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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. Awesome gesture by Ralph and his estate. Shouldn't an amount of that magnitude be put into some type of endowment though so that the money can last in perpetuity and instead of spending it they just get to spend the interest each year? I think that's how the wealthier universities set up their large donations they get from alumni. The article wasn't exactly in depth so maybe it could be done that way though.
  2. That drone needs grenades to drop and some mustard gas. What kind of pacifist ###### only fits his drone with a pistol. It's Unamurrican I tell ya!
  3. I agree with going after the businesses and I've held that point of view for a long time. It's much easier to keep your eye on thousands of businesses than it is to keep your eyes on millions of individuals. There should be an INS task force that audits businesses for illegal workers like the IRS does for taxes. First time offenders get a nominal slap on the wrist but repeat offenders should be heavily fined with the money going to pay for the task force. The fines should be steep enough that getting caught a handful of times would potential put the owner out of business. It would take a big chunk out of the problem. However, it doesn't happen because rich people and businesses who hire illegals regularly have deep pockets to buy off politicians so they'll never feel the pinch. Instead they just deport the workers and wait for some coyote to smuggle in the next batch of workers to replace the folks who got deported. I disagree with your opinion about denying citizen to children of illegals. I have no interest in trying to repeal that clause of the 14th Amendment. The parents can still be deported anyway and they can either take their child with them, give them up to the state, or place them with other (legal) existing family currently in the country. Anchor babies or whatever people want to call them doesn't stop the parents from being deported to my knowledge and if the parents want to keep the child they will take the baby with them anyway.
  4. I honestly didn't think it was all that positive but I guess compared to others, it is a somewhat positive spin. I agree that he's kind of a legacy here due to his old man, although I still think he has a place on the team as a 4th liner if nothing else. I just saw the poll options with the first one mentioning him as a middle 6 guy and it didn't seem right to me because he has no place even on the 2nd line as anything more than a temporary fill in for the reasons I stated above. He would make for a great 4th liner though.
  5. Also, the legal immigration process needs to be streamlined and made less expensive. A big argument that I've seen numerous times is about how so and so's parents or Grandparents or whomever came here legally. They did, but back then it was a few forms or paperwork and little or nominal money involved. You often here stories from politicians about how their ancestors came to America with just a dream and $5 in their pocket or whatever teary eyed lump in the throat type story but if someone tried to show up at Ellis Island with just $5 and a dream of freedom today they would be turned away. I read an article about some Australian guy a while back that said American or Dual Citizenship (can't remember which) cost him over $100,000 and he had already married an American Woman whom he met while she had traveled to Australia.
  6. I can't remember the article I read it in but a good portion of illegal immigrants are people who came here legally and overstayed their visas. A wall does nothing about them. Walls really don't work anyway. The Berlin Wall didn't work ans neither did the Great Wall of China.
  7. Foligno is a solid bottom 6 player. I don't think he has any place on the top 2 lines unless he's a temporary fill in for injuries or if one of our top 6 guys is "getting picked on" and he needs to be bumped up temporarily to shelter the guy getting picked on and he needs to give somebody the business. I see him predominantly on either the 3rd or 4th line. He won't be out of place in the bottom 6 and he can chip in some points here and there as well. He's kind of a young Steve Ott right now with more size and less leadership at this point due to his age.
  8. Sorry, man. I don't really have one. I stole the line from an old Dave Attell standup (not the ewok part) he did on Comedy Central back in the late 90's. I'm sure you could google whatever your heart desires though and find something that strikes your fancy. The internet has all kinds of freak stuff out there.
  9. You're intrigued by the midget in a bear suit aren't you? I heard she squeals like an ewok, ha ha!
  10. Bad idea on so many levels: 1. Kane and Byfuglien don't have the best history with the whole track suit issue and the middle finger picture from whatever article got posted on here a while back 2. Byfuglien is on an expiring contract so trading for him means we'd likely lose assets only to see him bolt unless we luck into a seller's market at the deadline but even then we aren't likely to recoup later what we'd have to give up now 3. He is 30 so re-signing him would likely mean overpaying him only to watch him decline over the course of the contract extension 4. He's a right handed shot and our hole is on the left side. Just once could we please get a square peg to put into a square hole? Please?
  11. I know, right? Whatever a man, another man, a woman, and midget wearing a bear suit do to a donkey is their gosh darn business. Where's the harm in it?
  12. I guess Cody McCormick will have more free time to babysit O'Reilly and his car keys now.
  13. The problem with me choosing for me and you choosing for you is that all the wackos get to choose for themselves as well. To be honest though it doesn't really matter either way. On a national scale gun rights aren't going to change any more than abortion rights will. These are just political side issues made on either side to keep us at odds while both parties screw us. Obama had the White House and both houses of Congress for 2 years and he didn't try to take anyone's guns. Bush had the White House and one or both houses of Congress for several years and he didn't try to ban abortion. Arguing over either is kind of pointless if we are really honest about it. Enjoy your guns. I hope the next time one of these nut jobs goes on an ape rampage that someone with a concealed carry permit does take the guy out and revent the loss of innocent life.
  14. Ok, so what's the solution? Eliminate gun free zones? Should we have cross fire between the lunch ladies and the Columbine type delinquents? How is keeping the existing gun laws in place helping matters any? From the gun crime numbers reported in other countries making assault weapons illegal seems to reduce these types of mass shootings so what would you do? Can you name any instance where a gun carrying citizen stopped one of these wackos and not a cop, retired cop, or off duty cop?
  15. I see your point on the heroin analogy but I disagree with your other point. Given the current 2nd Amendment rights in place why haven't armed citizens stopped any of these other mass shootings? They usually seem to end in the shooter killing himself or Law Enforcement taking the shooter out eventually and that's with the current "no holds barred" laws in place.
  16. Using that logic where does it end though? Can a person own land mines? Bombs? RPGs? Missiles? Surely you can't rely on the police or Uncle Sam to protect you from terrorists who want to attack us. People should be able to drop their kids off at school in a tank, who cares if it rips up the roads. Maybe I want some weaponized small pox or mustard gas to store in my bunker.
  17. Are you confident that no matter which one moves over that they'll be good enough to supplant Gorges on the left side right off the bat? To my knowledge Bogosian was tried on the left side out in Winnipeg with limited success at best, Ristolainen hasn't really played the left side to my knowledge, and Psysk hasn't even had a permanent spot in the NHL yet to this point so just penciling him in as the top option doesn't seem like a good idea.
  18. The poll results have been interesting. Seems like almost everyone expects him in the top 4. I went with the first option because I don't see anyone on our left side that would supplant him on the top pair. My question for those who think he'll be on the second pair is who exactly do you see ahead of him at LD #1? Are you convinced we are still going to sign or trade for an upgrade who isn't currently under contract? Do you believe Ristolainen or Bogosian will be moved over to the left side? Are you convinced that not only will McCabe make the team outright but he'll be slotted ahead of Gorges on the left? Do you think Psysk moves over and get slotted over Gorges? I just don't see who supplants him as the top Defenseman on the left hand side.
  19. I heard he was doing it to bring awareness to women's sandals. He's been an opponent of close toed shoes for decades now.
  20. Welcome back, man. The biggest things you missed were Ryan O'Reilly's DUI and Oduya signing with Dallas. If you're into science there's some interesting thoughts and pictures of the probe that recently went past Pluto as well.
  21. I don't think there is any possible way his punishment is this severe. There's too much precedent of other players doing similar or worse things and getting a slap on the wrist.
  22. It would be sweet if they upheld the suspension, he sues and they freeze it during the appeal, then he loses the appeal and he ends up suspended late in the s3ason or during the playoffs. that for thinking the rules don't apply to him.
  23. Nice. Thanks for the update. It'll be interesting to see the other objects it encounters. I wonder it they find some new planets that are big enough to qualify as planets (and not be lumped in with the group of dwarf planets) and if they do, if there will be any resistance to add them to the list. Apparently the main reason they booted out pluto was because it's one of a dozen or more dwarves and they didn't think the general public was capable of learning/memorize 20+ planets and it was easier to kick pluto out than to add all the new ones.
  24. Have at it, buddy. You won't see me getting butt hurt about it. I've never reported anyone for making a comment on this message board or any other.
  25. Fair enough, although to be fair my comment had to do with science as well given that it was about the location of the LHC. Moving on though. I'm interested in seeing more images of Pluto. Does anyone know if the probe is going to just orbit around everyone's favorite dwarf planet named after the cartoon dog or will it keep traveling out farther and investigate the other dwarf planets in the farthest reaches of our solar system?
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