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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. He's only scored 20 goals once in his entire career but you're going to posit 25 goals and 60 points for him. You take his best season and expect that to be the new norm. No wonder you think his contract is worth it. If I have to guess I'd put him at closer to 18 goals. Numbers that got Drew Stafford run out of town but will have O'Reilly worshipped for his thanks to his possession numbers (I'm guessing).
  2. Intangibles and 1 single solitary season with 20 goals is not worth a $50+ million dollar contract. Especially for a guy who just watches our highly touted rookie get knocked on his ass and doesn't even give a Tyler Myers or Paul Gaustad level response. Even Kessel would have swung his purse at the guy. Alexander Semin would have bitch slapped him. That's not leadership and not what you should expected out of the highest paid player on the team.
  3. I weigh 16 ounces, I'm blonde, and sometimes I hang out in glass mugs. I thought everybody's avatar was a self portrait. You mean to tell me that wildcard isn't Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and MattPie isn't a green space alien babe? Inkman doesn't go to work, the bank, and the grocery store in Guy Fawkes mask? This is highly disappointing.
  4. It's offensive to us poor people as well.
  5. Maybe I'm just weird but I don't think I've come across many situations where a pocket knife would have come in much handy. I've got scissors in my desk at work and I've got a small toolbox in my trunk next to my jumper cables that has a utility knife in there along with various screwdrivers and a socket wrench set but that's about it and they hardly get used as it is.
  6. We had a guy like that in Ehrhoff but Murray bought him out then traded Zadorov so now we get to see a left side that consists of Gorges, McCabe, and Weber instead.
  7. He doesn't have to drop the gloves, but he needs to stick up for his teammates and show some leadership. Push the guy back, get in his face, do something. Don't just watch it happen like a bitch and twittle your thumbs or pretend it didn't happen. Exactly. Even Crosby would have done something and he's definitely not known for his toughness.
  8. Leadership like watching the guy drafted #2 overall last year getting knocked on his ass after the whistle and not even giving a Tyler Myers level response? Even Drew Stafford would have done more.
  9. This team won't sniff the ECF without seriously upgrading their LHDs. Gorges, McCabe, and Weber isn't going to get it done. They need a lefty for the top pair and for McCabe to develop into a top 4 so Gorges can move to bottom pair and Weber can be 7th.
  10. I never said I don't consider him a top line forward. He certainly is for us, at least this season, and he has been for Colorado. I don't think a forward who has broken the 20 goal plateau just one time in 5/6 seasons (depending on whether you want to count the lockout year) is worth $7.5 million dollars a year. He just isn't, especially since we already have other centers who should hopefully supplant him within the next couple of seasons. I know everyone gets a hard on for his possession stats and takeaway numbers but that shouldn't put him in the category of what he's making. And I know the next argument is that once Eichel and Reinhart are ready they can always shift him to wing, but he's not worth $7.5 million to play wing. For that kind of money for a winger we could get a player who scores goals and actually protects his teammates. In last night's game somebody on Florida just knocked Reinhart on his ass like a rag doll after the whistle and nobody did anything about it including Mr. Intangibles who just watched it happen. I bet if Kane had been on the ice there would have at least been a scuffle or some level of pushback. We'll probably lose Kane once his contract is up though because we'll have to pay Eichel, Reinhart, Girgensons, and Ristolainen non-ELC money and we're paying a king's ransom for O'Reilly 16.8 goal average (removing his lockout shortened season). We just disagree. I don't think he's worth what we're paying him or worth what we had to give up to get him. Apparently Colorado didn't either because all his recurring contract issues it was clear they had no interest in keeping him long term for the amount of money he and his agent were asking for. Just a typo. Nothing in my mouth. I probably don't get the kind of action a guy sporting a wolf and moon avatar would get, although you might want to upgrade to the 3 wolf moon so you can be awesome like these guys. http://www.amazon.com/The-Mountain-Three-Short-Sleeve/product-reviews/B002HJ377A
  11. Hillary Clinton reminds me of the female Democratic version of Mitt Romney. Just as the Republican primaries forced him to go further to the right to secure the nomination, Bernie Sanders is forcing Hillary to do the same. Unfortunately, if she secures the nomination like Romney did, I think she'll pull the same reboot nonsense that he did and then go right back to being a pro-Wall Street middle of the road centrists. Bernie Sanders has the best platform by far and he's passionate and genuine. Unfortunately he doesn't come off as Presidential because he's not very polished. That's part of what endears me to the man, but that and the whole socialist label may scare off potential voters. It's a damn shame really, but I'm still pulling for him.
  12. You could say that times 10 for the people who worship O'Reilly and his intabgibles.
  13. Yes it is but so is having a stud top pairing. We have Gorges, Weber, and McCabe on our left side at this point and even without O'Reilly we'd have plenty of center depth with Eichel, Reinhart, Girgensons, Larsson, Legwand, and even Ennis and Foligno who have played center at times in the past. Having O'Reilly is great right now to allow Eichel and Reinhart time to grow into their roles but I still hope we can trade him to a team like Toronto in a few years after our young centers have developed and we need to free up cap space to lock them and others guys up to long term contracts.
  14. Amen, sir. My windows 7 is still awesome as well. No issues with hardware, software, or security.
  15. I still regret losing Zadorov. A couple years from now O'Reilly will be redundant with all of our center depth. Hopefully we won't have a big gaping hole at LHD by then but I doubt whomever Murray gets to fill the void will be as good as Zadorov.
  16. The quick answer to your question is no, you can't. Not without total communism where the state owns and controls all resources which is definitely not what he's arguing for. However, it's kind of an unfair question though because we don't exist in a purely capitalistic system either. Business would not exist or prosper in it's current form without socialism and government intervention either. They count on public roads and bridges to transport their goods, public utilities to supply the electricity to run their plants, factories, and stores, publicly educated citizens to become their work force, public employees like police and fire fighters as well as judicial employees to protect their property and capital from things like fire and theft. They also rely heavily on Uncle Sam and the US military as a deterrent to anyone attackick their largely successful international business ventures overseas. In short, the government needs businesses to tax and businesses need government to provide things like safety infrastructure and an educated society to provide labor as well as a market for them to sell their goods and services to. One can't exist without the other. The difference is that government knows that it needs businesses but many on business are either in denial or just flat out dishonest about the need for government. The we built it nonsense is a perfect example. They built nothing without government help. You shrink and change the pie because those who have reaped the most rewards from succeeding within the system are best capable of paying back into it and keeping it viable. Instead conservatives want to kill their own host like a parasitoid by using the system all it can without paying in or paying in as little as possible where employing a symbiotic relationship would be better for all.
  17. God, reading that gives me hope.
  18. I agree. I'd prefer Sanders 10 times out of 10 rather than having to hold my nose and vote for Hillary, but if she wins the nomination then she wins the nomination and I'll end up having to vote for her over whichever Republican (I'm still afraid it's going to be Lord Douchebag Von Bush III in the end) wins the nomination. I realize she's likely to pull a Romney and pander to the base to win only to go back towards the middle to appeal to the mythical undecided voters but without Bernie in the race she wouldn't even go that far. At this point I'm voting for Sanders until he officially drops out and I'll continue to hope he somehow defeats Clinton.
  19. I'll be watching it. I suspect there will be much less confrontation than what has gone on during the Republican debates. I also think normally the D's seem much more centrist in their primaries where the R's have to pander to their base to have any chance of the nomination but I believe that the D's will be more liberal than in the past thanks to the popularity of Bernie Sanders. Hillary has already taken the $15 per hour minimum wage plank of his platform and I imagine she will continue to go further to the left in order to maintain her lead in the polls. I prefer Sanders to every other candidate but even if he doesn't win, I'll be happy if he's able to force Hillary further to the left. I'm sick of seeing the left becoming more and more centrist/conservative as the right goes further and further to the extreme and I'm hoping Bernie Sanders is that counterweight that keeps the D's from continually being dragged to the right.
  20. I would agree with this. Kane is tenacious both with and without the puck but he definitely prefers to carry the puck. I think it's a mistake to pair him with Eichel. I think he'd be better off paired with O'Reilly or even Reinhart. Eichel seems to prefer to carry the puck as well so he should be paired with a guy like Moulson who has made a career out of camping out near the net and taking advantage of playmakers on hs line. Kane O'Reilly Ennis Moulson Eichel Gionta Larrson Girgensons Reinhart (pick your center) Deslauriers Legwand Foligno Ideally I'd have Gionta as the 3rd line RW and put Reinhart with Kane and O'Reilly and Ennis with Eichel and Moulson but DB seems intent on putting Gionta in the top 6 when healthy. I don't like having 2 rookies on the same line so I'd put Reinhart on the 3rd line and pair him with Larsson and Girgensons.
  21. That may be your conflict but I imagine there are a few thousand other people in the area who would attend the game if it didn't start while the Bills were playing.
  22. They seemed to make a big mistake in having games on Sundays, especially when 3 of the 4 teams are in NFL cities. They would have been better off scheduling them for Saturdays.
  23. I didn't like the idea of playing Eichel and Reinhart together anyway so I'm glad he got bumped down but I'd prefer him staying up with the Sabres to going down to Rochester.
  24. Same here. I thought they were using a scratched up CD that was skipping until Kane scored and the same crap happened a second time.
  25. I'll play the field but guess it will be Girgensons with the primary assist from Reinhart.
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