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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. You can't avoid it, even with the matrix lean. Death comes for us all, eventually. Except for RJ, because he's a beer fueled cyborg.
  2. Rick Jeanneret is a cyborg that is fueled by beer. He will outlive us all and continue to work until the Sabres finally win a Cup in 2154 when all of us are worm food, our ashes blown away in the wind long ago, or sitting in an urn on somebody's fireplace.
  3. Is he going to trade O'Reilly for a mountain of garbage and a first round pick?
  4. At that point, we might actually be ready to finally challenge for a playoff spot if Botterill is still around.
  5. Better to speculate based on information that actually made it to print in the media than to claim it false based on unverified sources that can't even be named. It shouldn't be a big leap to assume that the GM didn't want the guy around if they A) Reportedly never held talks with him or his agent about a contract extension and B) Leaked demands about his required selling price to the media
  6. It's speculation from the known information (not the Top Secret sources Brawndo seems to have). From all reports and articles that were posted here over that time GMJB had no discussions with Kane or his agent about a contract extension. We did however see the reports of JB's "demands" of requiring 4 pieces including a first round pick in order to move Kane. So I extrapolated from that. Kane was under an expiring contract and the boss didn't even attempt to offer him an extension while also leaking to the media what would be needed in exchange for renting Kane out at the deadline. I would think most reasonable people would take that as Not Welcome sign from the GM. Now I could be completely wrong about everything, but like I said I'm going off the information that made it to print and not secret insider information. Maybe Brawndo's source is legit and there were no official extension talks because Kane told his agent he wanted to seek greener pastures, but when the GM reportedly doesn't even table the guy an offer while also leaking out what he wants to trade the guy, I don't think it's a leap to make the assumption that Botterill was ready to move on.
  7. I just checked it out on my phone and all 5 seasons are available on Amazon video which is free for Prime Customers. Watch the first episode. If you don't love it, you only invested an hour, but if you enjoy it, you've got a ton of new content. Win win.
  8. You should definitely check it out. I'm not sure if it's available on any other platforms, but if you're an Amazon Prime customer I know they have some of the HBO library such as the Sopranos available for free with a Prime subscription so maybe they have that one as well. The show ran from 2001 to 2005 and it follows a family run funeral home in California. Great show that covers all kinds of aspects regarding the people who die, the people they leave behind, etc. Someone dies at the beginning of each episode and the story kind of builds around the life of that deceased person. It also has one of the best endings that a show has ever had in my personal opinion.
  9. What source is that?
  10. If I remember it right, all the reports indicated that JB never even discussed offering Kane an extension with his agent, so it's kind of inaccurate to just assume that there was no way Kane was going to sign here. It's quite possible that he was open to signing an extension, but that's impossible to do if an offer is never made. Either way, that's JB's prerogative, but it's not like Kane was the one who refused any discussion of staying in Buffalo.
  11. Don't worry, man. If the show is a hit, they'll keep cranking out more seasons, you'll just have to wait a while. In the meantime, have you ever seen the show Six Feet Under on HBO? If not, I'd highly recommend it. Especially if you're trying to process feelings about death.
  12. I also finished Season one of Good Girls on Netflix. Overall, I liked it, although I wish I had waited to start watching it later. I watched the first season on Netflix and started season 2 on Hulu but there are only 3 episodes available for season 2 at this time, so it won't be long before I'm completely caught up and having to wait for a new episode every week.
  13. That's the Ricky Gervaise one, right? If so, I thought it was pretty good, although I'm disappointed it was only 6 episodes (so far).
  14. By that logic no coach has ever lost a team in the NHL because I'm pretty sure no coach has ever lost every single game.
  15. Have you seen a Sabres game recently? Terrible goalies and useless defenseman are still a big part of the game for some teams.
  16. That had much more to do with the thought of having to watch Nathan Peterman line up under center for the team and it turns out that those fears were completely justified.
  17. Halak never played a game for us and basically refused to show up to this shitshow if I remember correctly. That's why Murray send him packing. We probably didn't even want him in the first place but St. Louis needed to include him in the deal for cap and roster purposes in order to make room for Miller. Either way, that was the season before we drafted Reinhart, not Eichel.
  18. Fair enough. Personally, I wanted call ups earlier on, but at this point I'd rather keep the handful of guys down there who even have a chance of ever making it to Buffalo to stay far away from this shitshow. Botterill should be wary of them getting any loser stench on them.
  19. How much of an evaluation period does this guy need? Last season was supposedly 100% about evaluating the organization from top to bottom for the entire season and what did we get? Another highly disappointing season this year. I suppose he needs a few more weeks to figure out that Sobotka should be ashamed of even cashing his paycheck and Pominville should retire. If that's the case this guy is seriously slow on the uptake. Does he need the last dozen games to figure out Skinner, McCabe, and Rodriguez deserve raises and the rest of the guys coming up for new contracts at the end of the year should count themselves lucky just to get an offer. He turned Rochester around, but most of the players responsible won't ever be of any help to Buffalo. If we're lucky maybe one of the Pegula's will realize we need an expert to come in so they can demote FXGMJB to being the GM for Rochester at best.
  20. I will pass on this one as well even though it's just a 2 hour drive from where I live. I can't find the motivation to give a damn when it looks like the players don't give a damn even though they get paid handsomely to do so. So I'll spend 50 to 75 cents per beer to possibly watch it on my couch (or watch something better) rather than spend $10 per beer to watch it in an arena, plus parking, gas, and bribing one of my buddies to stay sober and get us home.
  21. I'm all in for a mini-tank and I supported the original tank. I should probably clarify that I don't actively root for the Sabres to play poorly when I watch them, but given how poorly they've played since 2019 started, I have been watching games less and less frequently even though I already paid for NHL.tv for the season. When they play poorly and I'm watching I find it funny more often than not, but their crappy play does make me less inclined to watch. Lately I find myself just checking the notifications on the NHL app during games while I watch something else. When the Sabres score and/or win I watch the highlights and I'm happy for whoever scores, but when they lose I don't let it bother me and I check the standings to see where they are at with regards to the draft.
  22. Good to hear. I watched the first episode but was worried the whole killer/hit man was going to take a back seat to his acting aspirations. I guess I need to keep watching.
  23. I didn't even know they had hockey in Alabama.
  24. Hey, that's FIRST LINE CENTER Vladimir Sobotka. Show the man some respect.
  25. Whatever do you mean? This lineup is proof that FXGMJB won the O'Reilly trade. We traded a second line center in O'Reilly and not only did we get back a 1st and 2nd round pick, but we also got wunderkind Tage Thompson and 1ST LINE CENTER Vladimir Sobotka! Trade officially won. I take back everything bad I ever said about him.
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