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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. This article is about Ohio and Florida. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/11/04/1136701/why-the-lines-are-so-long-in-florida-and-ohio/ Some of the stuff is early voting lines but the theme seems to be to make it as inconvenient as possible for certain districts to vote whether it's voter IDs, cutting back on early voting days and locations, shortening hours, and just not having enough polling places in urban areas. I'd love to see a map the shows the number of polling stations based on whether it's a red or blue district. I imagine you the number of voters in red districts are way lower per district meaner way shorter lines and a much more convenient voting experience.
  2. http://colorlines.com/archives/2013/01/unpacking_2012_virginia.html 5 to 7 hour wait in some parts of Virginia.
  3. Quick google search of 2012 long voting lines yielded this. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/11/no-one-in-america-should-have-to-wait-7-hours-to-vote/264506/ 7 hours in some place in Florida I also remember problems in Ohio and NYC but I'll try to check for others.
  4. It only takes 5 minutes for people who live in rural/suburban areas but every election you hear about the long lines and waiting times for people in Urban districts which happen to favor Democrats. I think it should either be made a holiday or they excuse people from work similar to jury duty. It would be nice if employers were required to pay people for missed time but the job creators would never go for it. It only takes me 5-10 minutes to vote but I'm not sure I would if I had to wait in line for 3 hours or more after putting in a full day at work.
  5. Drunkard


    That's fine by me, but they need to keep playing him. Even if he only plays 9 games his contract isn't going to slide if he's on the roster for a certain number of games if I remember that correctly. I'm ok with letting him watch from the press box from time to time, but playing him only twice in 13 games isn't going to cut it. I guess maybe they are just trying to buy time but the clock is ticking.
  6. And here I've been writing in George Carlin's corpse whenever possible.
  7. I wasn't trying to draw attention to the race factor of it, just stating that it is now much more difficult to legal immigrate to the US today than it was when Europeans were coming here in droves. To be honest, I'm not sure what the best solution to the problem is but I think both extremes of full amnesty and round them up and deport them all are a bad idea. There's no way we would ever be able to deport 30 million people and it would be extremely costly to even attempt it. Any solution that doesn't include a path to citizenship is just not realistic because without that the illegals will remain hidden to where it would never be cost effective to find and deport them. If they really wanted to get serious about it they would go after the businesses who hire them rather than the immigrants themselves because it's much easier to focus on thousands of businesses than to focus on millions of individuals. Those businesses grease the palms of politicians on both sides of the aisle though, so they continue to take the occasional slap on the wrist with trivial fines for hiring illegals because they know they still come out ahead given the artificially low wages they can pay to the undocumented.
  8. You keep saying they should come in legally but most of the people who come here illegally would have no chance to ever come here legally. When all the Irish, Italian, and other European immigrants came to America in the past it didn't take months or years of waiting or cost thousands of dollars to come here. So the ones who come here legally are usually well educated and from developed nations who have the money and lawyers to navigate the legal process. It's no longer the tired, poor, or huddled masses, otherwise the bulk of our ancestors who came here would have been shown the door (I know my grandparents wouldn't have been able to do it back then if the process was as lengthy and expensive as the way it is now). It may not be right and it may be illegal, but it's the reality of the situation. If the majority of the people who sneak across the boarder illegally had the financially means to get here legally they would probably be doing well enough to want to stay where they are as opposed to coming here to begin with.
  9. I agree. I prefer to accumulate more assets especially but if the offers aren't intriguing enough and we have last place locked up I'd be perfectly fine with offering Stewart fair market value (probably around $4 million per season) on a medium termed deal if he'll sign. If not, take the best deal offered from all the prospective buyers and move on.
  10. I agree. I constantly keep track of the other games in the NHL and am always rooting for 3 point games and for the other bottom feeders to pool out victories. I'd love to see us get last place wrapped up as quickly as possible so we can put the era of tanking behind us for a good 15 years or more.
  11. Hagan is a Saul Alinsky disciple who marches lock stop with Obama and will tax the wealthy to give money to poor people and illegal aliens while helping to take your guns and make abortion not just optional but mandatory. Tillis is a neocon who worships guns and Jesus and he wants to replace the Bill of Rights with Leviticus while cutting services for the poor so they'll have more money to give tax cuts to the wealthy. He also believes sex should only be performed to procreate the earth because he's against both abortion and birth control. Gotta love our choices (and hyperbole), huh? Welcome to NC.
  12. The guy is probably a registered Democrat and the letter came from the Democratic party. I live in NC and get junk mail from both parties but I got a similar letter from the GOP because I'm a registered Republican (who doesn't vote Republican). My letter said similar things about early voting, gave a list of locations, and stuff like that but didn't say anything about how they'll monitor whether I vote after the fact and contact me about why or anything like that. I'd tell you exactly what it said but I threw it away the day it came in the mail.
  13. Drunkard


    We need Kaleta back in the worst way. This team is way too easy to play against. Kaleta at the very least makes the opposing team keep their heads on a swivel. We need him and 2-3 more guys like him, although hopefully with more scoring ability. Brendan Lemieux seems like he'll fit the bill nicely but he won't be ready for the big club for at least 2-3 more years I would think.
  14. I'm guessing Deslauriers and McCormick are going to hogtie Lucic and roast him on a spit because outside of those two this lineup isn't going to do much other than throw their purse at him or any of the big bad Bruins. Girgensons will throw some hits and Weber is willing to take a punch in the nose and lose a fight here and there but the rest of the lineup has little to no toughness or has some toughness but doesn't seem to have the motivation to ever use it.
  15. I don't think he was part of their group previously. I may be remembering it wrong but I could've sworn the Bob said everyone was dead from the previous groups he had been a part of.
  16. I hope that's the case. If we can land McDavid or Eichel and they are every bit as good as advertised it should elevate the play of one of our scoring lines. Then hopefully Grigorenko and Armia can elevate the play of our other scoring line while Reinhart spends the season in Rochester. We still need some sandpaper in the lineup that is capable of playing above the 4th line though. Brendan Lemieux seems to fit the bill but I don't seem him playing for the Sabres until 2016-2017 at the earliest.
  17. Exactly. I fully support the tank because we need a couple of truly great players to avoid this endless cycle of mediocrity but they can still be entertaining and bad at the same time. This team has little talent, no grit, and no moxie. The mid to late 90's Sabres could beat you up even when they couldn't beat you and there were always tough to play against. Even if you remove the world class goaltender in Hasek I doubt many people looked forward to actually playing the Sabres and facing guys like Ray, May, Barnaby, etc. and even guys like Peca who may not have dropped the gloves as much but were still a pain in the ass to play against. Opponents must see the current Sabres as pad your stats night. Nobody strikes fear in the opposing team or is even that much of a pain in the ass to play against. McCormick and Deslauriers will drop the gloves from time to time and Girgensons never stops but that's about it. Hopefully Kaleta comes back and is the same lovable heel opponents love to hate but we need some more guys to join in and get with the program, especially if they aren't going to chip in with any scoring/talent (Foligno, Stafford, Stewart). If they won't we need to pick up another Adam Mair type who can rattle the other team's cage without looking completely lost on the ice.
  18. If we're looking for young stud prospects or promising young vets we'd also have to take a heck of a lot of garbage coming back in return for those 2 as that would be almost $10 million in combined cap hit going out the door. Not many teams (if any) could add that to their rosters.
  19. Regehr, Ehrhoff, Leino, and who was #4?
  20. No man's land assuming our 2015 first is McDavid or Eichel. Bottom 5 is we miss out on both.
  21. I feel for the season ticket holders because I can't imagine dropping that much coin to watch this train wreck. This is the first year I haven't gotten Center Ice since I signed up for Directv like 8 years ago. Now I just stream the games on an illegal feed and still find myself reading this board or surfing the web rather than fully paying attention to the game. That being said you probably should've dropped your season tickets back when Darcy first brought up the idea of suffering. I know there's a waiting list and all but it's been a bad season (maybe 2 if you count the lockout shortened one) already, and there will probably be one or two more before this team is remotely competitive. I would think you'd move back up the list pretty quickly, and even if it takes a few years the amount of money you would have saved would afford you to be able to pick up plenty of marked up tickets on stubhub once the team is more competitive and you'd still come out ahead financially.
  22. You need to throw an acrost in there somewhere.
  23. They should try that at AA meetings in WNY. It would probably lead to higher sobriety rates than that whole higher power stuff.
  24. Drunkard


    Purely speculation on my part but it seems like he's getting the Grigorenko treatment. Sit in the press box and waste away for too long, playing limited minutes with talentless people when is he allowed to play and burn up a year of his rights for no reason while stunting his development. It must be the Buffalo way with Russian players.
  25. In the pilot, Morgan (the black guy with the kid who helped Rick) said that his wife got bit and then got a fever that killed her after a few days. I imagine if Bob did get bit in that basement he'll start showing signs in the next episode. *Edit* I just streamed that part of the pilot online and he doesn't specify how long it took his wife to die. The few days thing was a pure rectal extraction on my part.
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