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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Yeah it cost something like 2 grand back when I got it 8 or 9 years ago. It sits in my dining area where a kitchen table is supposed to be and since I didn't have to buy one of those I probably saved some coin in the end though. IIRC they are manufactured someplace in WNY which is why they (smartly) got the rights to use his voice.
  2. Too much to list but my favorite item is my SuperChexx bubble hockey table. It's the arcade version with the digital display and Rick Jeanneret providing the audio.
  3. I've been skipping the games in Raleigh ever since the tank era went into full force but I might attend this one since the team is no longer a tire fire. I've got to see if I can secure funding first though. Between septic tank issues, buying a new deep freezer, buying a generator and other storm supplies before hurricane Florence, and xmas shopping I'm basically tapped out at this time, but there may be enough paychecks between now and then where I can spare a couple hundred bucks for tickets and a beer or 20.
  4. Ristolainen's goal last night is certainly the front runner for me. Skinner may be team mvp, but Risto's goal was just gnarly.
  5. That's probably because they only film in the summer months. I mainly just come for the cheeseburgers and liquor ........ and the hash of course.
  6. I second this. I don't even know what the Grey Cup is (probably either Canadian Football League, log splitting, or some sort of maple syrup chugging contest) but regardless of the sport, put me down for f*ck Ottawa please.
  7. Yes. Now hang your head in shame and say 3 Hail Caseys.
  8. He could easily be impeached (it only takes one member of the House to call for it and a simple majority to do it) but it's a complete waste of time if there's no chance he'll removed. Impeachment would do nothing but rally his base.
  9. I'd give him 9 if it included no trade protections and we could front end load it as much as the CBA allows. This team has been missing a guy with a nose for the net like him for what feels like forever. If he wants trade protection the price has to go down from that though.
  10. Impeaching him would be the absolute stupidest thing the Democrats could possibly do in the House. He won't get removed from office (good luck getting 2/3 of the Senate to vote to remove him when more than half of them are GOP members) and it would only serve to galvanize his base for the 2020 elections.
  11. You guys are going to continue to fight a losing battle on this one. I don't think the NHL has any interest in eliminating the OT/SO loss point or giving 3 points to a team that wins in regulation. They want a tighter standings with as many teams in the hunt for a playoff spot as possible. They want those games in February, March, and April to carry as much relevance as possible to put more eyes on televisions and more butts in seats. Bettman is smart enough to know that doing what is being advocated for here is shooting themselves in the foot and would likely lead to a loss in revenue.
  12. 3 Fried/over easy eggs, bacon, sausage links, hashbrowns, and toast to mop up anything left on the plate.
  13. I should have changed my vote when I found out Peterman wasn't playing.
  14. Yep. Lindsey Graham had lots of tough talk for Trump as well but I've yet to see him stand up to him on anything meaningful. Maybe we will if Trump tries to fire Mueller though.
  15. But the Blues are having a bad season so he's 100% at fault.
  16. Fair enough. I'm tired of defending O'Reilly to be honest. I was actually one of the few people who didn't even want him here to begin with and I was pissed that we traded Zadorov to get him. I still don't like that we traded him or the trash we got in return for him, but that horse probably needs to be sent off to the glue factory already. As for Eichel, I hope he can reach 80 points because if I have no desire to read people pumping his tires about how awesome he is by clinging to the Tim Connolly point per game extrapolation method. I loved Connolly but he was the all time leader in imaginary points lost due to injury. If that happens again, I will probably just starting skipping any thread that discusses him. Thanks for the banter. I apologize for whatever time you had to waste pulling up stats to prove your points.
  17. Just checking. I have/had no desire to check the figures myself, I just remember Eichel missing out on his ELC/rookie bonus his second year because Draisaitl edged him out in PPG. I don't follow Edmonton but I remember reading that Draisaitl centered his own line in the playoffs that year and he looked good. And again, I'm not trying to sh*t on Eichel, just point out that there's no universe where Eichel is the epitome of franchise level awesomeness while O'Reilly is just some overpaid nobody. Either Eichel is not as good as you say, or O'Reilly is better than you implied because the production is similar while O'Reilly makes 25% less money.
  18. But I thought Eichel was on the hottest line in hockey?
  19. I noticed you left out Pastrnak and Draisaitl. Did you just not care to do those guys or was it because they would have made Eichel look bad?
  20. Just like every other network. Find a hit and milk it for every single last drop they can. That's fine by me. I'd rather they do that than pushing garbage I'd rather not watch.
  21. Those numbers seem pretty similar. Seems like the gap should be much bigger when comparing an overpaid second line center against a franchise player deserving of hero worship. Also, I was unaware we could only have one center. Why not keep both? We'd be better off giving Lord Casey (pbuh) a chance to break in at wing or the ability to be sheltered on a lower line. O'Reilly was good enough to shelter Eichel, he should have been kept to shelter Mittelstadt. That overpaid second line center is also currently outscoring the franchise guy as well.
  22. You just named the guys I was thinking of. Scheifele, Draisaitle, Pastrnak, and MacKinnon. I don't have a problem with Eichel or his contract assuming he can put up 80+ points this season. If he gets another case of ankle aids and people pin their hopes to another 60 points in 60 games clip I will definitely be disappointed though. It was mainly a snipe in response to GA's comment that O'Reilly was an overpaid second line center. A center that gets paid 75% of what Eichel now makes despite scoring at more than a 75% rate of what Eichel has while also carrying the load for Eichel and everyone else on the team defensively. I realize O'Reilly was/is in his prime while Eichel was on his ELC, the comment just bugged me, so I felt the need to combat it. I'd also like to point out that O'Reilly currently has more goals and points than Eichel does this season while playing fewer games at this point (7 goals and 19 points in 13 games for the emo cancer while Eichel has 4 goals and 17 points in 15 games), so it's not like we had to dump O'Reilly because he was about to start declining from age. Ok. Change it to 65. His contract is still more based on potential that what he's proven so far.
  23. It's revisionist history because nobody questioned his worth on the ice until his comment to the press and then suddenly he's public enemy #1 and we suddenly just HAD to get rid of him. I don't have insider sources but I guaran-goddamn-tee we could have gotten a better deal just by waiting another 24 hours and paying his $7.5 million roster bonus. Pegula wasn't supposed to be worried about money and Murray set it up so O'Reilly's contract would have been VERY easy to unload once that bonus was paid. So you're saying we paid for his potential. That's what I said. Sure it's looks like a safe bet but even a safe bet is still a gamble.
  24. Whatever. He's got a $10 million cap hit and has yet to score 60 points in a single season to date. Other young players have out produced him to date and signed for less money. I don't care about point per game extrapolations. They've paid him for his potential and we need to hope it pays off. I hope it ends up being a deal for the Sabres but that's not proven yet. If he's worth $10 million how is O'Reilly not worth $7.5? It just amazes me how quickly O'Reilly got thrown under the bus around here and suddenly there's revisionist history about how he's a bum and a locker room cancer and how Tage Freaking Thompson and some dead wood depth players were the absolute best we could hope to get for him and we should be grateful he's gone because he sucks anyway. Just because he was a whiny emo crybaby to the press doesn't change how much he contributed on the ice.
  25. I love Lord Casey (pbuh) more than almost everyone but he's just not ready to be 2nd line center. They shouldn't have traded O'Reilly until Mittelstadt proved he was ready. O'Reilly's contract was great because not only did it end before he got really old it was front loaded to ensure it would be easy to move down the road. If you want to see bad contracts look at the ones Botterill took on in the trade. Berglund and Sobotka are already cap anchors and are already 30 or older and it's only going to get worse as they get even older.
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