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Everything posted by Drunkard

  1. The problem isn't with your last example, it's with the people who already look like the gender they identify with but just haven't had the surgery yet. So what you have now is a man who looks and dresses like a woman, takes hormones, but hasn't lopped it off having to use the men's room, and women who identify as men, taking hormones and growing facial hair with crew cuts having to use the woman's room. How is that not a recipe for disaster in say a bar in the south with drunken rednecks crawling all over the place? I live in this state and while there are plenty of open minded, progressive people there are also scores of hillbilly redneck sister fister types that could lead to harassment and physical altercations. You can't reason with some people especially when the old book of Jewish fairy tales is involved.
  2. Exactly. As Bill Maher said if you look like a dude, use the men's room, if you look like a chick, use the women's room, and if you're a bearded man in a dress, hold it until you get home.
  3. Seems like just another money grab to me, but it's not coming out of my pocket so I don't care that much. If people want to go, they'll have to pony up the cash. If not, stay home and watch it on tv and tell them to pound sand.
  4. I'm surprised you even bothered to put them through the machine. Wouldn't it be easier to give everybody A's? The whole world is above average after all, so everyone deserves straight A's and gold stars.
  5. Another reason to add to the list of why I dislike bible thumpers. Their feigned outrage and worry about protecting their kids from transgender people makes the perceived problem even worse. I think when they came up with the law they were freaking out about the idea of drag queens using the ladies room in Charlotte or something but they failed to realize that if a person identifies as a guy, dresses like a guy, and takes hormones to grow facial hair like a guy, there would logically be way fewer issues if they used the men's room. Instead they want that person to use the woman's room because that's what their birth certificate says. It makes no damn sense.
  6. I've moved around quite a bit due to my Dad serving 26+ years in the Marine Corps when I was growing up and I've moved twice within the state of NC as an adult (once for school and once for work). The biggest piece of advice I would give is to line up a job before you uproot your family. Depending on how much savings you have you don't want to incur all those expenses with no income coming in and have all the added stress of trying to find employment on top of the stress of moving. You may find yourself in a situation where you or your wife end up settling for a job that you hate because it's your best option or you manage to find a job you like but it's a long commute from where you decide to live. Commute time can vary a lot from city to city and the last thing you want to do is be forced to spend 10 hours extra per week commuting off the clock while not being there for your family as they try to adjust to their new environment. Most companies will allow interviews by phone and video conferencing and if you manage to line up a new job it could help you narrow down your home search depending on schools in that area.
  7. Agreed. She really needs to throw the left a bone and pick somebody like Sanders or Warren as her running mate or the left will not come out in full force to support her. She may still beat Trump but without a high turnout there's little chance of shifting the balance of power in the House and Senate. Not necessarily. All it could feasibly take is an attack on the US or some sort of ISIS beheading video going viral at the right time and a large swath of the population will go right back to parroting "they hate us for our freedom" and "we have to fight 'em over there so we don't have to fight 'em over here" type stuff. A ground swell of sentiment like that and Trump could easily take this. Especially if Hillary picks another chicken hawk, centrist type as a running mate.
  8. If only they would take Ted Cruz with them along with every other that tried to shut down the government over planned parenthood while still collecting a paycheck themselves.
  9. I remember those great Americans. The ones who never made a peep while George W Bush racked up massive deficits through tax cuts and starting wars he never paid for. They only started grumbling when Bush bailed out the big banks that tanked the economy. Then they screamed for fiscal responsibility about 5 minutes after Obama swore in. No double standards for those Patriots.
  10. Sweet. The only thing that would have been better is if they included a gift card to Tim Horton's with it.
  11. That's not true, sir. Everyone knows the number of pull ups these kids do is critical.
  12. We need a chickenhawk Democrat like Hillary or basically any Republican but Rand Paul so we can continue to spread freedom to the rest of the world (or at least to the countries full of brown people that coicidentently happen to have oil). Nothing says freedom like firing up the war machine and rich old men and women sending young men and women to die. Murrica!
  13. I wonder if the Leafs will still be willing to back up the Brinks truck for Stamkos now.
  14. The fix is in. Dogs and cats are living together. It's anarchy!
  15. 8 more years at almost $7 million for a 31 year old? My God that's ridiculous. I know he's good but very few defensemen age like Nick Lidstrom. Chicago is going to be up creek once their core guys start to decline. Of course they'll probably just convince the GM in Florida to take on the contract after they no longer want it.
  16. Your Canadian is showing, Inkman. You gotta tuck that thing back in. It's a beanie, at least until you travel across the Falls into the land of moose, maple syrup, and flannel.
  17. I have no idea what electronica is unless it's something like Prodigy or that techno type dance music they play at clubs. I'm a dive bar with a juke box that serves mass produced yellow corn water beers type of guy though so I've usually avoided dance clubs like the plague. I can't recommend DK enough though. I like them the way NS likes the Clash. Well maybe not that much but close.
  18. Priorities, sir. After all, what's the sense in all that fancy book learning if your football team sucks? Gotta make sure you at least qualify for one of the 75 bowl games sponsored by such and such regional chicken restaurant or foreign car company.
  19. Funny but not completely surprising. Ted Cruz and the Tea Party in general was a nightmare for Boehner to try to get anything done. I still can't believe Lindsey Graham endorsed Cruz after all the crap he said about him. I'm still in the Bernie camp even though it looks like that's all but over I'm still rooting for Trump over Cruz. The guys seems skeevy to me, even for a politician.
  20. I had no idea those guys were still together. I don't think they've put out an album since Bedtime for Democracy back in the mid 80's. I still remember Jello Biafra running for the Green Party back in 2000 when he lost to Ralph Nader. His platform consisted of two planks: abolish the military and legalize all drugs. Pretty short stump speech at the convention but entertaining. You should definitely go.
  21. Yeah, you think we'd be more in sync but I guess it's more like bickering siblings.
  22. I wasn't trying to argue. I just wanted to clarify my statements and explain them to avoid the whole straw man nonsense but anyway. Lgr, Who would you expect Murray to target through trade or free agency to help us on the back end? The consensus has seemed to be Fowler by most of us here but he's been logging a ton of ice time in the playoffs which would make me think he's unlikely to move. A better question for you though (since you seem to follow the draft prospects pretty closely) is do you think any of the defenseman in this year's class would have the ability to step into the NHL right away? I'm guessing that none of them are (or they'd be projected higher) but do you think any of them would be ready within a season? Two seasons?
  23. I didn't say the cliché wasn't true, I said it's a cliché used predominantly in football because it is. I also didn't say our offense improved more than our defense I said our forwards improved more than our blue line. This is a big distinction because forwards still play defense and defensemen still play offense. The fact that our GA went down more than our GF went up doesn't make my statement untrue. Our forwards did improve more than our blue line and upgrading the blue line should be a bigger priority than upgrading our forwards. A true #1 defenseman for the left hand side would be a welcome addition for sure, but those guys don't grow on trees and even if one comes available the price will be steep. It should be his top priority but it doesn't mean it's a guarantee that we'll find one. We may have to settle for an upgrade that isn't a bonafide #1 but still helps our roster significantly.
  24. Who uses that cliché in hockey? I always hear it for football but I've rarely (if ever) heard it used when talking about hockey. But I digress. It's obvious that our forward ranks have improved more than our blue line, but I still think one significant upgrade on the left hand side would make our entire blue line solid to good. The right side is fine with Ristolainen, Bogosian, and Psysk and I think Gorges and McCabe are good on the left provided we also get an upgrade on that side to shelter them a bit. Ristolainen, Psysk, and McCabe should all continue to improve as they add experience. Adding a guy like Fowler wouldn't have people mistaking our defense for Nashville or Chicago, but it would make them good and solid from top to bottom. Franson works fine next season as 7th dman or injury/slump replacement and we have a couple seasons to find or groom a replacement for Gorges, plus by that time McCabe and Psysk will be better known quantities with regards to where they'll slot in the defensive hierarchy and whether or not we'll need to upgrade them.
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