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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. We should trade him, then. Not for getting addicted to the sweet sweet H, but for being an f'ing quitter. Time to just revolutionize hockey and start playing without centers. We'll be ahead of the curve for once and take the league by storm! I know we already tried it once but this time it's gotta work.
  2. Until he signs a new contract then proceeds to miss a ton more games due to injury.
  3. I've heard a few people from the area call it crotchfester. I've been there a few times though and my fun bits are still in presentable condition. Guess it's a good thing I wore pants on my visits.
  4. Then you don't want him on the team. There's almost no chance he signs for 8 or less.
  5. Well, at least his cap hit goes with him. Good riddance. We can give his spot to a kid earning peanuts and use the extra space to give Skinner a pay bump.
  6. https://youtu.be/QsyS6nb26SY
  7. I'd like to see Reinhart play with Mittelstadt as well, but I'd leave Reinhart at RW and keep Lord Casey (pbuh) at center. Other than that I like the lines, especially Sobotka in the press box.
  8. It's not the wrong way to look at the money at all. The biggest difference is O'Reilly will likely produce enough to justify his contract for the entire duration because he's a good player and it ends when he's 32. Berglund and Sobotka are ALREADY not producing enough to justify their pay, they are both in their 30's and it's only going to get worse, especially for Berglund because we're stuck with him for another 3 crappy years after this crappy year. O'Reilly 3 and 4 years from now will likely still be producing more than both of these bums combined. Sure Sobotka will be off the books by then, but that added cap flexibility isn't worth the downgrade in talent and production.
  9. This idea might hold some merit if O'Reilly were the only variable that changed. I think adding Skinner, Dahlin, Hutton, Ullmark, and Sheary have a heck of a lot more to do with the Sabres improvement on the ice than any sort of addition by subtraction nonsense that shipping out O'Reilly theoretically got them. I haven't watched the Blues play this season but it's been posited numerous times on here and HFboards that their goaltending has completely fallen off a cliff this season. I honestly doubt losing Thompson, Berglund, and Sobotka while adding an all around center who is scoring at career high rates while also producing positive fancy stat metrics can be serious looked at as the reason for their downfall.
  10. Instead of replacing the cheap guys who don't produce they should get rid of the overpaid guys who don't produce.
  11. Sure. It's obvious that they wanted to get rid of O'Reilly for whatever reason (probably some combination of his blue demeanor, his scrape with the law, and to "give" the room over to Eichel). I understand it, I just disagree with it.
  12. Almost $4 million in cap space for a guy who is quite useful on the 4th line and $3 million in cap space for a guy who sucks worse than a waiver pick up isn't encouraging from my standpoint. Thompson may or may not develop and the pick is a gamble who may not contribute until Eichel's contract is nearly over. The Blues may stink right now, but they still got the better end of this trade. We took their dead wood and some futures for a really good player locked into good contract that Buffalo already paid the lion's share of.
  13. Correlation does not equal causation though and the supposed "depth scoring" that we traded O'Reilly for is complete trash. Sobotka is flat out horrible and Berglund is half a step above that. If Botterill wanted to trade O'Reilly that badly he should have waited an extra day, let Mr. Drill another well pay the bonus, then trade him for a better return than the trash we got.
  14. Then it's a garbage argument. Before the trade O'Reilly had been with the team as long as Eichel had. If trading away O'Reilly was what lead to the rebound then who is to blame for the current losing streak? Who is to blame for the way they just laid down and died against Philly? The team reaction seemed pretty emo/defeatist to me. Should the Capitals have traded away Ovechkin 5 years ago because they couldn't win with him after 10 years?
  15. Lazy argument. In that case we should send Eichel packing as well because he's done nothing but lose since he's been here. One 10 game winning streak that is quickly being cancelled by yet another losing streak.
  16. More than any of that they need an offensive minded head coach and not some moron who thinks it's the 50's and they should build the entire offense around the possibility of playing 2 or 3 games in ***** weather.
  17. Still better than watching Berglund and Sobotka suck ***** on the ice.
  18. The fact that the Blues currently suck doesn't make this a good trade for Buffalo. O'Reilly currently has more points (29) than Berglund, Sobotka, and Thompson have combined (15) for a lesser cap hit ($7.5 million vs $8.275 for just over half the production). The Sabres get scoring from their top line and their defense. Center depth went from a complete strength to a total question mark.
  19. This is the time to buy if you can afford it. I've been watching my 401k balance drop steadily since late September/early October despite contributing 5% of each paycheck along with a 5% match from my employer. Yeah, it can be frustrating in the moment as your literally watch your hard earned money vanish like a fart in the wind but putting money in now gets you more shares per buck because they are worth less. When the market rebounds you'll have more shares since you bought them relatively cheaply. If I could afford to, I would increase my contribution instead of just putting in the amount that maxes out my employer match, I just can't afford to at this time. I need a promotion or a significant merit raise to make that possible.
  20. It'll even out when we also trade them Reinhart and Berglund for Malkin (E5).
  21. Who cares? We lost last night. Fire this bum now.
  22. And if you gave his minutes to somebody else they would get shelled even worse.
  23. Ristolainen is an absolute beast, he's just not a Norris caliber defenseman. Guy was thrown to the wolves at a really young age out of pure necessity because we literally had no one else back there who could play, especially on the right side. Bogosian was hurt more often than not, Nelson belongs on the 3rd pair at best, and everyone else were lefties playing their off hand for the most part. Because of this his fancy stat metrics looked like garbage and people discounted his offensive contributions because he racked up points on the power play (who the hell else were they gonna put back there?). Multiple head coaches gave him ice time like he was Nick Lidstrom in his f'ing prime but despite being in way over his head, he managed to hold his own and he should be commended for it because he did well and he didn't piss or moan about it (at least in public). Now, the reinforcements are starting to arrive. Defensive depth is improving (winning the lottery sure helped) and Bogosian has even been able to play without missing big chunks of time. Now that he's not expected to be the only guy capable of pulling the wagon we can hope his usage will fall in place with what you'd expect a good defenseman to play and the pressure can be spread around somewhat.
  24. Usually Folgers instant for me with either the Dunkin Donuts brand creamer that already has the sugar added or half and half plus a spoon's worth of sugar.
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