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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. I think the same thing only I see RJ beating Perreault. For the rest of the people it's only a matter of time before they get the boot but I guess it'll be interesting to see who sticks around and for how long given the 3 vote limit.
  2. Not everyone. I'm still in full support of the tank for the rest of this season. It can definitely be tough to stomach as bad as we have been at times for as long as we've been but the end is in sight. It's definitely taken a toll on my enthuisiasm for the team at this point. I always track the scores and progress of the team and I read every new post on this board like it's a second job, but I cancelled Center Ice and only watch online streams of games about half the time this year. It'll be nice when the team gets good again but I hope they don't really turn the corner to long term competitiveness until after the 2015 draft.
  3. More than we'd be willing to give up. If I had the #2 pick and the Sabres were calling I'd demand Reinhart, Girgensons, Ristolainen or Zadarov, and their #1 pick. Anything less and I'd hang up the phone immediately.
  4. I also never got to see Larry Quinn or Darcy Regier in the poll. Not that either of them would have won but I wanted the satisfaction of helping to vote them out.
  5. I think it got mentioned that Perreault and Jeanneret both got passes to the finals so neither has been eliminated.
  6. I'm 33 so I didn't catch the bulk of his career but I can appreciate his talent and what he meant to the franchise. Ray was my favorite player but I'll probably vote to keep Jeanneret over everyone else.
  7. Only 3 votes? I'd prefer to get the show on the road and vote'em all off except the handful I want to keep. I'm ready to vote out everyone but Ray, Jeanneret, and Perreault. If those 3 make it then I'll have a tough decision to make.
  8. Exactly. It seems to be a cognitive dissonance in the heads of the majority of conservatives. Say it costs $2,000 per month to live with just the bare essentials in some city like Cleveland for a family of 3 (single Mom with 2 kids). Even working 40 hours per week at minimum wage that is only a gross earnings of $1,256.67 ($7.25 x 40 x 52)/(12). Even if she paid no taxes she would still need almost $800 per month in assistance. So you can either let the government assist her with food stamps, low income housing, and other assistance to help her pay the heat bill and keep the lights on, or you can tell McDonalds or WalMart to raise her pay so she can pay her bills. They seem to want to do neither but what they will do fight clinics offering free contraception, guilt trip her into not having an abortion, or help get the clinics that do offer abortions get shut down and then whine that it's not their job to help provide for that family.
  9. You are definitely right that some people have kids when they shouldn't, but there are so many factors that go into every situation and you can't put the genie back in the bottle once it's out. 50% of marriages end in divorce and one of the biggest causes of marital problems is arguing about finances so I would venture to assume that divorce is more prevalent among the poor. Some of those single parent families started out as two parent families but once you have children you can't exactly un-have them suddenly just because that couple (married or not) decides to split up. Birth control should be more widely used but too many Conservatives want to teach abstinence only programs and restrict the usage of birth control and fall under the whole love the fetus, hate the baby mantra that the evidence points to them believing in but they won't cop to. So then you have a single parent home (usually the mother) trying to raise kids in a crappy neighborhood with crappy schools who is never home to actually raise her kids because she has to work 2 or 3 part time jobs at minimum wage because Conservatives want to cut government assistance and keep the minimum wage low at the same time. I guess she's either lazy or should have found the time between her 3 jobs and 2 kids to go back to night school and get that degree that will put her further into debt. I also imagine that those kids are going to have the exact same opportunities that every one else has as well and if they somehow remain in poverty and have to work crappy jobs for little pay that they are just stupid or lazy as well.
  10. I also said that sometimes you make your own luck and you may very well be an example of that. I don't know you and don't know your past so I can't even pretend to try to tell you of any breaks you may or may not have had. I bet some people would argue that being born white in this country is a break in and of itself though. My point was that it's not always so easy for people to just pull themselves up by the book straps, roll up their sleeves, and ride the wave out of poverty. Otherwise there would be way more economic mobility than there actually is. The majority of people who grow up in poverty remain in poverty their entire lives. They can't all be lazy or crooks, can they?
  11. It is an anomaly when the vast majority of people who start out in poverty remain there. Some people are fortunate and catch some sort of break, whether it's from sports, music, a teacher who takes an active interest and guides them to a better future or whatever, and in some cases you are able to make your own luck, but most people aren't that fortunate and when you look at percentages from the minority segment of the population it's an even bigger uphill battle. Factor in the urban settings with the crappy schools and the struggle is even more difficult. Some people just aren't meant for formal education but I bet it's far harder to learn a trade and take a class on welding, carpentry, or plumbing when you're enrolled in a crappy school district as well.
  12. Yep. They are least did the token clutch and grab. You could tell Gaustad was ready to swing his purse at Lucic as well, but we didn't want to give up the power play. On a serious note, that was a despicable response by Edmonton. They should trade Eberle for Berglund, Ott, and a defenseman.
  13. That's why you keeps Myers unless a team blows you away with an offer and you also keep Gorges. They form a decent to good top line pair already that are both under contract for the next 3 seasons after this one (Myers for 4). By then we will know more about Ristolainen and Zadarov and their potential to form our new top pair and they'll both be 22-23 by then with several years in the league. Plus we still have Weber and with a solid to good to great top 4 it'll be easier to develop kids on the bottom pair, especially since Psysk and McCabe are older than Ristolainen and Zadarov.
  14. There is definitely a rape culture that exists and it happens at various levels of society. Colleges and the military seem to be taking the majority of the focus at this time and they are both good examples of how widespread the problem is and how hard it can be for victims to come forward. Even when a victim is provided adequate help and the resources to be treated the percentage of offenders who receive no punishment or get the proverbial slap on the wrist is definitely concerning. I agree. If all police officers and squad cars have audio and video surveillance it would definitely help lessens the number of these scenarios and put the blame where it belongs in each situation whether it's a stupid criminal who doesn't know when to give up or a cop with a chip on his shoulder who is trying to be the next Dirty Harry.
  15. I definitely agree. Myers could end up being the best #3 defenseman in the league if Ristolainen and Zadarov develop like we hope and reach their full potential. If we somehow win too many games and draft Hanifan at #3 we could end up with one of the best and deepest defenses in the league as well. If we can just find a way to finish last though, I see the entire team being solid to good or even great from top to bottom in a few years if even half of our prospects pan out. If not we'd have enough prospects and players needed to make a couple of moves to make us true contenders.
  16. It's definitely similar but the biggest differences are that Myers is still young and he's under a long term contract. Pominville got moved with just one additional year on his deal where Myers is locked up long term. Many people point to Gaustad but I think the actual start to the rebuild was when Pominville got traded for a pick and 2 prospects.
  17. I'm getting tired of picks and prospects as well but that's typically the currency teams trade in. I think we should keep Myers unless someone overpays and that would have to include a top 6 forward for next season which probably means keeping him. We can still manipulate the roster in other ways to ensure a top pick without moving Myers though like I listed upthread. We have 4 forwards, 3 defensemen, and 2 goalies who are all UFA's at the end of the season. Even if some on the guys in Rochester are upgrades I would assume some sort of learning curve before they come in and improve the team plus it could mess up this newly found chemistry the team seems to be developing. Myers can definitely be frustrating to watch at times but it seems like people want to move him just for the sake of moving him and I just don't get it.
  18. I just want to see another winning season. Even 9-7 would be a huge improvement for this franchise. Hell 8-8 still beats anything Jauron and Gailey were able to accomplish. It seems like our offense has completely ###### the bed since losing Jackson and Spiller. Jackson has been able to play somewhat but it's painfully obvious that he isn't healthy. To the real point though, I don't think EJ Manuel is ready to QB this team yet and he may never be but that definitely remains to be seen. Orton isn't playing all that well but he's still better than Manuel by a long shot. I hope they bring in another outsider next year and have a 3 man competition for starting QB next year, but I don't think Orton should be benched for EJ.
  19. Can you give an example? What do you consider top pairing trade value? A forward prospect that is expected to be a top 6 player? Can you give me a specific prospect from another team or an equivalent prospect from our roster? Mantha? A Grigorenko type player? A prospect on par with someone like McCabe? Compher? Baptiste? Reinhart?
  20. We can do that by dumping other players rather than the young defenseman currently playing our hardest minutes who is already under a long term contract. If they want to ensure the tank that badly they can dump Stewart, Stafford, Mitchell, Meszaros, Benoit, Stratchan, and either of our goalies who are all free agents at the end of the season and replace them with kids who will have to earn their lumps and will likely struggle enough initially that we go back to losing at a record setting pace. They don't need to dump Myers to ensure the tank. He's a valuable asset that is signed long term and I'm happy that Murray seems to be in the keep him unless someone is willing to overpay camp. He drives me nuts sometimes but we shouldn't just move him to move him.
  21. I completely agree. Sincerely, Cleveland Browns fans and front office.
  22. Who's to say that even if we keep Myers that he has to be on our top pair a few years from now? His cap hit is not so high that he has to be on the top pair. Realistically he could be on our 2nd pair with Gorges if Ristolainen and Zadarov continue to develop and they become ready to assume top pairing duties in a couple of years. I'm completely ok with trading Myers but not for just some top 6 prospect. I either want a young promising player who can play in our top 6 now or a can't miss prospect who will be ready to play for us next year. We have plenty of potential top 6 forward prospects already.
  23. I agree. The right wing pundits love talking out of both sides of their mouth like he's an impotent tyrant. I also love the insinuation that the Republicans were planning in working together before he decided to go it alone. They have done nothing to compromise and have done nothing but obstruct any sort of agenda he's proposed since taking over the house in 2010.
  24. Do you have directv or a local/regional provider?
  25. Yes he was. Even though it hurts the tank we should see Gorges come in and Meszaros ride the pine. our defense should be: Gorges Myers Zadarov Ristolainen Weber Strachan Works with the left vs right as well and puts our best 6 in the lineup right where they should be slotted.
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