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Everything posted by Drunkard
Then you have to mix in some steroids because small potatoes make the steak look bigger.
I don't want Stamkos either but I could easily see him potting 40 playing with Reinhart, Eichel, or O'Reilly. He would be a great addition but I'd personally rather see us snag a stud defenseman to play on the left hand side with Ristolainen so we can bump Gorges and McCabe down to spots that suit them better at this point and to bump Colaiacova down to 7th dman. The best way to create depth is by upgrading at the top of the lineup (1st pair LHD in this case) so we can slide good guys down to lower positions. I like both McCabe and Psysk but if we had the depth to have them both playing on the 3rd pair next season, I feel like we could have one of the better defensive lineups in the league.
I agree that the fast food industry needs to pay their workers more but it won't raise prices as much as you seem to think it will. Labor costs in the fast food industry typically only run about 25% of revenues so raising the wages of workers shouldn't raise the cost on the menu to the point where grocery stores and farmer's markets will suddenly start being built in poor neighborhoods. Fast food will still be cheaper, more convenient, and more accessible by comparison. The changes you want need to come from the other areas I mentioned. That's not to say that once people have more money in their pocket that more people will be able to pass on fast food but I don't think it have that much of an effect overall.
Oh, God. Don't tell me you're one of those Bloomberg types. I get the problem with people's health but there are way bigger causes to this than Wendys. Start with big agriculture and the fact that corn farmers get so many subsidies that manufacturers try to stick corn into absolutely everything these days. How about the Congressmen that declared pizza a vegetable because it contains a serving of tomato sauce (likely sweetened with high fructose corn syrup). Or how about the fact that the only produce even available to purchase in some poor neighborhoods are the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions that come on a whopper. Fast food would be way down on the priority list.
As a regular eater (at least once or twice a week) of fast food I couldn't disagree with this more.
That's kind of the point isn't it? Cops and Firemen and people who currently make more than minimum wage will get pay raises as well because their employees will be forced to pay them more to compete. Why do something difficult, stressful, or dangerous for the same money when you can go work at a cigar shop or something low stress like that for the same $15 an hour? Wages for those jobs will have to rise above the new minimum wage to compensate. This does lead to prices going up but not by a factor of dollar for dollar and the net result is increased sales partially from higher prices but predominantly from the working poor and suddenly well to do middle class having more disposable income to spend and businesses (including the small businesses politicians pretend to have a hard on for) selling more products and services.
First, it would be scaled in over time and not jump from $7.25 to $15 per hour overnight. Second, minimum wage hikes have historically been good for small businesses because the benefit of their customers having more disposable income in their pockets more than offsets the increased cost of paying higher wages. The places that would likely be hurt the most by a minimum wage hike would be places like WalMart and all of the dollar stores popping up everywhere because raising the minimum wage would allow customers to actually be able to afford to shop at other places rather than buy the cheap Chinese crap those places peddle. Instead they could buy the slightly more expense Chinese crap a better store sells.
What is going on with these tech companies and the ridiculous names? Ebonics mixed with imaginary animals and bugs. Then you have the software with idiotic names like jellybean 8.8723 and candy corn or whatever nonsense. I never paid much attention to it before but it's been a while since I've had to deal with it because I use an old Samsung Galaxy S4 that was a hand me down and already came with a case (probably called something stupid like a rhino pixie wasp 7.339 but I have no idea). I guess it's good to know that way whenever I get a new phone I'll be prepared and not laugh in the guy's face when he offers me a wzup turtle shell moth case for my new phone that runs the new gingerbread splooge 3.743 operating system from android.
I'm guessing the team thinks it's a distraction and he should focus on work when he's at work. The guy was even quoted in the article stating what other job in America would allow you to bring your kid to work with you every day? I side with the team too.
Oh I understand the sentiment. If the shooting at Sandy Hook wasn't enough to galvanize Washington into gun control reform though, I don't know what would. Eventually it's just spinning wheels in the mud.
Damn straight. I'm going to corner the market on carrier pigeons. It's gonna be huuuuuuuge. I'm gonna be so rich that when Bernie Sanders starts complaining about the 1% he'll have to mention me by name. Ha ha ha! I share your sentiment. Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles and guns is such a sticky issue that it's probably better to focus energy in other places.
Unicycle or skateboard would probably work as well. Either way, don't put up with that crap. You shouldn't have to bear all the off site burden if it's part of his job description as well.
Of course he's bad now. The only reason people still like the main characters is because of emotional attachment and the fact that we've been following them for so long. A slow progression towards evil vs seeing it right from the start. How Rick is now isn't much different than how the Governor took out that unit of soldiers or anything Shane did for that matter. The difference is with the main group we are witnessing the progression instead of just seeing it from the start.
Lots of griping about physical currency today. I hardly ever use it in any form. 99% of my transactions are done through bank transfers or credit cards. Even lots of vending machines today take credit cards. Hold strong, people. Your need of any type of physical currency should go away soon enough.
I recommend those fiery doritos locos tacos.
Yep. People who compromise end up being considered weak or in the pocket of the other side. I imagine the representatives from most districts these days are more worried about losing their primary with someone from the same party than they are of losing to someone on the other side. That boils down to tons of stalemates unless there is a supermajority and nothing getting done.
I think the main problem with 3rd parties is that they traditionally are focused on a single issue because that issue is ignored by the two major parties. Once that issue builds up enough support to even begin to make that 3rd party viable then one of the 2 main parties adopts it as a plank of their platform rendering it largely useless at that point. Ideally there should be at least 4 major parties though: GOP: fiscally conservative, socially conservative (supposedly) Democrat: fiscally liberal, socially liberal (supposedly) Libertarian: fiscally conservative, socially liberal Odd duck: fiscally liberal, socially conservative (I guess to round it out they should exist out there somewhere but I've never met one)
I agree. I'll take this circus over the Futurama'esque type version of John Jackson vs Jack Johnson. There are more diverse options than usually available to choose from, even if most of the options are just plain bad.
I agree. Hillary is in the tank as much as the GOP is. Trump is crazy but he's got more of a populist message than anyone but Bernie. I just wish Sanders appealed to more than liberal whites and young people. He's getting destroyed in every state that has any significant minority population.
Exactly. The problem is this economic model is not sustainable because eventually people have little to no disposable income left and nobody can afford to buy the crap these corporations peddle. That's why there's dollar stores popping up everywhere. You know it's tough when people can't even afford to buy the Chinese crap that Walmart sells.
Not a chance. Trump will be running for his second term at that point and will be ready to name himself Emperor if he wins re-election.
You should park someplace else nearby tomorrow and bring a pogo stick into the job with you and pretend like it's your new transportation to work. Then when there's a call offsite to fix a problem at a remote location tell him he has to go because his bike is faster than your pogo stick.
But those businesses need those tax breaks and subsidies because of all of the evil government regulations imposed on them. They would never pollute to harmful levels or treat employees unfairly if they were left to their own devices. They are the altruistic job creators after all. Now bow down to your corporate masters, sir.
God, I would hope not. His binders full of women, magic underwear, and inability to read a map (something about Iran needing Syria for their route to the sea) would help him fit in with the GOP group of oddballs for sure, but he alienated 47% of the population by labeling them (us) as takers.
No, you're right.