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Everything posted by Drunkard
I don't see this show ever doing something like that because I think it would sicken people and hurt ratings but it's an interesting concept and what if scenario to contemplate given that everyone is already infected and all you have to do is die to turn as opposed to having to get bitten.
I watched that movie for an intro to speculative markets class in college. If I remember right it was based on a true story and McGregor's character bankrupted the bank that financed the Louisiana Purchase. Another good stock type movie is Boiler Room. It has the creepy dancer/bear kidnapper from Ted as the main character.
While a zombie fetus that attacks the mother from inside the womb would be awesome, I don't think she's far enough along for it to happen with Maggie. If she's not even showing then I don't think a fully or even mostly formed fetus exists yet but somebody with a medical background can speculate on that. I highly doubt Enid is a spy, I just don't think she really feels at home in Alexandria.
It may not have moved the needle for you (or me) but they also killed off Noah and several of the Alexandrians that were becoming main characters (DeAnna, the blonde chick, and her husband and kids along with Denise the previous episode). Bob also got partially eaten and later killed. I think a main character meets Negan's bat next episode as well, if for nothing else than to stave off the growing Star Trek red shirt comparisons.
I agree, but I think at least one major character ends up dead precisely for that reason. It may or may not be one of those 4 (could be Daryl but I doubt it) but it feels like every time it starts feeling like the main characters never die, they pick one of them off. If I had to guess I'd say Glenn or Abraham. We'll see in a week.
Ok. So these people who want to see games once in a while are definitely real, there just aren't enough of them around to drive the price up for you to make money or even break even. I can see that, but you claim it's a fairy tale that people might actually want to attend all or at least most of the games? I don't see that at all because if I'm not mistaken the Sabres have an actual list of people waiting for season tickets, so I'm not sure how these people are the fairy tale that you claim. Maybe they are just waiting to become the next amateur scalpers or maybe they'd rather just rather not buy your tickets. If I was on that waiting list, I wouldn't buy tickets on the secondary market either and I'd hope as few people as possible did. That way maybe the speculators would eventually get tired of the financial losses, drop their season tickets, and I could move up the list. I can see why you want that but it's really not in the interest of anyone on the waiting list at all. You want them to buy them from you to subsidize the games you want to attend and give you preference for playoff tickets but if all the scalpers succeed in that the retention rate stays high and the chances for them getting a chance at season tickets is even lower. I don't see the upside for them. The rest of the people you are banking on either can't afford season tickets or their schedule is too busy to allow them to attend enough games to make season tickets a worthwhile investment. All while the team has been a dumpster fire. Like I said earlier you'll probably be on the losing end until the team starts making the playoffs and enough people jump on the band wagon to spike demand. I just don't see why any of us should feel sorry for you losing money now or why we should cheer on your victory lap when you go back to making money eventually.
Yep. It'll be interesting to see who meets Negan's bat and how that will all shake out. I anticipate multiple casualties on both sides.
It's a fairy tale to think people might actually buy tickets with the intention of attending the game rather than re-sell them with the hopes of making a profit? Ok, but that leaves one question. If those people don't exist, then who do you think you're going to re-sell your tickets to?
No I understood him just fine, I just disagree with him and have no sympathy for his sob story. He buys season tickets to make money and attend some games for free and that keeps another potential season ticket holder on the waiting list that might actually buy season tickets to cheer for the team. It seems the NHL only cares about money so I guess it shouldn't surprise me that a portion of the fanbase does too. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it.
Whatever, man. You're the one who threw yourself a pity party in the other thread because you aren't making the killing you bragged about making pre-tank. Enjoy your price increase. I hope you lose your shirt.
Kind of like you telling me how to spend my money. You're the one who bought them. Would you buy a car you never plan to drive just for the hope you can sell it for more to someone else? That's basically what you are doing on a smaller scale but up to 41 times a season. I hope you and everyone like you loses money until you stop doing it and until the people who buy the tickets from the team do so with the intention of going to the game. In reality, you'll all probably just lose money until the team makes the playoffs again. Then you can celebrate price gouging your fellow fans because that's what the secondary market will bear. Congrats.
Not really and since I don't attend many games or even watch them on tv lately it doesn't bother me either way much anymore although it used to. I'm just pointing out the flaws in your logic. A Sabres fan already bought the tickets to begin with, assuming you amateur scalpers are fans of the team. A novel idea would be to attend the games you paid for or give up your tickets to somebody who will but I doubt that's going to happen and there's a good chance that the next person on the list is going to pull the same crap you are by trying to make money in the secondary market and attend games for free. You are free to do what you want but I'm personally glad you and every online scalper are taking a bath on ticket prices and I hope it continues even after the team gets good. Over time it may lead to less speculators and more season ticket holders actually attending games instead of trying to be an independent venture capitalist.
Ok, so let me get this straight. Sabres fans who aren't STH should buy tickets from you to games against Canadian teams so Sabres fans who are STH can sell them at a profit and attend the less popular games for free. Were you born with this sense of entitlement or did it get bred into you by yuppy parents? I thought you were an older poster, Promo, but you come off as a younger guy who thinks somebody owes you something.
Do my part for who? A billionaire's bottom line who famously said if he wanted to make money, he'd drill another gas well. Let me find my credit card. While I'm at it should I donate to Donald Trump's wall and the Catholic Church child molester defense fund? You're apparently the expert on what I should do with my money. Sorry, I live in eastern North Carolina so it's not feasible to attend games 900 miles away and I work a regular job for a living rather than choosing to play amateur ticket scalper for additional scratch. You're more than welcome to spend your money however you damn well please but don't pretend like you're participating in some noble venture by implying that I or anyone needs to do our part and buy tickets on the secondary market so you can come back on here later and brag about how many games you get to attend for free.
I thought that was one of the unalienable rights in the constitution though. Life, liberty, and the right to price gouge those evil Canadians in order to watch the Sabres lose to Columbus in November for free.
I remember reading about it on this board. I just said Sabres brass because I'm not sure who was really behind it, but I imagine Pegula's grubby meddling fingers were involved for sure. This may be just my fuzzy memory but supposedly it was Vanek who turned the offer down because he wanted to go to free agency and end up in Minnesota. Had he decided to cash in I imagine we would've gone with more a traditional rebuild rather than the scorched earth policy and multi-year tank that ensued. I still think that's the main reason Lafontaine decided to bolt (I would guess that he preferred a traditional rebuild to the tire fire that came from jettisoning just about every vet of any value and being the figurehead face of a franchise in total shambles). I think Vanek wanting off the ship was probably the deciding factor in going from rebuild to complete and total rebuild, but that's just my guess.
It's not his version of the commercial there are airing though. It's the boring monotone one of some guy reading off a script with the blue and black swirling type background.
As George Carlin put it these soft, fruity baby boomers raised an entire generation of soft, fruity kids. As a nation (educationally) we pretty much suck in every category, but our confidence level is off the charts. The sad thing is that people don't even realize it because of things like grade inflation. Getting A's is supposed to be difficult and a bonafide achievement but more and more students are getting A's they don't deserve because I assume it's easier for the teacher/professor to give higher grades than it is to face the onslaught of entitled students and their yuppy parents. After all, Chet and Muffy McBirthright are special, so it's only natural their son Preston and their daughter Penelope and above average as well. They couldn't possibly even be capable of a merely average performance, even though they are likely both dimwits that haven't learned anything. Getting a C used to be considered average but I'd imagine the average (mean, median, or mode) grade now is probably a B+ or even higher these days. Congratulations kids. You're special, just like everybody else. Time to buy some stock in Brawndo before Idiocracy actually comes to full fruition.
Remember when the Sabres brass was ready to make him the highest paid player in the league. We were lucky to dodge that bullet.
His system existed prior to Murray and Bylsma. I remember Foligno getting assigned #82 and he had planned on changing it to #17 or something like that but when he went on his scoring binge with Stffr and Ennis he decided not to change because he didn't want fans who bought his #82 jersey to feel like they wasted money.
That sucks. He was my favorite politician. Maybe his brother will run for office now. Hopefully in Murrica though so I can cast my vote for him.