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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. I think a good portion of the Trump support is essentially a figurative middle finger to the political establishment. Trump could likely be an unmitigated disaster, but it's also possible that his whole spiel is nothing more than a complete sideshow act and most of the stuff he says is empty rhetoric. I'm deep in the Bernie Camp but I hope Trump wins the nomination for the GOP and not just because I think it makes the Democratic ticket more likely to win because I'm not so sure that's the case anymore. Just look at the rest of the schlubs going against him: 1. Rubio - plastic ken doll complete with ken doll crotch who speaks primarily in rehearsed sound bytes 2. Cruz - grimy, sleazy, used car salesman type who nobody likes including most of those in his own party who embodies everything that is wrong with the GOP. Tea party nonsense and the desire to put the US under the Christian equivalent of Sharia law. To steal from True he has an extremely punchable face to boot. 3. Carson - brilliant doctor who has proven to be in way over his head with most political issues and who barely seems to have a pulse half the time 4. Kasich - seems like the least crazy of the bunch but his poll numbers are abysmal so there's no sense in hitching your wagons to this guy This is after the field finally narrowed down and some mostly horrible people finally dropped out like Lord Douchebag Von Birthright III, the woman who's chief accomplishment was steering a profitable printer company into a bigger and less profitable printer/computer company, an effeminate war monger, an actual libertarian who didn't call for us to let loose the dogs of war at every turn, and a big fat guy who is best known for clogging up the traffic on a bridge. I'm sure I forgot a half dozen others but their supporters left them a long time ago as well so I don't have the patience to remember the Mike Huckabee's and Rick Santorums of the GOP. They all pretty much pander to the war machine, big business, or Leviticus though in some combination.
  2. Neil DeGrasse Tyson did a small bit on his Star Talk show one episode (the one with Richard Dawkins and a Jesuit Priest) and he talked about how intricate the leap year really is. Most people assume it's just every 4 years but they had to tweak that due to overcorrections and undercorrections because of the actual time it takes to revolve around the sun. Leap years happen every 4 years except in years that are evenly divisible by 100, unless that year is also evenly divisible by 400 then it gets put back in to make up for the overcorrection of taking out the leap years that are divisible by 100. http://www.timeanddate.com/date/leapyear.html Oh I know I can look it up anytime but certain numbers I call a lot I just save into my contacts because it's easier. Every month I have to call my power company to get them to zero out my bill. I pay it online but since I have solar pv panels I have 2 accounts so I pay them the net difference between the power I use and the power I send back to the grid. For whatever reason they can't seem to figure out on their own that if I owe them $12.85 on one account and they owe me $12.85 on the other account it should be a wash but I let it go for a couple months one time and they mailed me a delinquent account/past due notice. Now I pay the bill online and call them a few days after the payment clears to get them to clear them back to zero. Yes, I could get it off the bill or google it but since I call them every month it's easier to just save the contact and call them whenever I'm on a smoke break at work or something.
  3. I've lost all my contact several times just by having to get a new phone and not having the guy or girl at the counter transfer my contacts. I manually enter the handful of family and friends I really needed and the other handful that was needed for work and left it at that. If I got a random message from a number I didn't know I'd send the reply text of Who's this? New phone with no contacts and if they replied with who and I knew who they were I'd save the contact. I just checked my phone and I currently have 49 contacts although 10-15 of those are either customer service numbers (Time Warner, Directv, Power Company, Service Desk at car dealership, etc.) or work related.
  4. My preference of candidates are now: 1. Sanders 2. Clinton 3. Trump Originally I preferred Paul out of the GOP but since he has dropped out I now prefer the sideshow to any of the other GOP choices. The Rolling Stone article and many of the other things I've read regarding Trump's past political statements make me think his campaign really is just pandering to the lowest common denominator and that he'd govern differently than he campaigns. He promotes what no other GOP candidate does in making deals and compromises and he supports a progressive income tax and evening the playing field with regards to opening insurance markets across state borders and punishing businesses who offshore jobs.
  5. From what I've read there's no way to stop any updates from automatically installing with windows 10 other than not connecting to the internet. It's part of their propaganda under the guise of security just like the US governmnt spying on everyone. I trust neither.
  6. I didn't but I've never really used 8 or 8.1 other than toying with a couple display models in walmart.
  7. My girlfriend has a new laptop that came with 10. I used it to set her up with chromecast and to install malwarebytes, hijack this, and ccleaner but that's it. It really isn't bad but my desktop and her old laptop with the busted screen still run 7 but her old one only gets used for streaming movies and sports from the internet in the living room since we leave it hooked up to the tv with a vga cable. I absolve you of your sins though, sir, and am still eternally grateful for your help in avoiding the forced update. They'll get my windows 7 from my cold dead hands! PS I don't blame you for updating from 8 or 8.1 at all either. We looked at display model laptops running those before they all started coming preloaded with 10 and that OS is just dreadful. It works like it's designed exclusively for a phone or tablet.
  8. Who got to you, man? Did Bill Gates send a henchman after your knees with a Louisville slugger? I'm not next on the list am I? Do I need to enter witness protection?
  9. I'm very left wing and would like strict gun control but realize it's not likely to happen so I focus on other battles like taxes, the economy, and the right's desire to run this country with the Christian equivalent of Sharia law.
  10. Exactly. Not to mention every other country will have precedence to demand the same thing as well through their court systems.
  11. Glad you guys are finally coming around to the make the nets bigger argument. It's the simplest way to accomplish it with no pissing and moaning about player safety. They should be wider and slightly taller so the entire bottom of the net can't be covered when they drop to their knees. That should help until the league starts recruiting basketball centers to replace their 6'4" Viking goalies with 7 foot tall black guys (and once that happens we can widen the nets again).
  12. Exactly. There are currently 13 goalies in the league that have save percentages above .920 and all of them have played at least 26 games. I imagine in this environment Hasek in his prime would probably be putting up percentages of .950 or something along those lines. Bigger nets would be the easiest fix.
  13. I think he's still telling the same jokes too. He milked those Blue Collar Comedy Tour jokes for multiple specials before I finally gave up on him. In fact, back in the late 90's early 2000's I rented some comedy video from a video store that must have been from the 80's because Ron White had long hair and a child molester mustache and he was still telling that same joke about someone stealing his radio and him having to listen to the wind for 12 hours ... rolex radio to his insurance company ... It's funny until you realize what a hack he is.
  14. A transition season isn't necessarily mandatory though, just because they seem to happen more often than not. There's nothing that says we can't improve by more than some arbitrary point total so if we finish this season at 70 we must be content with 90 points or less next season. Whether we finish this season with 65 points or 85 point has no bearing on where we'll finish next season. There's no carry over momentum or anything like that. The coaches, roster, health of the players, and how they perform next year will determine it.
  15. Yeah, it was more about teasing Dark and everyone else who is suffering PTSD from the tank. Maybe all the losing tanked my true fandom with it but I just don't see the benefits of winning these meanings games at the end of the season when were have no real shot at the playoffs. Our playoff hopes next season are completely independent of what happens this season, whether we finish with 65 point or 85 points. Yes, the remaining games would be more fun to watch if we finish with 85 points but it's still not enough for a playoff spot and I'd rather have the stud LHD or RW that's possible with a higher pick. I don't believe in momentum carrying over from one season to the next with so many months off in between.
  16. To be honest, I'm completely ok with tanking at this point, although the sarcasm in my previous post probably indicated otherwise. I want the team to be better but with the season currently 75% over and our best player (for now) being shelved for half of the remaining 25%, the trade deadline coming up, expiring contracts, some great prospects at the top of the draft and the fact that we're currently in the bottom 5, I think we'd be better off finishing closer to the bottom and hoping we luck out and get a LHD or RW that we need to draft in the top 5 or 6 in order to get. I've had enough heroic runs to 9th for one lifetime.
  17. We'll need to send GoDD out there to inspect his clavicle and evaluate his muscle tone like he's a thoroughbred horse as well. Really get in there and smell his breath. Ask his Aunt Clara if he really wore the ugly sweaters she'd send him for xmas or if he just put it on for the picture for the xmas card.
  18. It hurts more if you fight it. Just relax and let the losses shower over you. Only 22 games left. Unless we lose somebody important in camp, then just one more season after this one. But wait, I heard there's this 15 year old phenom just tearing ###### up. If we get him in 2 years, we'll really be set. Tank Forever!
  19. How else is he supposed to stave off the vampires? It's either that or sharpening all his sticks to a point.
  20. Better the postman gets his stress relief that way than shooting up the office.
  21. I see your bigger point but the President's Trophy and Cup in the same year argument is ridiculous. Only one team wins the President's Trophy every year and 15 teams that didn't win the President's Trophy make the playoffs. No matter how good that top team is the odds are with the field every single time.
  22. We just disagree. I would argue the Federal government already isn't involved enough on the issues I just stated (education, environment, abortion, and discrimination) and those were just the most blatant examples that come to mind. I didn't say the states were run by 12 year olds but they are run by idealogues that push for their own interests rather than the interests of their own citizens. All the red states who refused federal money to expand medicaid are another example. The feds pick up the full tab for 3 years and then something like 90 percent of the tab after that and these governors would rather give Obama and their poorest citizens the middle finger than to help those most in need. Maybe they do act like 12 year olds after all.
  23. In that case I would like some money please, Mr. Bobis. Just a few million dollars so I can buy some starter properties and become a slum lord or casino owner then I can brag to everyone about how I made it big through nothing but elbow grease and hard work. After all, the American Dream is easy when you're born on third base and claim to have hit a triple to get there.
  24. He made some good points in that article but I hope not. I'd rather have just about any other Charlie including Sheen, Manson, and the one from Wildcard's avatar.
  25. There's someone on twitter (no clue who but someone linked it on this site) proclaiming it's flat. The infuriating part is (s)he'll probably have 10 kids and teach them all to be as stupid as he/she is.
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