throw in a few "the system is rigged" and "fake news" statements and he'll probably start cutting the pay of your coworkers just to give you a bonus. It wouldn't hurt to hang a picture of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Roger Stone, or Ann Coulter around your office either, just don't use them as dart boards or all the other stuff you do will be for naught.
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