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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Liger, your uber-nerd is showing with the D&D, WoW, Magic the gathering, or whatever game you are spoofing.
  2. Edmonton would be a good spot to send one of our goalies since they've both shown to hold up reasonably well despite facing a barrage of shots from night to night. Any chance they would bite with them being pending UFA's though?
  3. Exactly. We'll never know if the outcome would have been different, but the effected the game in a way that favored one team over the other. I sent the NFL an email, not that it matters I'm guessing. I'll vote with my wallet though. I'm not spending a dime on any NFL merchandise for myself, friends, or family and I will tell them all not to spend any money on stuff for me as well. No more preseason package or Sunday Ticket either. Illegal streams or I just flat out won't watch.
  4. Nobody knows for sure because we can't change the calls and replay the game from the same place after making the correction. Those calls sure as hell didn't help us any though.
  5. Whoever says there's no bias in the officiating or that it evens out over time needs to re-watch this game over and over until they realize how wrong they are. The Bills are bad enough on their own. They can't beat a good team with all things being equal and they have no chance to beat a good team getting preferential calls by the officials. The fist bump sealed it. I thought I saw it live but assumed I was just being paranoid. Rewound it on the dvr and couldn't believe it. I may have only paid $60 or $80 for Sunday ticket this year thanks to complain to Directv and threatening to cancel service but even that is too much. Next year I'm streaming the games illegally and keeping my money. The NFL can suck a bag of ######.
  6. This team has definitely got some spunk. Hopefully they manage to keep it once they finally have a ton of talent as well.
  7. Yeah, it's definitely a gamble. If the stock rebounds you'll be glad you held on to it and probably wishing you had bought more while the price was depressed but if it keeps going down or the company folds you can kiss your investment good bye. If it drops down low enough there's always a chance a bigger company in the same industry may buy it to expand their market share which could boost the value but if I knew what was going to happen with the stock mark, I wouldn't be at work right now.
  8. I don't ever research individual stocks so I can't speak to the company you are asking about but all drops in market value are just paper losses until you actually sell and them it becomes an actual or realized loss for tax purposes.
  9. He definitely could be. I still fall into that (possibly) outdated philosophy that your 3rd line is your defensively sound, hard to play against line that you prefer to match up against the other teams top line though so still like to think of him as our future 3rd line center with the second line being offensively focused and drawing the easier/fewer defensive assignments. At this point (losing out hope for McEichel) I'd project Reinhart as our top line center, Grigorenko at 2nd line, and Girgensons as our 3rd line center but getting more ice time than our second line on most nights.
  10. RJ and Rob Ray leading in votes is a damn travesty. I'm ready to delete my vote and vote for everyone but them out of protest. Since I'm a white guy this board won't send a cop in to choke me to death for breaking the rules, right?
  11. I'd add Lemieux in as well, but it's way to hard to know which of these guys will end up being top 6 forwards at the pro level. Many of the guys in our system may end up being bottom 6 forwards if they stick with the big club at all. I guess that's the benefit of having such a stacked cupboard. With all the prospects in our system we only need about half of them to pan out to have a solid team from top to bottom. Hopefully a few of them manage to exceed our hopeful expectations as well.
  12. The top part was dumb but the team responses were funny. Overall I liked it.
  13. I want 9-7 or I think Marrone should be fired. Dick Jauron got us to 7-9 for 3 straight years with terrible rosters so Marrone should be able to do more than one game better with the current one. We haven't beat anyone I would consider good except the Lions. I don't expects miracles but I'd like to win the game we're expected to win (Raiders) and win 1 of the 3 tough ones. If Marrone can't do that with this roster then Pegula shouldn't have much trouble finding someone who can.
  14. This sounds good and all but it doesn't work that way. The idea that these traits will just pass down even after he's gone is hogwash or extremely hopeful at best. If Ted instills the hard work someone else must keep it going or it ends when he leaves. We used to hear the same thing about Drury and all his leadership but it didn't amount to much the second he skipped town. All the leftover players who got to blossom and learn under his wing couldn't stop the team from turning to dog ###### without him and Briere there. It's like the mythological winning momentum that supposedly carries over months of off season from the end of one season to the beginning of a new one 5 months later.
  15. Original sin helps get the process started of keeping the coffers full. Get'em while they are young and you potentially have a customer for life. Promising heaven only gets you so far when most or all of the religions offer it. They all have their tall tales though, whether it's parting the Red Seas or flooding the entire world, to the virgin birth and rising from the dead, golden plates and magic underwear, 72 virgins, or reincarnation. It's all just different ways to answer questions we don't know the answers to. How did we get here? What happens when we die? Is there a heaven? Am I on the list? Etc.
  16. They'll definitely sink, I don't think anyone believes they can keep up the recent pace of winning, but we may be back to no man's land of being 7-12th worst which has always been my biggest fear.
  17. I'll only be ok with this coaching staff sticking around next season if we go at least 9-7. Sure our record is already improved over last year but the talent on the roster is vastly improved over the teams Dick Jauron was able to go 7-9 with and who have we really beaten that was any good? Going 9-7 does 2 things. 1) Secures us a winning record for the first time since 2004 2) Ensures that we beat at least one really good team. Assuming we beat Oakland it would also mean that we have to win either at Denver, vs Green Bay, or at New England. They are quality opponents and contenders and in order to have any chance of being a good team you have to be able to beat quality opponents. Finishing 8-8 with wins over the Bears, Lions, Vikings, Jets x 2, Dolphins, Browns, and Raiders? Not so much. Ideally, I like to see us finish 9-7 or better, keep Marrone and hopefully he decides to replace Hackett but we'll see how it goes.
  18. Or last year was the anomaly and we're going back to our MO of winning just enough games to miss out on elite talent. Plenty of games left so it could go any of 3 ways (fighting for the playoffs, tank, or the dying hopelessness of drafting in that 7-12 range). We just have to wait and see. I'm curious to see if this winning streak is going to entice Murray to move up the timing and make some roster adjustments though.
  19. That gives us the worst of both worlds though. A bad team overall that had a few winning streaks that ends up winning too many games to get true top talent. There's plenty of season left for us to challenge for a playoff spot or completely bottom out but outside of last year this team has always had the MO of winning enough games to not be in position to pick up that true game changer. I guess we'll see.
  20. I heard he once walked down the street with a ###### ...................there were no survivors.
  21. Nothing to do but wait and see how it all plays out. If we lose to Denver our playoffs chances are basically toast though so no real point in speculating past that point. But if we can beat Denver in Denver then nothing is out of the realm of possibilities.
  22. And Reinhart. After sweeping the home and home with Montreal and beating Tampa this tank is done for. Time of death was when Enroth made the second save in the shootout.
  23. We went 7-9 for three straight years under Jauron before they canned him and we ended up 6-10 under him and Fewell that last season. Under Gailey we went 4-12 then 6-10 twice and went 6-10 last year under Marrone so it's kind of been an even split.
  24. It's not about bashing religion. It's bashing the WRONG religions. The Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Scientologists, Mormons, and Jews all got it wrong. All Hail his noodly goodness! He boiled for your sins.
  25. Yep. There's no need to spend money on science, research, or cleaning up the environment when you believe that Jesus is not only going to put an end to the world but also going to do it during their lifetime since they are such special little snowflakes and God just can't wait to meet them personally. I saw a website a few years ago that was offering to adopt the pets of all the zealots who will be taken to heaven during the rapture for a small fee. After all, they will be chosen to live in paradise but somebody will need to look after their lovable but soul-less furry friends. Easy way to make money by selling an invisible product to people based off hope and the fear of the unknown. If it had gained more traction and popularity I'm sure churches everywhere would be suing the guy for infringing on their turf, ha ha!
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