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No sweat, man. Reading your post made me remember my knee pain clear as day and it was years ago. I joined the gym on a Monday and jogged a couple of miles before hitting some weights. Was sore the next day but figured it was normal. Tried to run on Tuesday and it was just too painful so I just did weights. By Wednesday it was still painful to jog but I gutted through it and some woman I was jogging next to told me about runners knee. Did some cursory googling and discovered that building up that muscle with the leg extension machine helped a ton and after a few weeks I was able to run with knee pain.
Sounds like runner's knee. Happened to me when I joined a gym years back and started running on a treadmill. There's a little knot looking muscle just to the inside of your knee cap that you can see more easily when your leg is straight. You need to build that up before running won't cause these types of pains in your knees. Easiest way I found to strengthen it is the leg extension machine. Once you build up that muscle you won't get those pains in your knee nearly as bad, although you're probably still better off with an elliptical, row machine, or Stairmaster since they are way lower impact on your joints in general.
The way it is now you would only owes taxes on the profit you make from the sale of the motorcycle. If you buy it for $1,500 and sell it for $2,000 you'd pay tax on the $500 in profit (sell price less your cost/tax basis) and pay it at your regular rate. If you held the bike over a year and sold it for a profit you'd pay tax at a lower long term capital gains rate. If you sold it for less than you paid you could write off the loss, but only up to the amount that you have other profits to offset this loss (you lose $500 on a bike sale but you made a $1,000 profit on a different car sale then you'd only owe taxes on $500 from the sale of the car). If you only had the $500 bike loss with no other profits to write that loss off against you get nothing, but you can carry that $500 loss over to the next year. In most cases like this though, these types of things don't get reported when it's a hobby and not a business. A person in the business of buying and selling cars, bikes, etc. will already have to track all this accounting stuff anyway, regardless of the tax code because the person owning the business will probably want to eyeball the income statements, balance sheet, etc. so they can evaluate the performance of their company.
I've got a 20 ounce bottle of Aquafina that I refill from the water cooler several times a day at work and I keep one of those Brita water pitchers in my fridge at home. It helps a ton keeping my weight stable and being a cigarette smoker it combats the dry mouth as well as encouraging me to probably drink more water than I normally would. Beer was tough for me to cut back on as well but the older I get the more I've realized the fun of getting drunk is now outweighed by the pain of dealing with hangovers. I probably only get drunk a handful of times a year now and just sit back and enjoy a couple of beers another handful of times a year. I drink whole milk but mostly only have it in cereal or when I'm eating something really sweet like cake, brownies, cookies, etc. A half gallon of milk used to always go bad on me before I could finish it but I started buying the organic stuff and it lasts like 3 times as long in the fridge as the regular stuff.
Drinking lots of water can also help you keep your weight down. I dropped about 25-30 pounds 4 or 5 years ago by eating less junk food, joining a gym, drinking more water and cutting back on beer. I cancelled my gym membership a year later and basically stopped working out other than occasionally doing some push ups or pull ups every couple weeks or so and I've still managed to keep the weight off (I went from about 195 down to about 165 and now I hover around 170). Now I still eat horribly but with the exception of coffee in the morning and the occasional beer or 12 that happens every few weeks/months I strictly drink water unless I'm eating a meal. I probably drink about 12-20 glasses of water everyday and despite my poor diet and lack of exercise (doing push ups and pull ups just often enough to avoid getting tits) my weight stays about the same. I don't think people realize how many calories you consume in fluids betweens sodas, ice tea, milk, juice, and all that stuff. I still can't bring myself to drink water with a meal but if you stick to mainly drinking water when it's not meal time it can go a long ways to keeping your weight under control, as long as you don't mind having to piss like 10 times a day.
There is no well reasoned logic to disagree with his decision. They have an issue with it because it's Obama and they are Republicans. Their love of guns falls a close 3rd behind only Jesus, baby fetuses, and tax cuts for "job creators". They don't even want to restrict the access to guns for potential terrorists on the no fly list. When loving guns trumps terrorism, you can't try to win the argument with logic.
I'd rather see him play and wave a figurative middle finger in the face of the league. The all star game sucks. There was less than a 1% chance I'd watch it before hand but if Scott plays I'll likely dvr it and watch to see if he plays based on the game day thread from this board. John Scott is the everyman in this scenario. He's the lotto winner who doesn't belong at the snobby dinner party with the upper crusties of the world, even though he's on the list because he donated to the same charity. He's ordering a PBR tallboy while the rest of the snobs look over the wine list and he's having a pizza delivered while the rest of those snooty pukes are eating pate, goat cheese, and caviar.
Sounds good. We should start that as soon as the state of Texas starts executing them.
I got it but I'm 34. You may need to change your cutoff to 30 or something.
Trade Suggestion: Johansen Traded to Preds for Seth Jones
Drunkard replied to wjag's topic in The Aud Club
Oh I agree. It never hurts to ask and if Columbus backs Tortorella over Johansen then he could definitely be moved, I'm just not sure I'm willing to pay the price and I highly doubt Ennis + gets it done. I was just curious to see what you'd be willing to give up. I think Kane is probably the best player I'd be willing to part with for him (no on Eichel, Reinhart, Ristolainen, and O'Reilly) and I'd be willing to add a sweetener but I doubt that gets it done. -
Trade Suggestion: Johansen Traded to Preds for Seth Jones
Drunkard replied to wjag's topic in The Aud Club
At what cost though? If I'm Columbus I don't trade him to Buffalo for anything less than either Reinhart or Ristolainen and if I'm Buffalo I reject those offers. Maybe there's a chance Murray can get him for a collection of lesser pieces but I doubt it. I would definitely see what the asking price is though. The fact that he's young, has a solid production history, and he's a right hander in our endless sea of southpaws in definitely intriguing. -
If there are different rates then it's not a flat tax, pure and simple. If rich and poor alike pay taxes at the same rate then it disproportionately hurts the poor more than the rich. Lotteries do hurt the poor but they aren't mandatory to participate, so I don't really have an issue with them.
A flat tax is inherently regressive in nature and it would definitely benefit the rich more than anyone else compared to the current system. To keep it to a revenue neutral rate you would be raising the rates of the poor and middle class in order to cut the rates of the wealthy to the same rates as the poor and middle class. Here's a relatively short article that explains the basics of it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/05/26/the-flat-tax-falls-flat-for-good-reasons/
Yes sir. I'm keeping 7 for as long as it functions. Hopefully by then they'll work out the kinks in 10 completely or they'll be on to their next abomination of a version. Only time will tell but I'm also sticking with 7 until I have no choice.
Yeah it's a shame what's happened this year. But since they are keeping Rex we might as well send Mario packing. I just hope we spend the money we save on his contract to upgrade the offensive line.
Windows 7 is still running like a champ on my desktop and my girlfriend's laptop. Thanks again to SFiNS for giving me the code to remove and later block the Windows 10 update. Suck it Microsoft.
I was at that show along with the one in Virginia Beach a few days earlier. Great lineup, particularly since Slipknot decided to play their heavier stuff. I still haven't forgiven them for stealing my $14 on that turd of a 3rd albumn they put out but they did a good set, even if I still believe Slayer deserved top billing.
You really can't. If you somehow manage to simplify the tax code the only thing that will keep that code simple is politicians not allowing lobbyists to buy them and create more changes and loopholes. Whether the code is simple or convoluted though can be completely independent from the flat tax vs progressive structure of the rates. My main concerns are keeping it tiered/progressive and a desire for the IRS to treat all income, whether it comes from wages or investment the same and tax it accordingly. The complexity of the tax code is a way distant 3rd priority for me and I'm still not really sure where I stand.
Damn, that sucks. I've always respected Lemmy and Motorhead in general. Caught him in Virginia and again in Buffalo a few days later a few years ago when Motorhead toured with Slayer. Great shows.
79 degrees and partly sunny. I can't complain.
That would definitely be the best way to do it. The whole idea of giving preferential treatment to money that is earned through investment vs working is wrong and does nothing but help the rich get richer. Basically all money is spent or invested unless you shove it in your mattress or bury it in the back yard. Even if you stick it in a savings account you aren't necessarily investing it but the bank is investing it on your behalf and paying you interest on it.
No sweat, man. I enjoy number crunching and want to do my best to dispel the myth that simplifying the tax code requires a flat tax. I can't stand the idea of a flat tax because it favors the wealthy at the expense of the working poor. Good to see his where his priorities lie. I hope they propose a Constitutional Amendment next to put a fetus on all coins and have a picture of Ronald Reagan and Jesus riding dinosaurs on the front of all paper currency. For the children, of course.
TBN piece on sagging attendance, enthusiasm in arena
Drunkard replied to Stoner's topic in The Aud Club
Chet and Muffy find Pizza logs offensive because their son, Preston Von Chesterfield III has a gluten allergy. If you want pizza logs you should find a Tops or better yet a gas station in the projects and cook them in their dirty microwave. -
It's really not though, and someone making $999,999 and somebody making $1 million would essentially pay the same amount of taxes. In this scenario nobody pays taxes on their first $25,000 and everyone pays 10% of each dollar they make between $25,001 and $50,000. Somebody who makes $40,000 in a year would pay $1,500 in taxes (rounding to the nearest dollar). No tax on their first $25,000 and 10% on excess ($40,000-25,001) x 10% = $14,999 x 10% = $1,499.90 or $1,500 rounded up. Somebody who makes $1.1 million would pay $305,000 in taxes with this being the breakdown. $0 in taxes on first $25,000 $2,500 on the money between $25,001 and $50,000 $7,500 on the money between $50,001 and $100,000 $30,000 on the money between $100,001 and $250,000 $225,000 on the money between $250,001 and $999,999 $40,000 on the money between $1 million and the $1.1 million this fictional taxpayer made. This is the way the system already currently is other than all the deductions, exemptions, and the fact that income of the wealthy primarily comes from capital gains which are currently taxed at lower rates than wages. You can tweak the rates and the ranges as you see fit though. In my scenario above, someone making $250,000 would pay $40,000 in taxes and somebody making $999,999 would pay $265,000. That's an effective tax rate of 16% for the guy making $250,000 and a 26.5% effective tax rate for the guy earning $999,999.
I just caught up on this thread, so I'm just going to make a blanket post to some of the things I've read playing catch up. The example that comes to mind when I think of a politician who is fiscally conservative yet socially liberal was Jesse Ventura. Unfortunately I doubt he'll enter the race. I really enjoyed the banter back and forth regarding simplifying the tax code and I have mixed feelings about it. Deductions are great but they are definitely the cause for the current codes complexity and wealthy people are way better able to take advantage of that complexity. It starts out simple then some lobbyist convinces a group of politicians to that this exemption should exist for children, and that deduction should exists for mortgages, or child care, for hospital bills, charitable donations, or renewable energy. I would assume any move to a simple code would eventually get bogged back down overtime to resemble what currently exists but that doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't be tried. Again I've got mixed feelings about it. The bigger point I'd like to make is that a simple tax code doesn't have to mean a flat tax. You could simplify the tax code down to a few pages and still have a progressive tax structure using a simple table. Total Income: Tax rate owed: $0-$25,000 0% $25,001-$50,000 10% $50,001-$100,000 15% $100,001-$250,000 20% $250,001-999,999 30% $1million and up 40% Just some figures that I rectally extracted for an example, but it could be done. A simple tax code still doesn't mean the tax rate has to be flat though. I would like all income to be counted equally though and to get rid of the lowered capital gains rate. The fact that rich people pay a lower rate on selling shares of stock than a secretary does for answering the phone or the jiffy lube guy does for changing oil is absurd.