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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. I made a plate of french fries with 3 fried eggs and some jalapeno ketchup. Poor man's feast but it's always a favorite for me. I could win the lottery and still want to eat it at least once a week.
  2. Spare me with the macho crap, buddy. Yeah my woman cooks including doing the vast majority of the grilling. She enjoys it and she's a fantastic cook. I'd rather not be outside in the sun in 90+ degree heat with a triple digit heat index when she likes to do it anyway.
  3. I like it too. It's one of the staples of my cooking on the rare occasions that I actually cook. I'd rather buy a frozen pizza than eat Domino's or Papa Johns because the quality is similar and the price is way cheaper to go with frozen. Nothing beats real pizza from a non chain place though. In my area my rule of thumb is to go to place that either references NY in some way like Brooklyn Pizza, Big Apple Pizza, or New York Pizzaria or to go to a place with an Italian name like Mario's Pizza or Lazzaria's.
  4. It's just how it goes, man. I was never one for cooking even in my single days and she always has been since long before we ever met. The crazy thing is I even watch shows like Good Eats on the food network and that Kingsford BBQ cometition on destination America as well as some of those travel shows like DDD or the one with the fat guy who takes on all the contests. I love eating the food and watching those shows then just playing segments from the dvr for my girlfriend and I ask her if she can make something like that while she rolls her eyes and adds items to the grocery list. Not a bad setup at all but if she ever wises up and leaves me I'll be back to hot dogs, spaghettios, and frozen pizza.
  5. Will do. My girlfriend does 95+% of the cooking in our house and I always think I should cook more but that's easy to say now that I'm sitting in an air conditioned office. I can't stand the summers here and our back porch isn't covered so I have no motivation to ever go outside longer than to check the mail or put the dog on her chain. I usually make it up with other chores though like dishes and laundry. I even got a lawn care service because mowing the lawn was my least favorite chore. If I ever win the lottery I'm buying a summer home in Alaska.
  6. I picked up a set of 4 of them cast aluminum grill grates from Amazon. About $90 for the set but that's cheaper than getting a new grill plus we should be able to move'em back and forth between the charcoal grill and the propane one depending on what we feel like using that particular day or I guess I could put 2 plates on each grill we have. My girlfriend does more grilling than I do, but I'll let you know how they work out. Thanks for the link/recommendation.
  7. I've seen Slipknot live a few times before whenever they toured with Slayer. I've always enjoyed their sets except whenever they play a song off that turd of a 3rd albumn they put out. It's probably been a decade since it came out and I still want my 14 bucks back from that purchase.
  8. Drunkard


    I would. Briere was awesome offensively in his prime and even though his body held up longer than Drury's, father time has taken its course on him. If I could get those guys back in their primes though I would do it in a second. Briere was just greasy. The guy was a magician about getting the puck through to where it needed to go whether it was on net or to a teammate for a slick pass.
  9. Drunkard


    At this point I only want him back if he brings Drury and a time machine with him.
  10. I'm going to invent a realistic looking white guy arm that can hang out the driver's side window of a car. I wonder how many I could sell at $20 a pop.
  11. Of course they need to stop complaining. Their complaints are drowning out his whining about not having a White Entertainment Television and how affirmative action and political correctness have made his life so difficult. All those black people need to pull themselves up by their book straps and realize that JJFiveOh is the one who is truly being discriminated against.
  12. See the post after yours. I referred to one of his posts but forgot to site the other one. Same types of crimes. Try again.
  13. You say you aren't jealous but whining about how they can do something that you supposedly can't is still jealously, even if you want to re-label it as an affront due to double standards. It's still jealousy because you either want to have what he has or you want what he has taken away. Also, your complaint is still completely unfounded to begin with because nobody is stopping you from saying whatever you want and calling groups by any name that you want. What are these repercussions you seem to be so afraid of if they aren't getting arrested or losing your job? You are free to call them whatever you want and they are free to call you whatever they want. The rest of your post is nonsense. Back earlier in this thread there was a post by TheDominator (post #12450) where he laid out statistics that showed incarceration rates for blacks vs whites and the fact that black people are between 500-600% more likely to be incarcerated for crimes than white people who commit the exact same crimes. I bet most black people would be more than willing to give up the BET channel if statistics like that were reversed.
  14. I'd probably go with shim.
  15. Relax, man. I don't care if you're PC or not. I do and say a lot of things that are not-PC and when people take exception to them, I go ahead and let them. I don't piss and whine about it and I don't try to turn myself into a victim. Your whole complaint oozes of jealously because a black man can call you whitey or some without repercussion and you can't do the same thing back without being called racist. Either that or you're just looking for something to complain about. In reality, if you're a straight white man in the United States, you've got things better than other segments of the population. As Louis CK says "white people aren't better, but being white is clearly better". I know I wouldn't want to trade places with any other group, especially if I had to go to court, deal with the police, apply for a job, go to the bank for a loan, shop in a department store, or do countless other things. The other thing is that you can be an un-PC as you want to be. Thanks to the 1st Amendment, you can say just about anything you want without fear of the government coming to lock you up, so I don't get where you feel like you can't say anything you want to. If you want to say it, go ahead and say it. Just remember that the freedom extends both ways and other people have just as much of a right to either respond in kind to your remarks and your boss has a right to -can you if he/she feels you are representing his business poorly because you're yelling at the bank teller for making you press 1 for English while wearing the Company logo on your work shirt.
  16. White people problems. Do you get pissed off when you go to the atm and have to push 1 for English too? I have a buddy like that. He tries to blame Obama until I point out that it's a private bank that decided to add this to their atms in order appeal to people that speak Spanish and get their money. The same private companies that get worshipped as job creators by people who listen to Rush Limbaugh in their trucks.
  17. I think putting Reinhart on the 3rd line with McGinn and Gionta is a complete waste of his talent and will lead to a serious lack of production. If you want him to be protected then putting him with guys like Kane and O'Reilly is a much better bet. Sure he'll be playing against better competition that way, but he'll be playing with better players too. Kane can protect him physically and Mr. Intangibles can cover up for his defensive deficiencies while he adjusts to the pro level.
  18. One of the best? Really? The guy hasn't even had to worry about fitting in a big dollar quarterback within his budgetary/cap parameters since the salary cap has been in existence. Until he does that without having to sell off half of our defense I don't see how anything he's done with respect to managing the cap is even impressive, let alone making him one of the best. Imagine how good the Packers defense could be if they didn't have to shell out big bucks for Aaron Rodgers. To be impressed by the Bills cap management so far is similar to being impressed by the Sabres current cap management given that the majority of our best players are still on ELCs.
  19. Back then people could immigrate legally for very little to no money and there was much less paperwork involved. Today it's thousands of dollars and miles of red tape, plus there are quotas that restrict the overall number of immigrants from each country that didn't exist back then.
  20. We'd still be much better off with a stud left defenseman to pair with Ristolainen so we can put Psysk and Bogosian on the 2nd pairing. At this point all we have on the left side is an inexperienced McCabe, a question mark in Gorges due to his micro fracture surgery, and some bottom pairing lefties. If Psysk get put on the top pairing on the left hand side, I hope Bogosian is paired with him and they put Ristolainen on the 2nd pairing with Gorges. I prefer young defensemen to be paired with vets until they have a few seasons under their belts.
  21. If he or Ristolainen can move to the left side they will be our top pairing this year. If we can find a stud left defenseman I think Bogosian would be even better on the 2nd pairing once Ristolainen is ready to assume the role of #1 defenseman. He gets injured a lot but so does Myers and at least Bogosian has a reason for his injuries due to his consistent physical play.
  22. Join a credit union if at all possible. I bank with Navy Federal Credit Union and they're awesome and I've got a bank account with USAA as well. I think you have to have some military affiliation to get insurance with USAA but I believe you can bank with them without having any affiliation. You can have an account open with them for just the $5 or $25 minimum (I forget) and let it sit for a decade or more and they'll never charge you a fee and it keeps your account open in case you want to use them for a lower interest loan, credit card, or whatever other services they offer. Not sure why ATM fees are so important with the way every place on the planet seems to accept credit and debit cards these days but USAA reimburses you each month for all ATM fees up to $15 or $20 or something along those lines. Also, since you are living in NC now, I should note that Cash Points ATM's don't charge you any fees regardless of what bank you use (although your bank might charge you a fee and if they do they suck). I believe Cash Points are managed by the State Employees Credit Union, which is another option if you're eligible. I think I might use an ATM maybe 3 or 4 times a year and that's basically just to go to bars. I never run tabs at a bar because I always get the feeling that they are adding drinks to my tab or some nonsense, so I just pay for my drinks and tip as I go. Laying out a good first tip usually makes the bartender see me in the crowd easier when I need a new beer later in the evening when it's more crowded as well. I follow the same concept but a lot of people seem to lack that common sense. The closest Walmart to my house did it backwards though and put the in doors on the left and the out doors on the right. Seems like they should have set it up the way they do with driving on the road but at least they have the sensors and are sliding doors so if you go to the wrong side they'll still work. Another dumb one is people waiting for an elevator that try to get on before the people who are on their floor get out of the elevator. The people on the elevator are standing where the one's waiting want to stand so it would make sense for them to get the out of the way and let them out before they try to get in.
  23. That guy should die in a fire. Even if there was nobody behind him, the person in the left lane should never drive the exact same speed as the person in the right lane. Nothing sets off my road rage more.
  24. Oh ok. I didn't know such a fine establishment even carried such swill. I'll have to bring in some reinforcements with me though, sir, because I generally don't drink light beer out of the principal that it's just diet beer under a different name (so men will purchase it). I have a handful of friends with no such conviction though that will gladly undertake the responsibility to eradicate all mass produced light beers while I focus on the mass produced regulars such as Labatt Blue, Budweiser, MGD (not the 64 stuff though) Genesee, Genny Cream Ale, and any others I drunkenly stumble across. We'll obliterate the second floor before we commence with baby eating, sir (Do you prefer General, Colonel, Commander, etc.?)
  25. Should I tailgate outside the beer garden with cans of Milwaukee's Best Ice or just meet up with everyone afterwards at the arena?
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