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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Better to be a hypocrite than to have to stare at that toilet bowl logo even more than you already have to. To each his/her own though I guess.
  2. I was originally gonna go to this game but my buddy who was gonna buy the tickets said it fell through. Apparently he wanted to experience the Chet and Muffy experience in the 200's and he found tickets for like $20 each but the guy contacted him and said it was an error in his price listing. It's probably all for the best though. $10+ beers for a preseason game is a little to rich for my budget these days anyway.
  3. We're in reality. Nobody (or at least most of us) think if we win the division that we're bonified contenders with the Seahawks and Broncos but after 15 or so years without playoffs we'll definitely take it. I'll be happy to see us kick the Patriots* when they are down, because they had no problem doing the same to us for years. I've never had any faith in Manuel but his play was atrocious and it was time for him to take a seat on the bench. Putting Orton in gives us a chance to see if Manuel was holding back the offense or if Hackett needs to be shown the door as well. Personally, I don't care for Hackett's offense at this point but if Orton can make it look fairly competent against the (currently) top rated defense then I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and put more of the blame on Manuel.
  4. I cancelled Center Ice on Friday for the first time since I've had Directv (2006). Part of it was frustration that outside of the year they had their dust up with Versus they never seemed to offer discounts for the package. Plus they didn't broadcast several of their preseason games so far, forcing me to find an illegal stream online. We already have a laptop with a busted screen hooked up to the plasma in the living room so I figured I'd save myself $160 and stream all the games with illegal feed. I still plan on watching every game, although I may miss a couple here and there when more important stuff pops up.
  5. Glad to hear Orton is getting the nod. I agree with the sentiment that the locker room played a part in this. All the beatings our receivers were taking from EJ hanging them out to dry on passes along with the offense sputtering out in general had to take its toll. Time to find out if Manuel was holding the offense back or if Hackett just plain sucks. I have a feeling it's going to look much improved despite facing the top defense on the road next week.
  6. I definitely agree with this. Most mutual funds are unable to outperform their target index and the majority of the remaining ones that do actually don't perform them when you subtract out their fees from your overall return. You're better off over time just buying the market index funds with the dirt cheap management fees.
  7. If we kept either of them I'd choose Stewart over Stafford since he has more edge to his game but in a perfect world we can get a 1st round pick for each of them at the deadline as long as it doesn't become a total buyers market like last year. My fear is that nobody is willing to pony up for rentals because of the strength of this year's draft. I guess we'll see.
  8. That's good of them. I didn't know they did that either. I have USAA for car insurance and home insurance but I don't do any banking with them. I bank with Navy Federal Credit Union and they've increased my credit limits every time I've asked them to but have never done it automatically. I got my first credit card at 18 though and started with a $500 limit.
  9. Having a lot of unused credit actually helps your score as long as you actually use the cards periodically. Ideally you want to keep your utilization percentage under 20% but still active. People running your credit just take a snap shot of how much is currently charged not actual carryover balances. So even if you have the card paid off on the 15th of each month if they run your credit on the 13th and you have $3,000 charged against a $5,000 limit it shows up as a 60% utilization rate (bad) where if they ran it on the 16th you'd have a much lower utilization assuming you paid off your statement charges (amounts they actual start charging you interest on). I have 2 cards and basically charge all of my household bills against them so I applied for higher limits for my cards to ensure I stay below the 20% threshold with my general bills. If I make a large purchase by credit card though my credit score takes a small dip until I pay it off by the next billing cycle.
  10. I'm not interested in handing the Browns a top 5 or top 10 pick. Any way you slice it, the offense looks putrid with Manuel under center. I'm not a fan of Hackett by any stretch but it seems like we should put Orton in to see if the problem lies solely with EJ or if we need to replace Hackett as well. Our defense and special teams is performing good enough for this team to be in the hunt for a wild card late in the season. Manuel was a project QB when he was drafted and it may be best to let him learn on the bench. If Orton plays well we keep him playing and begin the hunt for a new replacement. If he flops or is mediocre we find a new veteran, replace Hackett, and let Manuel compete to start next season.
  11. Ok so say he's willing to take $25 million over 5 years. Do you sign him then? What type of contract would you offer him that you think he'd actually be willing to sign?
  12. He's currently 28 years old and he already makes 4 million a season. He's going to expect a raise if he's having a good season. Free agents always get over paid and given his age this would be his last chance to really cash in. Given his history of performing in contract years I'd sell them off to the highest bidder in a heart beat.
  13. Ok, so let's say Stafford has another good contract season and with a week to go before the deadline he's sitting on something like 26 goals and 20 assists. What type of contract do you offer him and what do you do if he asks for something like 30 million over 5 or 6 years?
  14. We don't. I want all the picks in the first round. With Murray going to the podium as GM the first round of the draft will only take about 6 minutes.
  15. I'm all in on the tank so I'd prefer him and Stafford to play well then get moved for good assets while seeing the Sabres bottom out for one more season. This is supposed to be an amazing draft so I want as many early picks as possible.
  16. Hopefully he keeps it up during the regular season and we can move him for a good prospect or a first round pick from some bubble team that ends up bombing during the final stretch making the pick better than expected.
  17. This is your best option, although it will also drop your credit score as well. First because the card company will do a credit check on you which dings your score temporarily (although) it will recover pretty quickly and the second reason is because it will drop the average age of your credit. If you've had one credit card for 10 years then add a second one it will make your average age of credit equal to 5 years. On the other hand the ding to your credit could be offset by having a lower utilization of your total credit. Say you had a $2,500 balance on a card with a $5,000 limit (50%) then you transfer that balance to a new card with a $5,000 limit your utilization percentage drops to only 25% as long as you keep the other card active by just using it a few times a year for minor purchases and paying it off whenever you do.
  18. The Aud Club Roseanne was great until they won the lottery. Once they were no longer blue collar people struggling to pay the bills it went to ######.
  19. Are those the ones where you get to dip your hands in maple syrup first to help keep your grip or the ones where you stand on the back of a moose and they assist you in getting your chin over the bar? I can never keep it straight.
  20. I definitely don't believe that white people are the only ones who are racist, but for the most part they are the ones who tend to have the money, power, authority, or whatever to discriminate based on any sort of racist feelings. So while there may be some old curmudgeonly black guy spouting off about honkeys, crackers, or other races he's typically not the guy running the police department and telling cops to focus on young black males and he's not the guy evicting people from neighborhoods or not allowing "certain types" to move into a particular apartment building or neighborhood, or running a large department store and informing the security team of who to focus on when it comes to potential shoplifters.
  21. I usually get a discount for Sunday Ticket Max, the last two years has been 50% off the package plus usually some other add in like free HD for a year ($10 off per month for 12 months) or $5 off my package for 12 or 24 months or something like that but I usually have a hard time getting a discount on the Center Ice package. Usually they say they are showing no discounts available for hockey and I've even called their bluff and cancelled it before the season started only to have to call and re-add it after the 2 week free preview. The best they usually offer is some other discount like free dvr for a year or free ShowTime or Sports pack for 3 months. I think I have another week or two before my next bill comes in but this year I'm going to hold out and make sure I get some kind of deal on Center Ice.
  22. In response to nfreeman (for some reason I can't quote your post), That wasn't a typo, I've been kicked out of the RBC Center or whatever it's called now at least 5 or 6 times. I'll be the first to admit that I share at least some responsibility in it, but for the most part I can honestly say it either wasn't fully justified or at the very least I shouldn't have been the only one escorted out. I'm definitely the anti-Chet. I cheer, stand, yell, pound copious amounts of beer and root for my team with a big mouth and a voice that carries. I almost always keep my language clean though because I am mindful that there are kids around. That usually leads to ###### talking from the local fan base about me, my family, the Sabres, the Bills, the city of Buffalo, or whatever they think will get under my skin. Which usually leads to an equal level of insults from me about the South, inbreeding, Nascar, Dale Earnhardt, and whatever I think will get under their skin. All of this is completely fine with me and some of the guys I've verbally sparred with I've even joked with in the beer lines or outside smoking during intermissions. Some of them take it personally though and use being the home fan to their advantage by throwing beer or popcorn on me and trying to slink off into the crowd or pretend it didn't happen. A few times I've had things thrown at me and went after the guy who threw it, one time in a half empty arena where I climbed back over 6 or 7 mostly empty rows of seats and security got to me just before I got to him. Other times security squashes it before it gets to that point and a couple of times they've given me the boot just because it appeared that things were heading that way. I will say that it hasn't been as bad lately though. I don't think I've been kicked out since 2010 or 2011 and I hardly ever miss a Sabres game there. I don't think they'll ever be that stupid again. On the other hand we could always be more resourceful. You can shred a beer can with you teeth and make a handy shank with some seriously jagged edges in a pinch if you have to, ha ha!
  23. Prepare to be severely disappointed then, man. The baby eating and raping and pillaging is just a joke exaggeration of all the whining Canes fans did about us Sabres fans. I've been kicked out of their stadium on at least 5 or 6 occasions but the worst that has happened was a few fights/altercations that got broken up in the stands before they even got started and a couple of fights in the parking lots. Maybe there have been worse altercation I wasn't involved in but I'm pretty much genuinely despised by their fans and security so I'd assumed I was under their microscope for a reason.
  24. I've heard rumors of them actually playing hockey games in Raleigh when the Sabres aren't in town, but I've never truly put any stock in the rumor. Are there even lines for beer?
  25. It has definitely happened before although I'm on a work computer and can't really look it up at the moment. NFL rules even stipulate that the only way you can own an NFL franchise and another team in one of the other major sports is if they are in the same city.
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