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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. And the Flyers. Just tell them there's an uppity Santa Clause inside that needs to be put in his place. Then we blockade all the exits.
  2. I think it's time to root for a massive fire at the arena.
  3. I do for 2 reasons. 1. If he knew he either he had no interest in trying to re-sign Kane or that Kane had no interest in signing an extension, he should have tried to move him prior to the season rather than hold out for a last minute deadline deal. 2. He should have come down from his stupid 4 pieces, including a first round pick demand that he floated through the media earlier in the season that he reportedly wouldn't budge from until near the trade deadline. Kane had a great start to the season but teams rarely want to part with that many pieces for a rental. There's also a quality vs quantity balance where trying to stand firm to his quantity demand inherently means that the quality of each piece would be less. Maybe they could have landed a much better prospect than Danny O'Nobody if the team looking to acquire Kane didn't also have to give up a first round pick. In the end, he didn't get his 4 pieces anyway and he only lucked into getting that first because Kane played well enough for the Sharks that San Jose offered him a big extension. If Kane liked San Jose (the team or the area) less or thought he could land a better deal elsewhere, it would have been a second round plus a nobody prospect which would have been a pathetic return for a top line winger.
  4. We still won the trade with Colorado. Unfortunately Botterill decided to trade Kane and O'Reilly for a handful of magic beans and we'll have to wait to see if they ever pan out.
  5. Fair enough. I just can't root for Boston to win anything, even though it predominantly stems from my hatred of the Patriots*, I hate the Bruins with a passion as well.
  6. I was with you until the Go Bruins part. I hate the Canes, but my hatred of all things Boston will always come first, even though I've never been to Boston and the jerks running the RBC Center (or whatever it's called now) escorted me out of the area at least 7 or 8 times out of the first 10 times I went there. I probably only got kicked out once or twice out of my next 10 visits after that and then I'm not sure I've been kicked out at all since then although I pretty much stopped attending Sabres games there once the tank started and the Sabres became a shitshow. Now I will admit that I was a drunken obnoxious hooligan with absolutely zero couth after the first 6 beers but security definitely has/had a double standard where home fans got away with worse behavior than what I was getting escorted out for. Those are the breaks though. I'm sure they'd rather piss off the fans of the visiting team, than alienate their own fan base.
  7. You can always get a giant back piece chock full of dirty hippies, but that's probably worse than a cartoon bird. You know you really want a tattoo of Frank cleaning out his nails with his toe knife though.
  8. 364 days of Purge with one day of following the rules? That's one way to reduce traffic.
  9. Come on, now. That neck tattoo with the skull and crossbones will be even funnier when the guy/gal sporting it is drinking prune juice at the old folks home.
  10. My mistake. I thought Canadians did that strictly during curling and log rolling competitions and they refused to have sex at all during hockey games. Staring at Don Cherry on their tv sets probably gets them too hot and bothered to hold back though.
  11. So Buffalo watches other team's play at a higher rate than some cities watch their own team? Sounds about right. Wasn't doggy style invented in Buffalo so couples could both watch the hockey game as well?
  12. I've got a Bills logo on one shoulder, a Sabres Goathead logo on the other shoulder, a beer mug on my heart that say Milwaukee, and a big Slayer logo tattoo across my back. All can be covered with a t-shirt and that's no accident.
  13. Just another reason why I will never understand the people on here who were actually rooting for the Bruins to beat Toronto. I realize I don't live in the area or deal with many Toronto fans on a regular basis, but there's no way even 5,000 Toronto fans can be as annoying as 100 Boston fans. That's why I root for Boston to lose at everything by default, except dying in fires. I hope they win at dying in fires.
  14. My two favorite teams are Buffalo and whoever is playing Boston. Even when Buffalo doesn't have a team, like baseball and basketball, I still hate Boston.
  15. The beard is enough. I hear like Chuck Norris he keeps an extra fist under there which should come in handy when the troops get restless and need to be kept in line.
  16. Or just the ones close to AARP eligibility.
  17. It shouldn't be hard with the deep pockets of Daddy Warbucks. All they need to do is make the pay attractive.
  18. While I wouldn't mind emulating them it is never ok to stop hating Boston.
  19. The more I think about it I think I'm all in on Gronborg, they just need to get him some dinosaur who has seen it all in the NHL to be on his senior staff. If he's our guy we should just give him the reigns now rather than try to find a lame duck to keep his seat warm for 2 years.
  20. With series clinching goals by O'Reilly and Kane, right? That would be the most Buffalo thing to happen I would think.
  21. Martin seems underwhelming but I'd be ok with him if he agreed to bring Gronborg on as his assistant coach. Learning behind a head coach for a couple seasons who has been through it all over several decades would be a good way to teach him the ropes of the North American system.
  22. I think Botterill will stick with what he knows though and he'll trade his quarter for a nickel, two pennies, and a slug to try to hedge his bets and hold onto his job while he brags to Terry about how great it will be to have another late round first in 2020 or 2021 or whatever. Maybe that will buy him another couple years while he hopes his magic beans pay out and we wallow in mediocrity another few seasons.
  23. I hope if Botterill trades Ristolainen for a mediocre center like JT Miller he'll pay for it with his job by the end of next season.
  24. I think whoever signs him to his next contract will regret it within the very first year. I just hope it's not Buffalo.
  25. So what kind of contract extension would you offer him? Are you willing to offer him a long term deal for big money because you don't think he's part of the problem? He's 28 so his next contract will likely be his last big one and I doubt he's going to want some short term prove it type of deal. The guy has been constantly hobbled as a younger player and that continued through his prime. Chronically injured players don't tend to be less injured as they get older either. If anything age is only going to exacerbate his running list of reasons for missing time. Personally, I'd offer him a one year extension at a pay cut before the season starts and when he balks at that (because he should) I'd look to move him during the season or by the trade deadline next season. If no one bites I'd let him walk and cut my losses.
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