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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. So how is it that Malkin was able to ink his deal before July 1st when he's still under contract for next season but we have to wait until July 1st to be able to do the same with Miller and/or Vanek? Is Malkin's deal just an agreement in principle that won't officially be signed until 7/1 or does Pittsburgh just get preferential treatment? Edit: Never mind I just googled it and Malkin's deal is just an agreement in principle that won't be submitted until 7/1/13. It would be nice if the Sabres could be forward thinking like this, only keeping it quiet in case some team is willing to blow us away with an offer for either of our guys entering the final year of their deals.
  2. I thought Vegas was the only town where you were allowed to hit on 14.
  3. Former Sabre Derek Roy, but only because I like to party and I always encourage everyone (men, women, children, animals, etc.) to touch my tender parts.
  4. I'd pretty much offer their choice any non-center on the roster other than Vanek, Pominville, Miller, Myers, Ehrhoff, or Foligno and any prospect we have coming up through the system other than Girgensons. It's much easier to get a center to produce on the wing than to get a winger to produce at the pivot so I'd be perfectly ok with stockpiling center talent and building the team down the middle.
  5. Yep, that was me. I guess they were afraid I was gonna knock out the 4 remaining teeth that jackass had left in his mouth. The crowd was definitely not as raucous as usual, although section 103 probably had the highest percentage of Sabres fans. Correct. I live in Jacksonville which is 30 minutes from the beach and right smack in the middle of all the Marine Corps bases.
  6. Yeah that's were I was sitting. I was ready to exact some ultra violence on some yokel with 4 teeth in my section who wouldn't shut his mouth but security had their eye on me so I just left the arena after we fell behind 5-3. It was a completely uninspired performance by Buffalo though. Miller should have been in net for the road game with Enroth in net for the home contest too.
  7. Oh yeah, my Mom has been known to go back and forth with them herself. In fact one of the times I got escorted out by security they boo'd her as she followed me to make sure they were just tossing me from the stadium and not throwing me in jail. The entire section of Canes fans boo'd her and she was telling the ones off who were sitting near the aisles, particularly the ones who kept leaving their seats to provoke me. All in good fun, although she did tell me the amount I drank was embarassing. Maybe I'll just let out extra agression in the smoking sections during intermission so I won't be such a buffoon in the stands though. We'll have to see. Once I start feeling the effects of the booze all bets are off.
  8. Section 103 Row C. Seat 5, 6, or 7. Going with the folks this time since they sprang for the tickets and my buddies can't ever seem to get their schit together when I'm ready to buy tix. Most of them root for the Canes anyway though, so ef'em, and being with the folks won't stop my consumption of Milwaukee's Best Ice outside the stadium or Labatt Blue inside of it.
  9. Oh yeah, it strikes a nerve. That's why I enjoy saying it so much. One of the handful of times I've gotten kicked out of a game (maybe 07 or 08) I was yelling it over and over as security was escorting me out of the arena while the entire section either boo'd me or applauded security. In my defense some ###### poured his beer over my head then ran back to his seat and I got grabbed by the rent a cops as I way trying to make my way over to him for a little retribution, so I was out of line but I think my reaction was justified. The comment is definitely in poor taste, but when they go out of their way to piss me off, I have no problem sinking to their level and that statement always gets the job done.
  10. Blue Sabres hat and what used to be the home (white) throwback Sabres jersey. Or just look for the guy who never puts his beer down sitting somewhere behind the Sabres bench. You'll occassionally see the back of my head as I respond to the local crowd's jeers Wide Right, the Music City Miracle, and Where's your Stanley Cup with such gems such as: At least my family tree forks The South will rise again, but only in my pants and The best thing about Nascar is the wall that killed Dale Earnhardt
  11. Sounds like a plan, good sir. I've got to work until 2 pm and then fight traffic to get home and change before making the 2 hour drive to Raleigh so I won't have the chance to properly pre-game. That means I'll be double fisting it in the parking lot for an hour or so before face off then continue it in the arena. Hopefully that will allow me to be my usual charming self in the midst of all those fans who took a wrong turn at the race track and accidentally wound up at a hockey game.
  12. I'll be there as always. I think I'm sitting behind the Sabres bench this time. Should be fun times as long as they don't cut me off at the beer lines. I usually tip though so unless Security makes them 86 my patronage, I'll be ok.
  13. Well, I guess I should change my guess about Daryl killing his own brother now. Looks like Merle will either have to switch sides (if Rick lets him) or strike out on his own if he manages to get away from the Woodbury mob. The whole midseason hiatus crap sucks right now, but at least come February there will be more episodes to watch.
  14. It's definitely possible that Merle switches sides, but if I had to put money on it, I'd say that Daryl ends up killing his own brother to save his group, although initially I thought it would be Michonne who would eventually take him out.
  15. If they get the capacity to produce nuclear weapons then they'd have the capactity to produce multiple nuclear weapons. I doubt they'd go through all the money, time, research, and work to just produce one bomb and sit on it. And if they make 10, how can you be so sure they don't sell one to some terror group with a bankroll or an ideology in line with theirs?
  16. I'm having a hard time voting in this poll as well. I think both sides are greedy pukes but if I had to side with either it would be the players since it's a lockout by the owners and the players would be happy to continue under the current CBA. 50% sounds like a fair split to me though, although I think it should also include increased revenue sharing to balance it out. If they increase revenue sharing and the playings get their share cut from 57% to about half that should make most of the teams in the league profitable on a year to year basis.
  17. What the government should do is offer tax breaks specifically for hiring additional workers at decent wages. We'll cut your taxes X% if you build a factory in Ohio or we'll cut them Y% if you put that new call center in Georgia. Closing a plant in one state and moving it to another shouldn't count though. They have to show an increase in net number of US employees on the payroll.
  18. That was supposed to be W's mantra as well. It was supposedly the CEO administration and things were gonna be run the business way. No pizza boxes and bj's in the oval office or people showing up late to meetings. Suits and ties all around and it ended up being the same crap as Reagan. Tax cuts and deregulation while ramping up military spending as much as possible. Deficits be damned, we'll worry about those once a Democrat gets back in office under the guise of fiscal responsibility.
  19. I agree with your sentiment. I haven't paid attention to the last couple days of public pissing on moaning but if they're crying poor in order to get fan support then they suck just as bad as the owners do and they're even scummier for airing the dirty laundry in public. All I know is that I expect to be getting an even larger discount on my center ice package from Directv this year or I won't renew it. Normally I don't balk at the $160 for 82 Sabres games nearly as much as the $300 plus they try to charge me for 16 Bills games but if any games are lost I won't pay more than $100. If they won't budge, the league won't be getting their percentage from me this season and directv will lose out on their share as well.
  20. Good points for sure, Blue. I wasn't trying to paint the players as the good guys in this (just slightly less at fault than the owners since they made the first outrageous proposal) but I agree with your and the leagues premise that salary growth should be directly linked to revenue growth. If I were representing the league that would be my #1 sticking point as well. Given the lopsided starting offer by the league though, I'm not suprised Fehr went off in a completely different direction but based on his track record it's possible he would have done that no matter what the initial offer may have been.
  21. I'm familiar with state's rights and I don't need some article that's trying to push some fundamentalist Christian agenda to tell me that. I never brought up slavery, just the hypocrisy that a part of the country (which I've lived most of my life in, by the way) which tries to pride themselves on being so patriotic while flying a flag that is the symbol of splitting that country into two separate countries.
  22. I think 50% would be fair but the league was so worried about Fehr's reputation for hardball that their offer was completely unreasonable. Extended rookie contracts and not being able to reach free agency until an age where most players are retired coupled with the big cut in revenue share is flat out ridiculous. Losing 10 or 20% of your wages for one season is still better than getting raped by a bad deal for the next 5-7 years. Both sides are definitely to blame and the players definitely should have conceded more in their counter offer, but I'd venture to say the players side has been more reasonable so far, at least when it comes to the details of the offers that have been made public.
  23. Not to mention that a good percentage of those so called Patriots are people from the south and many of them are still proud of the fact that their ancestors actually commited treason by seceeding from the Union.
  24. That was in the owner's proposal with a cap of 5 years on contracts. I would've been happy with this in the agreement a few years ago, but now that we have Daddy Warbucks for an owner I hope it doesn't happen.
  25. Low taxes, even for the wealthy with the possibility of raising them, massive deficits, and a massive and still growing military budget. Sounds like they are still a bunch of parallels to when Reagan was in office. I will never understand the hero worship Reagan gets. He gets heralded more than Lincoln as the greatest republican of all time but he'd be considered a liberal by many conservatives today if they just looked at some of the things he supported.
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